My Weight Loss Diary (for the last time!)

Felt a bit better today, just feel so weak. Still coughing loads and everything but my chest seems a lot better. I did have a huge dizzy do. Which scared me cause my mum suffers with Labrynthitis (an inner ear condition which makes you dizzy all the time), so I was worried I was getting that too! Lmao. I was sat on the toilet and I just thought, "This is it; this is how I am going to die (or collapse), sat on the bloody toilet!!! Wonderful!"
Anyway it passed after 10 mins and I got ready and went to see the asthma nurse!

So, she thinks it is asthma but my chest infection is compromising the results as I thought so got to monitor it for a further 2 weeks. Yay.

I never thought I'd day this but I can't bloody wait to get back on SW and make fresh food again. I'm sick of packet stuff and bread!

Anyway, just an update. Will update again tomorrow :)

Thanks for reading guys and supporting, just what I need at the minute! :)

Oh yes, the hubby is off work now too as he has started with the lurg. We are a right pair! Haha.
Ugh poor you, you really have been through the wringer this week! :( Hopefully the antibiotics will do the trick.

Thanks hun I hope so too! They best do cause my body does not agree with them at all!
Least you get some company now but I hope ur ready for the I'm a lot worse than you hahaha men

I'm really lucky I have a wonderful hubby. He would bend over backwards for me. He has looked after me so well and is the only one that can calm me down when I'm having a panic attack or feeling unwell.

I suffer with nightmares (have done forever so I'm used to them) and when I'm in a really deep sleep I will scream and scream and not wake myself and he calms me down while I'm asleep lol. I did it twice this morning apparently, he heard me from downstairs and I didn't even hear myself. (I'd taken an antihistamine, they always send me to sleep lol)

I dunno how he does it.

I'm really lucky. I'll post a picture of us.

Even though he's feeling like poo he won't let me do anything for myself. I've tried 3 times today to get up and do stuff and he won't let me.
I finally got him to come for a nap while I had a couple of hours with my mum this evening.
He's so stubborn, just like me lol!

Sorry, soppy post alert! Lol
Aww there lovely pics :) sounds like you have a gooden there . My hubby is fab to works so hard just so I can stay at home with our little girl after 6 years of trying to conceive this Ment everything to me . There are good men out there they are not all bad
Thanks guys :)

Spent quite a bit of the day back in the walk in center.
Went to Pharmacy first to see our pharmacist, as all my fingers were swollen and red and blistered and really itchy. And my eyes puffed up last night too. So he said to go straight to docs and stop taking the antibiotics.
So I went to docs but they couldn't see me (no appointments left for rest of day) so was advised to go back to the walk in center!

So ended up waiting there for about 3 hours, finally got seen and he wasn't even going to give me any more antibiotics. Said I needed to go to my own GP for that. Explained everything that had happened today, and he finally gave in and gave me some different antibiotics.

Turns out I'm allergic to pennecillin.
(I was on Co-Amoxiclav which has pennecillin in it...) So he's given me some without, and also some strong antihistamines.

Hopefully that should be it now. Take these for 7 days and get better!
Not holding my breath though!!

Anyway, been a **** day diet-wise! Ended up having KFC on the way home from Walk In Center (it's miles away from us), as we hadn't eaten all day. Nipped out at 12 thinking we would be out 1 hour max and turned into a 4 and half hour trip lol!
Had a rice box meal, yum!

Then send hubby for creme eggs lol

Oh well, I've said to myself, back on it in the morning! Porridge for brekkie etc! :)
Plus my sister has brought me down a huge tub of soup! :D thanks sis xxxxx

Sorry for the mega long posts! Have to rent somewhere haha.

Hope you are all well xxx
oh no, It's good you know your allergic as you'll avoid it in future! Poor you. Glad you enjoyed your kfc and crème egg!!
maybe start a diary today to keep you on track, lots of water to flush out all those toxins, get well soon sweetie xx
God sounds a nightmare lol least sorted now hopefully once in your system ul see improvements .

You did not well having s rice box they aren't bad are they syn wise I have the zinger one with extra corn lol. I think next time tho I would prob have the kids popcorn chicken meal as come with regular fries and order a side of sweetcorn. These are 15 syns.

Anyway your aloud a treat hardly ate the last few days. I love creme eggs wish they were less syns, found out last night that the popping candy Freddo are 4.5 so could have 2 instead would last longer lol hahA

Have a nice day x
Then send hubby for creme eggs lol
There are times when a creme egg can be a matter of life or death and sending out the hubby on a chocolate survival run in these times is totally acceptable! ;) :D
There are times when a creme egg can be a matter of life or death and sending out the hubby on a chocolate survival run in these times is totally acceptable! ;) :D

I love them so much. I hate this time of year I could just eat them all haha.
Another rubbish day diet-wise again! Well not really rubbish but not on plan either. I did have some lovely soup made by Anna though! Yum!

I have found though that I can't eat as much as I used to! So obviously my stomache is shrinking. Can't be a bad thing :) happy with that.

Also cheekily weighed myself this morning and I'm at 25 stone according to my scales. So that means I've lost over a stone. But we shall see on Wednesday!

Feeling better than I was today however I'm still really weak, no energy still and still coughing like a dog. But my allergy is going. Fingers aren't swolen anymore and are much less itchy.
Only problem is the antihistamines are sending me to sleep lol
There are times when a creme egg can be a matter of life or death and sending out the hubby on a chocolate survival run in these times is totally acceptable! ;) :D

Well said!
I bet you still have a good loss because you may not of stuck to plan but your not really having many calories are you . Fingers crossed you get your stone award on wed will be just what you need to get yourself back on track once your feeling 100 %
Glad the soup was ok :) Had fun today at the art workshop, made a couple of small canvases and as I missed Jono's birthday, I may give him one instead of a card :) I think he'll like it.
Glad the soup was ok :) Had fun today at the art workshop, made a couple of small canvases and as I missed Jono's birthday, I may give him one instead of a card :) I think he'll like it.

Oh he will love that. You will have to post a pic.
Glad you had a good day. I've done bugger all again lol
Sounds like you've had a hell of a time :( hopefully you're on the mend and sounds like maybe you've got a bonus on the scales, as they say every cloud had a silver lining!

Last year I had similar reaction with being given antibiotics it's really not nice and also my stomach just wasn't the same for ages! I increased the amount of yogurt I was having helped rather than probiotic tablets which helped with digestion etc.
Thanks for the tip jo! Xx

So today has been a lot better.

I managed to clean the bathroom, which was a victory in itself. Although I am now all shakey. But I still did it so yay.

Breakfast was some Marmite on Toast, although it was on white bread.
Lunch is a Pasta n Sauce.

Not sure what's for tea yet.

Still don't feel right but feel better than I did.