Regular Member
is home, knackered and has got no sky, the box aint orking so it looks like a dvd tonight and bed early. Will fill you in tomorrow with all my news, updates and weigh in.
Up and about early this morning and horrible weather, was cold and rainy (but we will have the sun back by weekend) I was debating whether to cancel my market trip when the rain stopped and I saw a bit of blue sky, so I decided to carry on (I wanted to see my friends reaction to my weight loss).
My friend did notice and also commented on me growing my hair. She asked how much weight I'd lost and what size I was wearing. I told her I was back in size 16's again which she said was great; BUT then went on and on about her recent trip to UK and how she bought tons of size 14 clothes. It kinda took the shine off my sucess so far. Was i being too sensitive or does anyone else think it was a bit mean. Or maybe she was letting me know I'm not slim like she is?
Our dog Elsa is giving us cause for concern at the moment as she is still not her usual self. I think we will be at the vets monday for an early review of her to see how things are going. We are dreading the time when we have to make the decision to do a one way visit to vets with her, but to be honest I dont think it will be a long time away if she continues to deteriorate at the rate she has been doing lately.
I will need to order myself another 2 months Exante next week to see me through to mid december, when my dieting journey should be complete.
I think I am going to spend the afternoon sorting out my wardrobe and put the size 20's away and get the smaller clothes out and have a big trying on sesh.
OH and did I tell you all I am wearing size 16 jeans today and looking good; even my hubby told me so, I do love him so much xxx
frenchfancy said:xSherrie I am so glad you are finding my ramblings inspirational and I hope that you do well on this diet. It really does change your life dramatically and even more importantly quickly; so Good Luck xxx
We were woke at 6 am this morning with our stupid dog. She had got her head stuck in the cat flap in the kitchen and was crying as she couldn't get out. I got her out easily and sent her back to bed and went back to bed myself. next we had world war 3 on our bed between the cats. All this on who could get into the warmest spot; don't you just love your animals lol. I wouldn't actually be without them but I don't like 6am wake up calls....are you listening animals????
So we are now all fed and watered and ready to go back up to the farm as we have to load all the chestnut to bring back to our place and guess what; we then have to stack it. It's a wonder I don't have nightmares about firewood.
Anyway hubby is stood tapping his feet at the front door so I better move; catch you later xxx
xSherrie I am so glad you are finding my ramblings inspirational and I hope that you do well on this diet. It really does change your life dramatically and even more importantly quickly; so Good Luck xxx