Thanks to both of you for your best wishes!
I don't know about the medication - I was told to take it only when cold rather than 3 times a day per box instructions. Took one yesterday & one so far today. Both times I've come over all hot but yesterday was shifting boxes & today I went out shopping at lunch & did loads of walking so still unsure whether it's exercise or the tablets. Also had major migraine & went to bed at 9.30 last night, not sure if that's linked but also think my eyes need testing as I've had lots recently! (Got a sandwich while I was out too, fully intended to have tetra & fully ignored it for the 3rd day in a row!)
Well weight all over the place; end last week was down again to 11,4 then ate rubbish all weekend & Dad made veg lasagne - lashings of cheese etc. & was back to 11,6 yesterday, then 11,5 today. Oh dear! Will try & rein it back a bit!
Am happy 'cos my Keane concert CD arrived today apparently, the 1st one got "lost"/stolen in the post & it's now been more than a month of me chasing to finally get a copy...
Better do some work since I've technically had my lunch break!
Love xxx