NannyDoreen & Upndown's daily diaries

Thanks Kathy. I don`t like it when it gets dark early. Makes the evenings too long. I keep falling asleep cause I sitting about too much. Did get some things sorted by not going out, but it feels funny not having spoken to anybody all day. Nice and peaceful though.
I have got wet washing about the house. Thought best not to leave the washing as forecast says rain for at lease next 3 days. Ugh

Thanks for the hugs Kathy.
Food for today.
Monday 13th October.

hexa milk. hexb 2 bread

B: Eggs bacon beans toast
L: M&S Lasagne (5 syns) with fresh tomatoes. Plums, Yogurt
D: 3 sainsbury sausages. (3 syns) Mash, runners, cauli and broccoli.
Frozen berries and yogurt.

total 8 syns.
Hiya. Feeling good today. Went to bed at 2am got up at 9am. So pretty good sleep. Had breakfast at 11am and have just had a couple of plums to keep sugar up.

I am not sure why I got hypo but you can have the same breakfast 2 days running, one day ok the other a hypo. Don`t happen that often. I think yesterday was down to the fact that I had not eaten before I went out. When I walked through the car park and round the store that little bit of exercise caused sugar to drop. Should have eaten before I went out but was trying to delay eating so I did not eat so much. That didn`t work yesterday :eek: Also didn`t take handbag into store, had some sugar sachets in it.

I like a coffee because it helps the fact of putting something in your mouth that water & squash don`t do. Diabetic nurse says as long as it is liquid it is ok.

We don`t mention hypos officially to diabetic nurse because `somebody` is looking into hypos with regard to driving. I know if one is about to happen so if driving I pull over.

Thanks for your concern.

Mmm, yes I wonder about LJ & CJ too. They were doing an allotment weren`t they if my memory is working.

Off to cafe now for a T and read of kindle. Gonna drive as it is pouring with rain.

Food later ladies. \enjoy rest of this day even if weather is bad. xxxxx

I'm so glad you're feeling better today Doreen. I know what you mean about the coffee making you feel more satisfied. It does give me a bit of a buzzy head though, which is why I try and limit to one a day. Its hard not knowing for sure if or when a hypo might happen but sounds like you are *usually* prepared, you just didn't take your handbag this time. Luckily that nice lady helped out until you were ok. :)

Changed my mind about going out, it is so cold and wet. Decided to sort out my sewing stuff. It gets a bit messy at times.
Reckon it is lunch time too, don`t want a repeat of yesterday

Shame about not going out because of the rain but I don't blame you. I like having a good sort out and its surprising how things get in a muddle when no one touches them hehe. I reckon we have some kind of poltergeist in our house that moves things and leaves a mess! :rolleyes:

Food for today.
Monday 13th October.

hexa milk. hexb 2 bread

B: Eggs bacon beans toast
L: M&S Lasagne (5 syns) with fresh tomatoes. Plums, Yogurt
D: 3 sainsbury sausages. (3 syns) Mash, runners, cauli and broccoli.
Frozen berries and yogurt.

total 8 syns.

Great food today. I wish I knew why somedays it is so much easier to stick to plan with relatively little thought, other days we find ourselves 'on the munch'. You're not alone, we all get an attack of the greedy monster and it doesn't necessarily take much to start it off. :eek:

Hope you're feeling ok tonight lovely and lets hope the weather is brighter for a bit again soon. I too hate the dark nights and having to have soggy washing hanging about. We do have a tumble drier in the garage but I try not to use it too much as it gobbles the electrickery! :rolleyes:
Hi - will catch up on u all in a mo - feel as if I did a lot of body magic today (altho' it's a rest day on the challenge) but it was while I was chopping veg for a veg soup for today and extra veg for 2moro to turn it into a minestrone soup, then more chopping for a skinnie lizzie sausage casserole for today and a quorn saus cass 2moro - whew!! Here's my foodage:

B: fruit salad and ff yog
L: veg soup and a pear
T: 2 low fat saus casserole with loads of veg so no need for potato or similar
Snack: apple
Syns: 3.2 - saus and 7 for ice cream - whoops half a syn over for the challenge! But really think it's better for me to use my syns cos I seem to binge if I have too few!!
Excellent day Linda! You're flying in to your second week and if you keep this up, you're going to have a brilliant loss again. Are you still finding your soup is filling you up enough. I do like to have a big bowlful lol, but then it does keep me going well, with just a fruit snack usually, in the afternoon. Like the sound of your sausage casserole. :)
Food for today.
Monday 13th October.

hexa milk. hexb 2 bread

B: Eggs bacon beans toast
L: M&S Lasagne (5 syns) with fresh tomatoes. Plums, Yogurt
D: 3 sainsbury sausages. (3 syns) Mash, runners, cauli and broccoli.
Frozen berries and yogurt.

total 8 syns.

