I'm not normally an advocate of too much hopping and off of scales as it can go against you but in this case you might have blithely carried on and had a couple of lbs ON. Instead you had a good think and turned it around and given us all food for thought as well.
So, I think she was wrong to say what she did, besides which, it was rude!!
Good for you in choosing to leave xx
I always used to keep weighing myself & decided not too. Worked week before last, but showed me the error of my ways this week. I reckon as I 2was up 2lbs Wed morning if I had carried on the same I would have put on at least 3lb. I would have said how? I stuck to plan. How many times have we heard folk say that. I am going to use this as a sign and weigh twice a week. NOT every day. I think she was shocked I left so soon as she text me later and asked if I was ok.
I hope that she was a bit more pleasant in her text! Do u think its portion size which would of led to the gain? X
Ooh well done Doreen..... we three are on a roll!xx
Ooooh that painted a weird pic in my head - yes I'm nuts (bit like u lol!) xx
Thx Bubble xxYippydidooda! Im proud of yous auntie, nanny and mum!! What a result 8lb between you! That is just wicked! Happy Friday... xxx
Oh wow brilliant losses in here!! Well done everyone, hoping I can follow your lead xx
It shows us that we can start bad and bring it back. Congratulations especially to our upndown. I know you were struggling. Well done
Thx Doreen, but reckon we all did great this week - u cut down after ur 2lb mid week gain - that took some doing to get such a good loss after that. And Linda Cloud (like ur special name for her - it's confusing with 2 Linda's) could so easily have gained all her 'bug' weight if she hadn't been so good! Perhaps I cd be Linda UnD?
I really like my consultant but I was not too pleased today.
Some of the girls were asking me how I thought I had done. I knew I had lost 3lbs, and told them what happened during the week i.e when I weighed myself Wed morning, and because I had put on I decided toi have 2 low days. Also that I had realised then my portions had grown during the course of the week. This was one of the reasons why I weighed myself.
My Consultant popped up with ---what does that tell you then -- I said that it is not enough to keep syns as they should be but that you should watch portions too. Everything in moderation. No! she says, don`t weigh yourself.
I said no more and had to leave before she came to me. I hope she got a shock. but for 1/2lb I would have been Slimmer of the Week. Eat that Jayne. Now now Doreen.
I think she was not in a good mood today and was not having a go at me just stating her opinion forcefully.
I will weigh myself a couple of times a week now. I would have been so upset if I hadn`t looked and had put on.
As we say each to his own.
Ouch that was a bit sharp! I know u like and respect ur C tho'. I think u did really well to weigh and spot that gain and sorted it pretty damn quick - well done! Hope ur C is back to her usual pleasant self next week!xx
On some kind of go cart heading downhill? Or a giant bread roll? Wholemeal of course![]()
the image in my head was more like when they roll beer barrels down hill in some of those odd events! Apologies in advance to Linda Cloud and Doreen if any offence taken - just a mixture of my odd sense of humour & an over active imagination!xx
Well done you three!!!! Think you're all Slimmers of the Week! Wahoo! Amazing!!xxx
Hahaha, I don't take offence easily and I have a pretty weird sense of humour at times too
Kinda guessed that Twinny! But thought I'd be polite for a change lol!xx
She was her usual self in the text. We are all allowed a not so good day. She really is a lovely lady.
As for Portion size Serena, yes I really do thing that was my problem. I don`t think I had sufficient superfree as the week before and I did have bigger lunches and more potatoes. They may be free but everything in moderation is the key.
There is no good staying under points if eating what may be too much. I truly believe that
The long and short is my head is in a better place and I want to lose weight. If weighing a couple of times a week helps so be it
Ooh are you doing the typed version of a telephone voice now?
It kills my girls when I'm on an 'important' call and I daren't look at them. Though they both have their phone voices too, as both had good jobs... until circumstances put those on hold.
thx AnnxxWell done on the loss Linda and Doreen x
Hadn't thought of it like that! Lol with all those posh voices running thro the family. But I just wanted to show u all I was brung up proper-like!xx
Well what a lovely lot of posts we've had today - great! Here's my food:
b: ff cherry yog and berries
l: 2 slices bread, chicken, celery, cherry toms, cucumber, spring onions, tsp mayo mixed with white vinegar
d: fresh salmon, salad similar to above, tsp sweet chilli sauce
snack: freddo, apple