my weight loss diary-Loosing well! Even through pregnancy! Finally had baby number 2!

oooo i hope you are enjoying zumba hunni! it killed me it really did lol

i have a triumph to report today, we went to maccy ds for lunch and i had a happy meal! wooo and i was satisfied with it, and i really enjoyed the taste tbh rather than just shoveling it down. and it was only 403 cals for the meal even better! Its nice to know you dont have to completely rule these things out and me being satisfied with a childs meal is just great for me.
so happy happy today, struggling to eat all my cals though these days well i just try not to go under 1200 a day cause i think its too low.
Had an early weigh in this week, just a couple of days early because i have bought one of those pizza express meal deals from tesco :) i did my exercise this morning so should have enough cals to indulge abit. Dont think i will have any of the wine though tbh just not feeling it.
Anyway back to my weigh in, i lost 3.4lbs i am super happy with that, just goes to show that hard work pays off! woop!
Nice one 3.4 brilliant!!! Coming off well now!! How are u feeling after the accident?? Sore I expect!

Keep up the amazing weight loss and yes a bit of hard work and determination will pay off!!! Xx
thanks mspiggy :)
thanks pepshouse :) i am feeling alright, i am quite sore with my neck and back so had to visit the docs yesterday and he gave me some ibuprofen to take with the co codomol, feeling a little better today i tried to keep the exercise minimal impact on my neck and upper back so i dont feel too sore afterwoods.
I am really pleased with my loss this week i feel more motivated now too :)
I am quite amazed that i am still doing well tbh, i am going through a very very rough patch atm and usually this would be an excuse to give up, but i dont have that feeling this time, if anything it is motivating me to carry on! I am so glad i am finally feeling like i can take control and be the person i want to be even if things do go wrong sometimes, it doesnt mean i have to sabotage myself as if i give up it is only myself who i hurt! It isnt going to happen and i can honestly say it gives me so much hope for the future! :)

Well my mum and dad have taken my little girl out for the afternoon, so i thought oo i can relax maybe have a nap lol but nah i am sitting twiddling my thumbs andam bored lol sods law aye ha ha :)
am only under my calorie goal my 2 cals today first time ever hope thats okay though, i assume it would be as i should be able to eat what i am set shouldnt i? and still be okay?
i was off out for a little walk for some exercise but the blasted heavens decided to open so not going. my injurys from the car accident are quite sore so i dont want to do the wii fit today as last time i did it (saturday) i made myself quite sore and stiff so going to leave it off for today and maybe tomorrow and just try and do the walking for tomorrow and then start with the wii fit on wednesday, and then zumba on thursday and so on.
Zumba all the way baby!!!

Keep it up honey x wise decision not to exercise too much when your in pain x

Keep the weight loss going! Funny isn't it how we love people to have our children for a short while and then you end up twiddling your fingers!! I have 3 boys 13, 11 and 6!! Should be as skinny as a rake with all we do!! X

Keep smiling and hope your feeling better soon x have you heard anything about the young lad!? Are u claiming (rightfully so) off his insurance x
hey, yes we have put a claim in, they took the car away to be fixed last thursday, not heard anything yet though, i suppose it can take a while cause of ordering parts etc maybe. But yes defo claiming, we have a courtesy car which will be charged to his insurance too cause we dont know how long it will take to get our car back. Can you imagine if we hadnt claimed though i would have been left without a car as i bet his sister wasnt going to pay for us to rent one aye. Also she rang us and tried to offer us £300 for over a £1000 worth of damage so defo glad we claimed.
I have made another change, my bread, i cant get rid of bread from my diet, because i love it (maybe one day) so with me trying to make chages a few at a time, i have swapped white bread for wholemeal now.
Also have found dark chocolate, i am a real chocoholic, so i bought a big bar of bournville dark, and had 4 squares last night, and i am just going to have 4 squares for a snack in a min, i mean its only 10 cals less that milk chocolate but it has antioxidents (aparantly) and if i set myself 4 squares of milk choc and i ate them i would certainly want and have more. With the dark choc 4 squares is enough as it is so rich.
so theres another 2 changes to my lifestyle :)
Nice one x good idea the small changes aren't they! Then they soon become normal and not an inconvenience!! Good luck honey and you defo did the right thing in claiming in his insurance!! X
mother nature i hate you!

Well my totm started this morning! Soz tmi! But it really gets my goat how I crave everything junk! I have had a pub lunch with some of my fam and had fish and chips! Ha gosh I am going to try my upmost not to go over my cals today and the rest of the week even if it kills me! Stuff you mother nature!
i have set out my next few days of food on my fitness pal cause i am just losing control, today has just gone completely tits up! this happens every time mother nature pays me a visit!!! and its always when i give up for good! please please give me a kick up the ass!!! i will not i repeat will not give up this time no matter how bloody bad my stupid pmt is!!! grrrrr!
Your doing just fine!! We all struggle at times but you need to remember exactly why you want to lose no 2 etc x you will soon pit yourself right and chin up x
thanks hun, i think i find it harder with totm cause we are trying for a baby so everytime i get it its another month to wait, and we have waited so long already, i just feel like a failure as a woman tbh. :(
i am down in the dumps can you tell lol.
I have decided not to have a weigh in this week as i know i will gain with the extra water as well as not having a good couple of days food wise so i will save myself the upset i think and wait till its all settled and i have a really good week of food.
I have 3 boys age 13 11 and 6! I was overweight for all three! You are seriously doing the best for you and your chances of another baby by losing some weight, it will happen be positive! Think happy thoughts and take each day at a time!!

Hugs to you x

sorry to hear you are feeling upset, its perfectly understandable though {hugs}

I conceived 2 or my 4 children whilst don't be too hard on yourself hun. However my last baby was conceived after I lost 5 stone, i do believe weight allows conceiving to be easier/quicker..but its definately not impossible to conceive whilst carrying extra weight, so don't despair....and as you do lose weight, think of every lb loss as a step closer to a possible conception! :)

I haven't read all your diary yet, but I will! just wondering if you have tried ovulating kits?

Good luck with everything..and you are not alone with totm..grrrr! i ALWAYS feel i good easily eat a banquet.and still be hungry :)

...and remember, it is possible that 2 weeks from could be pregnant :)
Thanks a lot rose, and bekki :)
I had a blood test a few months ago to see if i was ovulating and the doc said it came back that i wasnt and she said that if i lost weight i would start ovulating again so i hope thats true as if not i guess i would have to have treatment and i think for the drug clomid you have to have a bmi of under 35 which is what i was before i fell pregnant with my little girl so we will see.
I am ok though its just totm throws my emotions all over the place but it will settle soon and i will be back into that mindset i have been in the last few weeks, i mean i am not having the best food but i am still trying to count the cals so that all i will possibly gain is water fingers crossed aye.
thanks again ladies