Hi all
Sarah - I let my rice cool and ate it all cold. Was so yummy!
So training is all done and I'm now a warranted police officer! Eeeeeeek! Haha! I feel absolutely exhausted now. The build up of this day has been immense and being so tense today has left me like a bag of jelly now. I think the glass of red wine has helped to relax me now ;-)
I've stuck to plan except for last night, where we had party food and drinks (food being cocktail sausages, crisps, sweets, mini rolls, chocolate fingers etc). I didn't drink any alcohol but did have some food. I wasn't able to count it but I didn't ho crazy. At the back of my mind I was thinking about being good so I managed to have some restraint. Today I've not had a lot to eat as I've felt sick with nerves but I'm sure tomorrow I'll wake up starving!
I am nervous about policing but since I've worked for the police for 6 years already, I know that if you're ever in danger, you'll have the world and his wife to back you up. Doesn't mean to say I'm not scared about potential attacks/injuries/ dangerous situations but I feel better knowing that the people I'll be working with, wont be too far away to help. Of course that doesn't help with the immediate danger as you aren't always with lots of officers, but I know that they won't too far behind me, should I get in a sticky situation ;-) I'm more scared about the public coming up to me and asking me stuff!!! They don't know that I'm brand new and shiny! They'll expect me to know what I'm talking about.... And although I've just spent all this time training, it just scratches the surface! My real learning starts now.
I'm so proud though and so so happy. My fella came along in uniform to the ceremony today along with my Mum and Dad - I was like WHOOP!!!

check me out!! Hahaha! Mega happy! xxx