My S & S diary

So far so good lots, one litre of water and another black coffee. Hopefully that will be enough in the water stakes tonight or i will be up during the night lol
Well done that's great Hun, sounds like a good first day once your past this first week it's so much easier.
Week 1 day 2 - another good day, had bar for brekkie, shake for lunch, declined choc cake as it was someones birthday at work, came home had some cottage pie as I was out with kids and their after school activities and had a pick at some chicken and cucumber as I fancied proper teeth chewing food for a change. Now the plan for rest of evening is glug glug glug with the water.
Well done keep that going those scales are gonna be dropping :)
Week 1 day 3

Bar for brekkie, 2 coffees and a small bottle of water. Early finish on wed so came home freezing cold here today so thought try the tom soup, well most of it is still left in the bowl, defo wont be ordering that one again, the colour is off putting and the taste is rank. I guess i will be necking the water until supper time, thinking of only having 3 packs today as kids are having chicken for supper so will have some of that and veg and leave a nice shake for evening when the nibble monsters strike.
I'm not even going to attempt the tomatoe as I'd rather stick to things I know I like, chocolate :)

Well done keep going
The chicken is disgusting too oh and the veg I still have about 6 packets for "emergency"

Your doing really well :) especially turning down cake.
Well that is week 2 almost up. I have enjoyed reading all your triumphs and trepidations this week and it has been nice to see a whole lot of new members join our little band. Valentines Day saw me get a dozen red roses, gorgeous, 6 cupcakes with love hearts on them and some chocs (tut tut naughty hubby). Have to confess the cupcake I did have tasted delicious. I am not totally 100% on S&S but I would say about 85% there. I received my second delivery and I am loving the chilli, not something i would have eaten pre S&S. Have been pretty good this week at mixing it up a bit, have found it easier to have shake for brekkie rather than bar as I didnt appear to be having shakes at all at start of week. Water in take is still pants but I am off work on hols this week coming so going to get my water intake up there where it should be.

On another note maybe TMI for some but I had a bowel resection 7 years ago and since then it has left me with a diarrhoea bum most days. When i got to go I got to go kind of thing. Also had my gallbladder removed 4 years ago. Anyways to cut a long story short.... since coming on to S&S I have had normal poos, until should I say I put something in my mouth that I really shouldnt. Actually on Friday I thought I might be a tad constipated, wow havent been that in years. It has reinforced what I beleive in you are what you eat. Not sure if any of you else has found that.

The weekends are a killer for me, as all I want to do is munch munch. Have managed not bad this weekend. Took the dog for a nice long walk this afternoon, sorted one rugrat out with a brownie uniform and came home for a nap. Woke up to find we have snow, well that can pee off for next week, dont do snow and holidays. I have plans......that does not involve scrapping the car in the mornings.

So far the scales are showing a 2lb weight loss for this week, but I have til Tuesday to go for weigh in so maybe another 2lbs might find its way on there. Oh and I did my measurements last night, 9inches down woohoooooo. Most of it is off my legs and arms and 2 of my waist. Funny how my neck hasnt came down in inches as that is where I have noticed the weight loss. I saw a lady who I havent seen in about 6 years and she said oh gosh you have lost a lot of weight, which pleased me no end. I was nearly 3 stone heavier when she saw me all that time ago, It gave me a great boost.

Rambling over, hope the rest of you girlies have a fab weekend, looking forward to seeing your losses and titbits during the week.
Ok week 3 officially starts today and I have decided enough fannying around. I am either on this diet 100% or I am not. Decided that today is going to be my first day of 100%. It should have really been my 15th day of 100% but there you go still managed to loose 10lbs not sticking to it so I guess I have the motivation to say hey 10lbs half arsed, what can I really do if I go all out.

I found it easier not having first pack until 10.30 then second pack at 2.30 will have meal at 6.30 which allows me my bar at 9.00pm. I have managed 1.5 litres of water so far plus 5 cups of decaf coffee, cant taste any difference between normal coffee and decaf.

Went swimming today too, was in pool for nearly 1 1/2 hours and managed 30 lengths. Ok not going to be competing in the Olympics but that was good going. Got a game of squash planned for Thursday so will end up a sweaty betty but it might add up to a pound or two lost. Feeling very positive today.
I look forward to seeing the losses from your 100% week :)
Hellllllllllllllp I have been kidnapped. I dont know what has happened to me. I went swimming on Tuesday, played squash today (first time ever) and I bloody loved it. So much so I am booked in again for next Wednesday. Came out of there, came home picked up the pooch and took her for a walk down at the beach. Came home again, had first pack of day, went to have a nap must have been the sea air lol. Going swimming again tomorrow morning. Looking forward to going back to work next week for a rest. My thighs are a tad sore from the lunges to get the squash ball but have to say can't wait to drop another couple of stone, so I can really run about the court like a little pixie. Ok so pixie may be taking it too far but you get my drift. Oh and this is almost day 2 over at 100%
So this is week 3, day 5 and day 4 of 100%. Stepped on scales this morning and I am down 2lbs from weigh in on Tuesday. Hmmmm am I pleased not really to be honest. 100% and swimming and squash and water drinking thought I would have dropped more than 2lbs. Saying that not impressed with this water malarky, finally got my intake up yesterday and was up 3 times during the night peeing. So today I am tired and grumpy. I have 3 days til weigh in so hopefully I will drop another 2 by then so I can get my first badge. I want a damn badge, i want i want i want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will be in a right hump if I dont get one lol. God I sound like a 3 year old. Come Tuesday if my badge is missing I am going to throw myself on the kitchen floor and throw the biggest tantrum ever seen. In all seriousness tho, if I drop another 2lbs, or even if I dont 12lbs in 3 weeks is bloody good going. I am actually impressed with myself this week, as I find being at home the hardest when on this diet but I have been off on holiday all week and I have managed just fine. Ok I have kept myself busy by doing activities like squash, swimming, dog walking and reading about all you lovely ladies escapades but it has not been as tough as I thought it would be. I am looking forward to this weekend as I wont be playing with the kitchen cupboard doors saying will I, wont I kind of thing. I am glad I have had this week off work as it has really gotten me into the zone. I had cottage pie last night with cabbage, first time ever and it filled me up, so much so I didn't have my fourth pack. So necked a multi vit last night before bed. I need to make a concious effort on the veg front, as I think that is the difference between being an angel or being a devil. Roll on Tuesday. I want my weigh in over and done with then onwards and upwards to week 4. Can't believe in 3 days I am at week 4 already. It has passed really quick.
Well done, looks like you are getting into a routine now. Eating you alloted veg is a good idea and I like how it bulks out the meal packs so that my plate looks as if it contains a fairly substantial meal. Its probably also good for educating us on portion sizes too for when we are nearer to our target.

Well done too with the increased exercise, I'm sure that badge will be with you in no time!
Woke up this morning and I feel bleugh. No reason for it just bleugh. Popped on scales, even tho I tell everyone else not to lol and am 3lbs down since Tuesday. Hope to get the other 1lb off before Tuesday as that will mean I have done my tartget for Feb challenge. !stone in 3 weeks will be amazing and a great boost to continue on for March. My hubby has been offshore the last 2 weeks, and may be home middle of next week and I am hoping he notices a difference. If he doesnt I am taking him to Specsavers to get his eyes checked.
Knowing men he won't notice but don't stress about it, as it's us women who are more observant. Fingers crossed for the badge on Tuesday. If you print it off and wear it the OH might get the hint :)
Good idea BG. I will glue it to a piece of wood and bang him over the head with it