My slim dream, 7stone in and 3 to go in time for christmas????

Wow what a difference a few days make, Ella didnt go on her lil holiday, it got cancelled coz my mum n dad are sick so we took her to the Zoo for the day instead then i started developing horrific lower abdo pain, nausea and dizziness so looks like ive got my mum n dad's bug too so had to call in sick from work after being hunched up in a ball all night from the shooting pains and im drugged up to the eyeballs with painkillers grrr. Spent the majority of today in bed just drinking water. Not eaten any "real food" but that's mainly due to the nausea and when i had had my shakes ive been in agony for 20mins after but at least i know im getting all my vitamins and theyre staying down which is what matters so im not curled on the settee with a big duvet and my water (and laptop hehe) and my Dad's picking Ella up from nursery and staying with him til hubby finishes work ughh its not nice, just really really hope Ella doesnt end up with it because she'll be really poorly if she cant eat for a few days :(
Sounds awful!!! I hope you feel better very quickly and that Ella doesn't get sick as well! Take care of yourselves!
Thanks Tizzy, last night wasn't much better, i was in foetal position until 5am, the weird bug has kicked off my IBS symptoms, not had any of them for over 8yrs and its taking me back to when i was first diagnosed lying on hospital bed being given IV morphine. I know ive been stressed at work but not moreso than i have been over the last few yrs, it's very annoying. Tummy's constantly gurgling and griping as if it's starving hungry but im nauseated at the same time. Having some very nice strong painkillers before bed so i'm really hoping to get some sleep tonight as i'm back at work in the morning for 12hr shift.

On the plus side i bought some smaller bras and knickers today and i tried on a dress i worse for my friends hen do 5yrs ago and i could zip it up, its very tight but i remember thinking i felt slim when i wore it all those yrs ago :) Don't think ill get in the 17s for WI next fri as WII fit says ive gained 2lbs this week which isnt surprising with all the rubbish we've eaten, have told CWP ive been struggling this week and not to expect a huge loss next week but i need to have lost 4 to be on target for my christmas goal of 100lbs. Need a big kick up the rear to get myself back into gear, its the first time in 24wks ive struggled to the point of considering giving it all up, its almost like its a psychological barrier, cant remember the last time i got below 18st, everytime i get to this point i always seem to give up. COME ON CHRISTINA GET THOSE LBS SHIFTED!!!!!
I'm so sorry you're feeling so poorly! It sounds like you're in real pain - I'm amazed you can even think of CD in that status!

It is a bit weird - it seems several people are struggling and are having difficulties snapping out of it. What surprises me a bit is that they are strong women like you who have really been rocking CD! On Yolande's diary, this is what I wrote them (sorry if you've already seen it):

All right ladies, it's official. You're scaring me! My plan was to lose the weight I gained in the US before I started Phase 2 and then hit CD again hard. And you all seem to be struggling and falling off and not focussed at all. If women as strong as you, with such marvellous weight losses, are struggling to get back on CD, I'm worried I won't be able to.

I haven't lost the US weight - I lost a bit, gained it all back and am just about managing to hang at the same weight as when I landed 2 weeks ago. This week I'm off to France for a couple of days for work, and then I'm going to finish my social catch up with everyone and next Monday I'm going ss 100%. Part of me is looking forward to it - I look forward to the structure and limitations, the control over what I eat, the decreasing numbers on the scale, my shrinking body/belly. Part of me is going to miss the "freedom" of eating what I like, but I'm not going to miss the unease/guilt when eating poor choices.

OK - we all have a last stretch to go - let's do this!!! We've come too far to not make it all the way! We are NOT failures or quitters. So - time to stop the "it's too hard" party and the "I don't want to" party and the "it tastes too good to give up" party and get back into the CD Zone. Look in the mirrors ladies - we are skinny hotties (dare I say be-atches ... or I would if I could spell it!) and we want out of these fat bodies THIS year!!!

I start ss 100% Monday. And you?
So don't quit! You will feel soo much better and have more energy and vitality for Ella and work and life if you keep going! And, of course, I would miss you and your support tremendously. :)

Get better, then get thin!
Thanks for your support Tizzy, have not been in as much pain over the last 12hours which makes a huge difference. I'm still hanging in there although was very very tempted to falter last night but i didn't, it's weird how so consuming the urge to give up is. I wont i want to feel good about myself a lot more at the minute which is keeping me going. Bought a beautiful designer dress that came yesterday in a size 18 and it fits lovely, the last dress i bought was for christmas last yr and that was a size 26, got some beautiful shoes to go with it too, just hope theyre not too high and make my feet sore.

Well had a good sleep last night thanks to getting Ella to stay in her own bed, she seems to have escaped the bug thankfully. Im in work til 9pm today, just on my lunch break and its not been too bad so far but that often changes on Friday's. Think it doesnt help at work either because lots of poor morale and people who have generally always eaten healthily are now wanting junk food and bringing snacks in and our admin team who are all size 6 go to chippy or Mc D's for lunch every day grrrrr

Hope you're having a lovely week Tizzy, with a beautiful mindset like that you're going to get to goal very soon :)
Glad to hear you're feeling better and it would be lovely to see a picture of your designer dress - wow have you dropped a lot of sizes!!! You must feel great!

Yesterday we had some decent weather and some friends and I went canoeing/kayaking. It was a wonderful day, complete with picnic and sun and good friends! In the last couple of weeks since I got back from the US, I've caught up with most of my friends - usually over meals, gone to France for work and had a lovely night out with a colleague and generally had a normal social life. Bad news is I haven't really lost the weight I gained in the US, good news is I haven't gained. Yay!