Brilliant day Doreen - hope that means you're feeling better - perhaps I'll find another post telling us all about your day!
Excellent day Linda! You're flying in to your second week and if you keep this up, you're going to have a brilliant loss again. Are you still finding your soup is filling you up enough. I do like to have a big bowlful lol, but then it does keep me going well, with just a fruit snack usually, in the afternoon. Like the sound of your sausage casserole. :)

Thx and yes I do find a big bowl of soup fills me (another similarity between us) decided this time to use the syns to help me stick to the plan!! Think it may be a false economy to try to cut them lower than 10!
Hiya. Feeling good today. Went to bed at 2am got up at 9am. So pretty good sleep. Had breakfast at 11am and have just had a couple of plums to keep sugar up.

I am not sure why I got hypo but you can have the same breakfast 2 days running, one day ok the other a hypo. Don`t happen that often. I think yesterday was down to the fact that I had not eaten before I went out. When I walked through the car park and round the store that little bit of exercise caused sugar to drop. Should have eaten before I went out but was trying to delay eating so I did not eat so much. That didn`t work yesterday :eek: Also didn`t take handbag into store, had some sugar sachets in it.

I like a coffee because it helps the fact of putting something in your mouth that water & squash don`t do. Diabetic nurse says as long as it is liquid it is ok.

We don`t mention hypos officially to diabetic nurse because `somebody` is looking into hypos with regard to driving. I know if one is about to happen so if driving I pull over.

Thanks for your concern.

Mmm, yes I wonder about LJ & CJ too. They were doing an allotment weren`t they if my memory is working.

Off to cafe now for a T and read of kindle. Gonna drive as it is pouring with rain.

Food later ladies. \enjoy rest of this day even if weather is bad. xxxxx

I'm so glad you're feeling better - yes on the NHS website it says tea and coffee count towards their recommended 1.6 litres of water (ooh have I posted that before?)

You're welcome for my concern - we all try to support one another here don't we?

Yes LJ and CJ were looking forward to working on the allotment - maybe they've dug their way to target and the veg they grow are keeping them slim?!

Yes best to stay in on these cooler wet days! Hope you sorted your sewing box out - if so, how about coming to sort mine?
Thanks Kathy. I don`t like it when it gets dark early. Makes the evenings too long. I keep falling asleep cause I sitting about too much. Did get some things sorted by not going out, but it feels funny not having spoken to anybody all day. Nice and peaceful though.
I have got wet washing about the house. Thought best not to leave the washing as forecast says rain for at lease next 3 days. Ugh

Thanks for the hugs Kathy.

Yes the nights are drawing in and the wet weather makes it seem worse. So you've done really well to have such a good on plan day - I'd say!! xx
Wow loads of posts and likes. Smashing.
Food looking good today Upndown and yes we need syns don`t we.

I loved my food day today, and know I could not eat after 8.30 as am having a fasting blood test for diabetes at 9am tomorrow but I didn`t need to. :)
Considering I was in all day I have felt very well and have eaten on plan.

I was going to make bns/carrot soup tomorrow but DIL has asked me to go to their place Wednesday 24hrs after arranging Friday. Don`t be confused - I am - cause it was Wednesday before it was Friday in the first place. :banghead:Good job I love them so.

It is Faye`s 10th birthday so it will be good to see her on the day. I was taking a couple of her friends from here on Friday but one of the mums from here doing it now.

So when back from the blood test will have to pack so I can get away 1st thing Wed. Will have to take more clothes because of the weather being so bad. DIL has a tumble dryer but it is still in my spare bedroom. :rolleyes:

Don`t know if I have mentioned it before but the children changed schools today. I guessed Faye would be ok and she was. As for Flynn, I am so proud of him. They let Mum stay in the classroom for a short time. The teacher - a man - asked Flynn if he wanted to be his monitor for the day and Flynn was so pleased. His first job was to take the register to the office. He was so proud. When Mum picked him up t-time he said he lloved it. I am so relieved as I was a little concerned.

I have gone on again. Don`t even remember if I was supposed to be answering any posts but they are on the previous page and I can`t see them from here.

Anyway, cannot have a bedtime coffee so will have to have bedtime water. Night all. Let us all have a good food day tomorrow. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Wow loads of posts and likes. Smashing.
Food looking good today Upndown and yes we need syns don`t we.
I loved my food day today, and know I could not eat after 8.30 as am having a fasting blood test for diabetes at 9am tomorrow.
Considering I was in all day I have felt very well and have eaten on plan.

Yes u've done really well today and u sound more cheery - which is really good to hear!

I forgot to say earlier that I'd lost 3.5lbs this week - such arelief - I've been in the wilderness for so long!
P.S. Good luck with the rest of your soup challenge too everyone. I do know I could not have stuck to that.

