Nanny Doreen
Nanny Doreen Red and Green from 25.8.19
Hope Upndown is having a good time.
Hope Upndown is having a good time.
Upndown did have a good time thank you! Hope you did too!? We left home about 11 this morning then went up the Watkin path (part way up Snowdon) we were walking for 2.5 hours - it was a lovely clear day but cold esp in the exposed places! We then had lunch and a look around some shops - then called on elderly MiL - got home about 7 pm a bit tired - but we had a good day. Here's how my food went: b: egg and bacon plus melon snack: apple l: cheese hea, bread heb, salad leaves, tomatoes, melon d: omelette, ham, lettuce, cucumber, spring onions fruit tea, water, 1 coffee, diet pepsi toffee cake 6 syns
I was going to do jelly with fruit & natural yogurt. Picked up the wrong yogurt. Tesco low fat natural is 5 syns. Bums.
Might pop to co-op and get one of theirs for 1.1/2 syns. Then the pudding will be 3 syns total and not 6.1/2.
What a fantastic day both activity and food wise! Did you intend doing an EESP Day? X
I was just looking through my old diaries. In December 2013 over 2 weeks of Christmas I put on 11lbs. Wow. O spent a whole year virtually doing nothing as regards weight loss. Every time I went to Haverhill to look after the kids I put on weight. This year after xmas I lost 1/2lb. What a difference. It seems something has happened in my head.
I will be up there for a week in Feb looking after the dog. On my own.That is different to being on my own at home. Thank goodness they have wi-fi then I can be talking to my minis friends to help me. I do know a couple of people up there so I will have to contact them for a visit. One of them owns a cafe about 20min drive away, I could go there for coffee but NONE of her delicious cakes. Am i brave enough. Samantha is a big lady and cannot understand why people want to lose weight. She could sabotage me????
Well I now know looking back on the old diaries does not really help. I will just go back a couple of months and get some ideas from them. I really don`t want to have gains at the moment.
Oh goodness, I have just looked at the clock. It is nearly 11.30 and I have not had breakfast yet. Best call it brunch.
Oh. I also want to look back on red days for a change.
Thanks for your lovely comment, Serena but, when I read back what I'd typed in, later, I felt like I was just blowing my own trumpet!!Sorry. That was unintentional!
What I was meaning to illustrate was what an amazing job it is and how rewarding it can be!
Anyway, all the best, Serena. They must have been extremely impressed with you - taking you on, even before you had the qualification in your hand!As someone else said, there were probably many other applicants for the job too. Aww, Reception! How lovely. They're so cute (and tiring, of course!). Good luck and I'll look forward to reading all about your experiences. xx
Morning Ladies, Well done in you wi's!
Thanks for the welcome Kathy,
I spoke to a good friend yesterday and she is going to join slimming world with me, so we have decided to start after my operation as then we can do some exercise together twice a week to help keep each other on track. This morning I weighed myself after being really good all week, and I've lost 4 pounds!!So chuffed!! I ate soup a lot for lunch this week. I'm going to do all week for lunch and alternate dinners with soup throughout the week! I'd like to lose a stone before the 5th February!
Have a good day Ladies x
Thank you! Yes very chuffed and motivated!
I am indeed Stacey!
Temptation of the cake: EAT IT! ENJOY IT! maybe try make the visit towards the end of your stay, then work for it! If you eat well through out the week, especially if your walking the dog to then you would deserve it! I have to think like this if I know something is coming up and Ill cave like Birthday cake... my ultimate weakness! I find if I've had the mind set I've worked for it, once I've indulged I don't feel guilty and binge more because I was to happy I had worked for it and enjoyed! lol. Bit random I have a few querky thought process' like this. Lack of will power = mind blackmaillol!
Thank you, very helpful. I am hoping I will be ok. I am in a different mind set than I was, don`t feel as hungry as I did.
Hey do I take it you are cazystacey?![]()
Upndown did have a good time thank you! Hope you did too!?
We left home about 11 this morning then went up the Watkin path (part way up Snowdon) we were walking for 2.5 hours - it was a lovely clear day but cold esp in the exposed places!
We then had lunch and a look around some shops - then called on elderly MiL - got home about 7 pm a bit tired - but we had a good day. Here's how my food went:
b: egg and bacon plus melon
snack: apple
l: cheese hea, bread heb, salad leaves, tomatoes, melon
d: minestrone soup, omelette, ham, lettuce, cucumber, spring onions
fruit tea, water, 1 coffee, diet pepsi
toffee cake 6 syns
I am impressed, what a good days food. Goodness gracious who has been a good Linda then?
Glad you had a good time.
Wow Doreen you have turned a corner - it's great that u have done that - you should feel proud of yourself and your health will benefit too!
Not sure why u think going thro diaries won't help? I get stuck in a rut sometimes and get good ideas from other people's diaries!
I think if you plan your food when u go to Haverhill you will be fine - as u say 2014 was not ur best year weight loss wise - whereas lately you've really turned a corner! If you really wanted to - you could even save syns for one of thse lovely cakes - if u thought they were worth it!xx
I think what is is about the earlier diaries, I seemed to have lots of scan bran and the same ol same ol. I think I will go into the year of diaries a bit further on and see. I was hoping I would find a few red days but got fed up looking.
You are right about Haverhill. I make a list on my phone - well it is a list that I keep - of what I have to take, like pills, charger, pillows, clothes etc. Yes clothes too, one time I was there for 4 days and only had the trousers that I had on.
As it is not too far away I will make a rough plan for food. I think as they are away I will take my halogen cooker for chicken, chips and roast spuds & veg. Good idea Linda. Precook a few meals.
There is never much in their cupboards so I reckon a nice cardboard box in the boot could be my cupboard for rice, pasta etc.
I feel hungry, I think, I am going to have a coffee and a couple of pears then bed I think. got bits to do in the morning so don`t want to be up too late
Speak tomorrow.
Yes lists are good - my family see me write so many lists they tease me that I need a list of all my lists!!
I think we all need to plan to some extent just to make sure we have the right food to stay on plan - but when we're away I think it's even more important!! I smiled at your stay with one pair of trousers! I used to travel a lot with my job and once I went on a trip without a change of undies (even tho I wd have written a list!) night night xx
How am I going to sleep now Linda, I really laughed out loud. No undies indeed.
Night night hehe xx
RECIPE: Slimming World Jelly Sweets How many does it serve? 2 How long does it take? 10 mins prep a couple of hours to set What do i need? - 2 sachets of sugar free jelly crystals (3 syns total - 1.5 each) - 1 sachet of gelatine (usual 9g packets, i used Asda's own) - Muller Light (any flavour!) - 1/2 pint of hot water - Plastic jelly mould/Ice tray/shallow glass dish ** * * * ** How many syns? 3 syns for ALL OF THEM! What do I do?* - Mix the 2 jelly sachets and the gelatine powder into the 1/2 pint of hot water and mix well (unsure no lumps!) - pour 2/3rds of the mixture into a plast jelly*mould/ ice*teay or flat glass dish. I personally use the shallow glass dish as to make sure there is still enough room for another layer of mixture. - Place your jelly in a dish in the fridge for around 20/25 minutes or until set. - Whist your jelly is setting in the fridge mix the whole muller light into the remaining*mixture and stir well again. - Once your jelly has set, pour your milky*yogurt mixture of the top of the jelly slowly and carefully. - Place in the fridge and wait till its set. Usually take a fair few hours, i left mine over night. - Cut into square or whatever shapes take your fancy. Was this the recipe of those jelly sweets xx