ninajw83 said:Well it would be nice to say it's the end of another week and that ive got loads planned for the bank holiday but unfortunately only got Saturday off then back in work sun and mon meepjust have to keep thinking of the pennies. Work was horrible today not my actual job but certain people ive had to deal with making things difficult grrr. No stray from the diet front but then that's old hat now it feels. Weigh in tomorrow, looking forward to that and would appreciate a 3lbs but anything is a positive step
ninajw83 said:Thanks for support ladies. Just got weighed well a few hrs ago and lost another 3lbs only 3lbs to go to 2 stone YAYYYYY i'm so thrilled. We're going out for a big treat tonight as a family, going to Pizza hut so not expecting much for WI next wk as ill be back to usual thurs/fri weigh in.
Weather has been lovely here today, im in a strappy dress ive not worn since before i was pregnant, off into town in an hr to get eyes tested and hubby and Ella both having a nap at the min. Me and Ella have had a lovely afternoon though, been painting and OMG she was covered head to toe so ended up having a bath in the afternoon, she was so confused lol and we've both still got purple fingers haha.
Had a lovely sleep last night when i finally nodded off and im hoping my shift will be changed to an early tomorrow but will have to ring work later to find out coz that'll mean i finish work at 4pm instead of 9pm so would get to c Ella for 4hrs before bed instead of not atall.
Hope everyone has a lovely day oo oo i was also thinking and i dont know if i should but I wonder if it would be possible to lose 17lbs between now and 18th June (my lil girls bday) coz then i'll have lost 3stone, think it's about 5wks away so its probably a bit too ambitious but it would be very nice hehe xx
I also got myself a little teensiest bit excited yesterday, i was working out if i continued to lose an average of 3lbs a week I could get to 14st by September/October and so i'm now starting to believe that I would definitly be there by christmas which would be AMAZING and then i could actually be at healthy bmi in time for my 30th in March
ninajw83 said:Well another uneventful day diet wise about 4l drank and still got a bar to have when i get in from work. Been verbally abused by a delightful service user today which was about the highlight of my day so roll on 9pm when i can go home then just an 8-4 tomorrow then off til Saturday.
Ooo on a weight note my jumper im in today is enormous :-D
ninajw83 said:Well Gemma it was but it was received from a drug dependant undesireable that did not like being told he needed to help himself so it hasnt caused any deep offence lol.
Home now from work and just finishing the lovely mint bar mmm yummy. Aww got home tonight to be told by hubby that Ella was ina fight today, she didnt instigate it, apparently Ella was happily playing with a toy and another kid came over and snatched it from her scratching her in face in the process poor chickenhas settled well off to sleep though and is a happy bunny otherwise
Well didnt have to be subject to anyone's rudeness today, another top i was wearing ive noticed is enormous and my trousers are soooo baggy now hubby keeps moaning at me to buy smaller ones lol.
Averted a disaster today, hubby had a bad day at work and was craving pizza and at one point i almost caved in but went for chicken and scrambled eggs instead and im still stuffed so very pleased of myself for that.
Ella's been lovley today was a giddy kipper when i picked her up from nursery but that's probably because she's not really seen me since Saturday, both got drowned in the bath and then she was fast asleep by 7pm. Not sure what we're doing tomorrow on my day off but i need to get a dent removed from my car before my new one comes oh we are making cakes at some point which i think we'll take to the nursery on Friday or hubby can take them to work were thinking of going to the sun centre in Rhyl but weather is forecast as pretty rotten and not good to take a wet lil girl out with damaged lungs so will have to see.
Had about 4l of water again today and well thats it really. Hope everyone is well xx