Cloudy thoughts on coffee. When I found out I was diabetic some years ago I stopped drinking coffee because of the sugar. I did not know at the time you could get sweeteners. Apparently I was really grumpy for more than a week because my body was missing it. It seems that I have an intolerence to it. Then I found Canderel and started drinking it again. The first couple gave me a funny head, but not for long. I am glad as I love coffee. Too much tea makes my tummy uncomfortable.

Best get to bed with my water. Night all.
Yes u've done really well today and u sound more cheery - which is really good to hear!

I forgot to say earlier that I'd lost 3.5lbs this week - such a relief - I've been in the wilderness for so long!

I am soo pleased for you Upndown. That is a brilliant loss. Well done. Gold star for you,.:hug99: Can`t find a star, have a hug instead.
Wow loads of posts and likes. Smashing.
Food looking good today Upndown and yes we need syns don`t we.

I loved my food day today, and know I could not eat after 8.30 as am having a fasting blood test for diabetes at 9am tomorrow but I didn`t need to. :)
Considering I was in all day I have felt very well and have eaten on plan.

I was going to make bns/carrot soup tomorrow but DIL has asked me to go to their place Wednesday 24hrs after arranging Friday. Don`t be confused - I am - cause it was Wednesday before it was Friday in the first place. :banghead:Good job I love them so.

It is Faye`s 10th birthday so it will be good to see her on the day. I was taking a couple of her friends from here on Friday but one of the mums from here doing it now.

So when back from the blood test will have to pack so I can get away 1st thing Wed. Will have to take more clothes because of the weather being so bad. DIL has a tumble dryer but it is still in my spare bedroom. :rolleyes:

Don`t know if I have mentioned it before but the children changed schools today. I guessed Faye would be ok and she was. As for Flynn, I am so proud of him. They let Mum stay in the classroom for a short time. The teacher - a man - asked Flynn if he wanted to be his monitor for the day and Flynn was so pleased. His first job was to take the register to the office. He was so proud. When Mum picked him up t-time he said he lloved it. I am so relieved as I was a little concerned.

I have gone on again. Don`t even remember if I was supposed to be answering any posts but they are on the previous page and I can`t see them from here.

Anyway, cannot have a bedtime coffee so will have to have bedtime water. Night all. Let us all have a good food day tomorrow. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I was in bed and tired when I read this post and just noticed I didn't respond very well - sorry! Yes our children can drive us nuts with child are arrangements can't they?

Hope ur blood test result is as it shd be. You're not the only one who's storing bulky things for others - periodically I ask if they really still want it or can we get rid - answer always is to keep it!

yes I can imagine it was a concern when the children we're changing school - but great they coped so well esp Flynn by the sound of it!

Stay strong as u have been Doreen and u'll have a good loss this week!
I am soo pleased for you Upndown. That is a brilliant loss. Well done. Gold star for you,.:hug99: Can`t find a star, have a hug instead.

Thx Doreen - Always nice to have a hug - I'd give u one back but can't get the full range of pictures on this iPad so here's a smile and a wink! Flipping heck this thing won't even let me do that this morning - anyway - I'm sending an invisible hug over the internet! X
P.S. Good luck with the rest of your soup challenge too everyone. I do know I could not have stuck to that.

Cloudy thoughts on coffee. When I found out I was diabetic some years ago I stopped drinking coffee because of the sugar. I did not know at the time you could get sweeteners. Apparently I was really grumpy for more than a week because my body was missing it. It seems that I have an intolerence to it. Then I found Canderel and started drinking it again. The first couple gave me a funny head, but not for long. I am glad as I love coffee. Too much tea makes my tummy uncomfortable.

Best get to bed with my water. Night all.

Hope u had a good night's rest x
Thx Doreen - Always nice to have a hug - I'd give u one back but can't get the full range of pictures on this iPad so here's a smile and a wink! Flipping heck this thing won't even let me do that this morning - anyway - I'm sending an invisible hug over the internet! X

Here it is, I caught it. :bighug:

Have just been out and bought a towelling thingy for Flynn. I always get them something on each others birthdays. I got the thingy cause that is what mum suggested. When I got back she said or maybe the helicoptor in Argos. Grrrr Silly lady is so stressed with life she changes her mind every hour or so. He can have the helicoptor towards his birthday next month. Will have a word with Flynn over the next couple of days. ;)

You know I do feel a lot better I just hope DIL don`t have too much stress when I get there tomorrow. I know, I will take the dog out. Good idea Dor.

Seriously she does have a lot going on in her life and she is still off work. A couple of things have changed in relation to birthday friends and she does not cope very well when things don`t work out as she wants.. Just like her mum - unfortunately.
It is surprising really as she is a police officer and deals with all sorts at work.

Good job I love her eh?
Gonna post my food now as will probably be busy later.

Tuesday 14th October

Hexa milk. hexb toast

B: eggs bacon & baked beans, toast

L: Turkey Stew & broccoli.

D: M&S Lasagne (5syns) with runner beans
Plums & pineapple.

If I stick to this 5 syns for the day.