Thank you, thank you, thank you Anja!!!
What a lovely surprise to come home to and such a generous present - I shall enjoy spending those, hmmm... let me think where I could go shopping.....
Hope all is ok, glad you spoke to your Dad re the IR thing and it didn't provoke too much aggro, hopefully you can get it sorted over the break!
I'm starting my hols tomorrow - yippee almost 2 weeks off - just germinating a cold (or tonsillitis) in time for it to hit the minute I break up - typical. One good thing about feeling rough is I'm not quite so interested in food!
Hope to finish work lunchtime at the latest tomorrow and then nip to bank, see a couple of clients then collect the boy from Supercamps party and then home to vegetate - or prep for decorating! Had some free time yesterday after course finished as he was taken to see Flushed Away (again) and sad sack that I am - I spent it in B&Q and Tesco - wow don't I know how to party?
Had to go to Tesco again today - not fun - getting very busy but anyway, apart from meat which is being delivered by butcher tomorrow, don't have to do anything else except deliver the odd present and cards around village. Was very restrained for me and didn't buy choc, pickled onions, mayonnaise, bread, biscuits, crisps, ice cream, chocolate flavoured squirty mousse (tip back head, open mouth and squirt until all gone - not one of my most sensible purchases
) etc - basically steered clear of quite a few poor nutrition choices - pretty much a first for me - I'm working on the premise that if I don't buy it I can't eat it (unless my family supply it on my visits there
Right, going to have a wee sort out downstairs, put on some washing, and see what I can do to soothe my flippin' wisdom teeth that are bothering me now - another help in the "not being inclined to eat" mood - sore teeth and gums - no wonder babies cry when they teethe - it s0dding hurts!
Oooh - forgot to say. at the end of the course yesterday we were given complimentary polo shirts and I'm wearinga SMALL - ok an American small - but me - small - wahayyyyyyy - floated out of that laboratory.......
Will be on tomorrow evening - hope you have a good day/work party etc,
Much love,
Hiya Irene - love you loads xxxxxxxxxxxx