Hmm, sneaks in with a wee confession, sorry to let the team down. I've been dead lazy today and home on my own.... never a good thing really, although I enjoy the time, it can often lead me to over indulge.
Didn't fancy my soup at lunchtime.... went to the cupboard to get ryvita out and a packet of crisps, full fat and a big bag, jumped into my mouth. Not content at that, it was followed by a sandwich, WITH butter.... why? I've not eaten butter for months! Oh and shamefaced, I now have to add that I have since eaten a chunky kitkat.
Why, why, why? So stupid.... I had a good loss on Friday and was feeling happy with that, as I'd not lost a significant amount for ages. Went to Mums yesterday and resisted the cake and then have totally and utterly blown it today. Have a stuffed stomach and it is actually quite painful, its not used to that amount of food in one go these days.
Serves me right.... I'm not looking for any sympathy.

Really cross with myself but can't turn the clock back. GRRRRR at myself