Day 47/100 Weight 13.5 so going down
I need to focus on that. Yesterday was a very odd day though (foodwise) Had my Sunday breakfast of a 1 egg omelette with cheese and loads of fresh veg about 10am. Then I wasn't hungry, I really didn't think about food until about 4pm when I realised I hadn't had any shakes and I really didn't want anything........ how weird is that? Not thinking at all about food? Bizarre!
Been reading a couple of books which will be very helpful I think. Becks book which is really helping me get my head in the right place. And one by Dana Carpender, How I gave up my low fat diet and lost 40lbs. Very interesting and useful. It discusses problems some people have with carbs and how the current low fat/high carb diet the medical establishment favours isn't right for everyone. It looks at some of the low carb options available and how important it is to find what's right for you. Let's face it, what I was doing before wasn't right for me cos it made me fat again!
I need to plan what I'm going to do when I finish my 100 days. I'm leaning more and more towards the low carb options. I have to accept that carbs are addictive for me, I can't just have one biscuit or one chocolate ~ I start out being moderate but then it escalates. The inevitable result is that I put weight back on, I get miserable and eat crap and put more weight back on.
Anyway, that's what I'm thinking almost halfway through my challenge.. might change later xx