So I start CD Phase 2 tomorrow. I want to start a new thread or maybe just change the name of my current thread - will have to figure that out. Next week is going to be tough - week 1 again - getting into ketosis!

Hope you and Ella are having a wonderful weekend!!!
Oh my goodness does nothing normal happen in my life. Tizzy so very glad to hear you've had a lovely few days and are back on track starting phase 2 and those extra lbs will just melt away :) How much more do u want to lose in phase 2?

Well i ended up not going out on Sat night, my mum got rushed into hospital on Friday and has been told she's got a very inflamed liver with sepsis of the liver and gall bladder also. Theyve done blood cultres about 6 times and still cant isolate the infection and a scan today of her abdomen, liver, gall bladder and kidneys hasnt shown up where the infection is stemming from so theyre in a catch 22 by just treating the symptoms at the minute so ive been mega stressed, already accepted that i will not be losing weight or rather i wont be having a big loss when i get weighed on Friday, i'd be happy with a STS its been that bad over the last 10 days, my wii fit scales suggest ive gained 1lb but with 4 days til WI i can hopefully turn that into a STS or even a tiddly loss but on the plus side we've bought the biggest loser ultimate workout for the Kinect and set up a fitness programme on that and oh my goodness am I aching so itll be interesting to see how that works. Its gross coz it puts a 3d wobbly image of you on the screen and well suffice to say i look like a budda haha.

Other than that not a lot going on this week, im trying to keep stress lvels down and get enough sleep as i know that affects weight loss. Ella's fine, she started gymnastics today and was a bit dubious but i think she'll enjoy it when she gets used and she's in nursery now for the rest of the week.
Holy cow! It sounds like your mom is having an awful time! I hope they find the source and are able to treat it soon - yikes!

You know, dieting to get to a healthy weight is a very good thing to do - the trick is managing the rest of your life while you do it. And at the moment I think you're right - managing the stress of all this, plus keeping Ella happy and healthy, are priorities. That said, WELL DONE YOU! With all that's going on, a teeny 1lb gain is nothing and I'm sure you'll have knocked it off in 4 days. And even if you don't - well, the fact you haven't gained a lot more speaks volumes for your self-control during your stressful life situations.

Fingers crossed for your mom!
Thanks again Tizzy, its lovely seeing your positive posts. Mum's still in hospital, they've no idea where infection is stemming and made the decision to continue to treat with IV antibiotics until her liver levels are not serious and then treat with a few days oral antibiotics before she can go home, that being said theyve still got her on IV's coz her liver levels are way out still.

I did my little bit on kinect last night but im going to alternate tonight when i get in from work with a 30min wii fit session i think because im aching in places i never knew i had muscles
Hello you!

Hope you are well! So sorry to hear about your mum! Fingers crossed she is on the mend ASAP! An sounds like you've had a killer of a week with the bug! I think it's all to do with change of weather!

Please don't give up now you have come soooo far in the last 12 months! With everything that life thrown at you you have done fantastic! You should be soooo proud of yourself!

Have you taken my pictures/measurements that you could update to spur you on?

Lots a love

Katie xxxxx
Hello you!

Hope you are well! So sorry to hear about your mum! Fingers crossed she is on the mend ASAP! An sounds like you've had a killer of a week with the bug! I think it's all to do with change of weather!

Please don't give up now you have come soooo far in the last 12 months! With everything that life thrown at you you have done fantastic! You should be soooo proud of yourself!

Have you taken my pictures/measurements that you could update to spur you on?

Lots a love

Katie xxxxx

Hello you lovely to see you here, how are things going? Ive no intention of giving up, just had a rough 2 weeks that make you feel like quitting. Mum got discharged today so that's good news but she's got to have blood tests every 2 weeks and she's being followed up by consultant in 6wks time.

Well it's weigh day tomorrow and i'll see what damage has been done over the last 2wks, i have prepared CDC to not expect much but i have stuck with my exercise and the jeans i tried on 2wks ago that were v tight are now lovely and comfy and i actually have to pull them up so i cant see me being in them in say 6wks time. Im hoping i'll have lost some inches even if ive not lost weight. Ooo ooo and Ella did a wee in her potty at nursery yesterday :-D my lil girl is growing sooooooooo fast.

Ive taken pics when i got to 20st and i will when i get to 18st and then 16 and then 14 but i think i'll wait a bit longer til i post any online unless i feel super brave in a few wks time haha :)
Sounds like you're doing good! I'll be looking forward to seeing your pictures when you're ready to post them! Wonderful that your mom is doing better and Ella has gone to the potty! All things are go!

Have a great CD day! :)
Well im feeling very good today, although i should be reprimanding myself. Got weighed and STS so that tells me ive done an awful lot of work this week to undo the previous week so im happy and ive gone down another 1/2 inch off waist and hips and 1inch off thighs and 3/4 inch off arms :) Soooo that being said ive decided to help spur me on by putting up some before and now pics so i can keep myself going if i have another crappy week which is inevitable in life. So apologies coz the before ones well theres not many i own that show more than just face and arms to be honest but ive had a dig round and here's what we have:

At my heaviest:


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Then we've got a 2st loss:


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And today at 60lb loss:


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Wow! What a difference and what a long way you've come!!! I'm so impressed with you - really marvellous! You seem to stand straighter/prouder in the last couple of pix - I know you're feeling good! :)
Well its been another 2 days gone, went out for a 3mile walk yesterday with friends to a silly scarecrow festival which was incredibly boring and VERY hot but at least it was kcals burned.

At work all day til 9pm so not a lot to report, Ellas gone to grandma's with Ste for the day so at least they'll both be entertained :)