It's a bit embarrassing having Mrs Penguin and Mrs Fluffy Knickers as my best mates on here.
I don't know why I always attract the nutters :8855:
It's a bit embarrassing having Mrs Penguin and Mrs Fluffy Knickers as my best mates on here.
I don't know why I always attract the nutters :8855:
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this cracked me up!
Hmmm what do we nickname you now?
Any suggestions Jackie? :8855:
That's the spirit! Go hun!Scales due to weighing scales and not that I have skin like an old boot
Just wanted to make that clear for everyone cos if we all meet up some time I didn't want you to be shocked when I turn up with my supermodel looks when you're expecting an old hag :8855:
very funny. I adore heffalump... but I know you are far far prettier than that
so we now have a scaley supermodel, walks like a penguin, wearing fluffy knickers :8855:
Oh I think I mentioned to you Jackie that I am a graphic designer and I can work wonders with photoshop and after reading that comment I am SOOOOOO tempted to photoshop a penguin with scaley skin and fluffy knickers on :8855:
Haha I'm loving the big knickers :8855: