Wow what a difference a few days make, Ella didnt go on her lil holiday, it got cancelled coz my mum n dad are sick so we took her to the Zoo for the day instead then i started developing horrific lower abdo pain, nausea and dizziness so looks like ive got my mum n dad's bug too so had to call in sick from work after being hunched up in a ball all night from the shooting pains and im drugged up to the eyeballs with painkillers grrr. Spent the majority of today in bed just drinking water. Not eaten any "real food" but that's mainly due to the nausea and when i had had my shakes ive been in agony for 20mins after but at least i know im getting all my vitamins and theyre staying down which is what matters so im not curled on the settee with a big duvet and my water (and laptop hehe) and my Dad's picking Ella up from nursery and staying with him til hubby finishes work ughh its not nice, just really really hope Ella doesnt end up with it because she'll be really poorly if she cant eat for a few days