My SW diary 2017 hopefully to goal

I have done SW so many times in the past but I have never got to goal. I know this plan works and I like how healthy I feel when following it.

I am 12 stone 3lbs the heaviest I have EVER been. I'm 5 ft 5 so I 'm reaching for the size 16 jeans at the moment. I need to get back into my 14's and then 12's. I have a rail full of size 10 dresses that fit me a not that long ago. This is going to be my year I'm 42 and life shouldn't be like this .


B Toast Hex B
Jam 1.5 syns
Hex a coconut milk 600ml for coffees ( I'm dairy intolerant)

L Homemade veg, lentil and bacon soup.
Pack of snack a jacks 4.5 syns

D Chicken kebab, mountain of salad, wedges and chilli sauce.
sounds like a great start!! What is coconut milk like in tea/coffee? I'm not intolerant but it's much healthier for you I'd probably love it with cereal but can it be warmed up with porridge?
I like it it's quite creamy , not nice in tea. It's lovely on cereal but tends to split in porridge. I like Oat milk ( Oatly) in porridge the best but I'd have to syn that. Having tried almond/soy milk and the fact I love anything coconut.
I love coconut milk on it's own anyway haha, just never added to cereal, I guess if mixed in with oaks soaked in boiled water would be ok, may experiment.
This is the stuff I use give it a little shake after youve first used it because it can separate.


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not worth suffering so only option for you and diary isn't too good anyway. I love coffee, I'm trying to cut down, definitely only have morning to mid afternoon at work as I think it was keeping me up. Just got a little cafetiere to make a cup of fresh coffee, need to remember to warm milk first as not been warm enough lol.
gonna get my exercise over with now, enjoy your day
Oh thank you I will. I'm very grateful for the fact that I can't eat or drink at work only on my lunch break so that is a real saviour for my diet. Enjoy the exercise.
try to drink a pint of water with every meal as believe it or not, drinking lots of water really helps to boost weightloss!
Yes I really need to up my water I am guilty of not having enough. I have to add sugar free squash though.

B Toast, vitalite 3.0, bacon, mushrooms
Hex a coconut milk

L omelette , salad, 25g cheese ( 5 syns)
slice of malt loaf 3 syns

D Steak, SW chips , oven roast veg, mushrooms and onions. small amount of mustard 2tsps 1 syn

Total syns 11
Todays food.

B overnight oats soaked in 200 ml coconut milk ( this was lovely and will have this again with slightly less milk)
1 Tbsp maple syrup ( 2.0)

Tuna salad ( lettuce,toms,cucumber,peppers,spring onion ) , egg with some Tesco frozen mixed veg rice ( 0.5)
Black coffee
Diet vimto

Heck chicken sausages (1.5)
Jacket pot

In between 2 squares plain choc (5.0)
Some turkey
Ok I've had a really tough couple of days. My kitchen wall has been knocked down as we having having an extension built / new kitchen. I had pizza then the next day SW meal & a full bottle of wine. I had lost 2lbs but that was ruined and I put it back on. So I have taken the bull by the horns , I've reset my weigh in day to Sunday to keep me motivated over the weekends. I've stocked up on easy to prepare things whilst I'm living in kitchen hell.

Yesterday was a good day I was 100 % on plan.

B Bacon sandwich on wholemeal
600 ml coconut milk
2 tsp vitalite 3 syns

L will be a salad or jacket potato as out and about shopping

D will be something with mince. My kids won't eat onion so I might do mince and gravy for them . For me and hubby I might do chilli or bolognese but I think I might stuff a pepper and top with cheese.
Oh bless you! Try your best, it's all you can do! I have stuffed peppers loads, very comforting to eat and simple to make. I sometimes have it on a bed of rice or I guess you can do it with a little pasta also.
Lots of luck for today.
Today will be ....
hex a coconut milk

B 40g oats
200ml oatly milk 4 syns
maple syrup 2 syns.
2 plums

L chicken salad

D leftover chilli, veg , rice
Next time I go shopping I'm treating myself to a carton of coconut milk, do you buy the longlife one on the shelf or the fresh one in the fridge? Not tried longlife one yet, like the sound of chocolate one to have with porridge as a treat too but is that synned?

Love chilli! How are you today?