Need to be careful forever Attn: AKB

Congratulations. An excellent mark

So pleased that neither you nor your son was hurt. But it is so annoying that you are suffering when it wasn't your fault. Cat's car was written off when it was broken into and the amount she was given wasn't enough to replace it with something similar.
Irene xx
Right... the pre-holiday restart has started.
First day done yesterday, today is second day and fine so far. Getting some cravings & feeling rough enough that I took today off work, tut tut! It WILL be worth it. Some of my 12s had started to get tight or stop fitting and I refuse to go back up a size no matter what. Was actually 12,2 yesterday morning, 12,0 this morning so back in the 11s tomorrow.
Fourth day of restart 22/02/07 down 5lbs to 11,11. Aqua aerobics tonight, feeling slightly better as have been quite rough, days 2 & occasionally day 3...

Only 5lbs to go to pre-Christmas weight...
Only 15lbs to go to lowest low of 10,10...
Only 25lbs to go to first target of 10 stone...

Oh dear!:(
Oh no, oh no, oh no!

Have just put a new ticker on as my normal ticker site is down for a while & my backward slide has slid me back into obese!

Why oh why do short people have to be so tiny to have a normal bmi!?

Trauma in our family. I'm going to be an auntie.

Don't congratulate me. My parents are very, very upset. My brother seems possibly to be happy despite loathing all children all his life, (hard to tell as we can't get him separately to talk to, a bit late now anyway!) He's been dating this girl 9 years & engaged since 2000 but they went through some times where my brother loathed her and I'm pretty sure was seeing someone else. Every time he tried to break up with her she would cry and drive home. She manipulated him & wore him down. They moved into a rented house last January and we've been waiting praying that this wouldn't happen. My mum is Christian and is very upset that they won't be married but since she doesn't particularly like the girl or think she's right for him so doesn't like the idea of that either so who knows? My brother only earns about 18 grand (he's 28) so with rent, commuting to London, food & bills I really don't see how he can possibly afford this. My dad can see a future of being asked to help with money and after they got off the phone last night it was like a wake. Desolation, foreboding, fear and despair. I think he's made a huge mistake.

She spent the first couple of years gradually sliding him further & further under the thumb until he resented her as he had no right to do anything, then he spent a long time angry, avoiding her, working late to not see her, congratulating himself on only having seen her once in a fortnight etc. and trying to stretch it out as long as possible before he had to see her again. His mobile stopped working, I lent him a spare of mine and when I got it back it had lots of messages of love & devotion from another girl on it. He was trying to dump her for months but she hung up or ran home crying and it never happened. Finally about 2 years ago it started to get better but was still quite tentative for a long time. She eased off because he refused to take being under the thumb. Finally about 9 years after their relationship started they moved into a rented house last January and then moved again a few weeks ago as their contract had finished. They have short memories where unfortunately we can't get past her terrible family and remember the bad days. I actually cried after they hung up because he's ruined his life. (her family throw things at each other in arguments, her younger sister was married, divorced & a mother by 16, her older brother had a kid, got married, borrowed an £8000 bankloan from her to pay for his wedding as he couldn't get credit then found his new wife was sleeping with the lodger and threw them both out & stopped paying her back. It's like a soap opera in their house & my parents want nothing to do with them. Her mother got breast cancer, FINALLY stopped smoking and then started again and my brother reeks every time he comes home from there you can smell him coming... What sort of a life is that for a kid?)

Anyway enough.

I SERIOUSLY considered eating a lot last night but I couldn't be bothered to go out and get anything fattening as it was too late at night so I didn't break it and this is today my sixth day in a row.

Anyway onwards and downwards.

Love Anja xxx
Oh hun:eek: :( this is soooooo not good (but great you didn't break the diet - hip hip hurray:D )
Don't know what to say really - it does sound very disastrous but we can all only hope they prove us wrong. I do remember last year you predicted this would happen (can I have next week's Lotto numbers???).

Hmmm, any chance you can speak to G on his own to see how he really feels? But it's a bit late now - he's going to have to be involved, even if only financially, no matter what. On a more positive note, a similar thing happend to my brother 7 years ago - he had a son with a mad (literally) woman after a 1 night stand and he been to Hell and back since thanks to her. His son is currently a ward of court and my bro is suing to get custody and have a no contact order against the mother (she's very near getting sectioned and attempted to snatch the boy at her last contact visit). It's all very horrible and complicated and the boy is deeply affected by it at times but he is a lovely wee chap who has brought a lot of joy to us all - so maybe your niece/nephew will do the same! My brother and his wife (she was lovely again so all her pre-wedding not niceness must have been down to stress/nerves etc - I shall be eating my earlier harsh words about her at this rate) and boy have been here this afternoon and we're all going to LaserZone tomorrow am as we've all had such a fab time.

My tooth is still utter cr*p and agony - great for the diet - eating is agony - I just suck CD bars. Other bro checked out new car today and pronounced it a non-lemon - phew! So just have to sort out paperwork and press Insurance company for more money.

Going to bed in a min as v v tired (thanks to painkillers wearing off in night and tooth hurting so I wake up) will have quick flick thru the Lakeland kitchen catalogue (my equivalent of porn) and then hopefully snooze perchance to dream...

Chin up hon - you can't help others making what you perceive as mistakes but you can support them thru them!

Much love to all,
So sorry hon!

Being useless as usual. Did 6 days fine, lost 7lbs then broke and have been eating since thus putting 5 back on. Starting again today as I realised I have less than 3 weeks to my hol.

Busy week/weekend. Keane concert was Thursday (Irene & Cat have a fantastic time at Keane tomorrow!), Friday morning was off work, did aqua aerobics then after work went shopping for Mum. She wanted black trousers in a particular size & style so I went & bought loads then she tried on & picked which she wanted & I took the rest back on Saturday. Saturday was food shopping, Matalan, visiting Guy & Anita. I noted with interest that Dad never once mentioned the baby or congratulated them. Mum mentioned it a few times and was asking about maternity leave etc. but Dad just sat quiet through that only joining in with the house/holiday etc. talk.

Yesterday was a mainly lazy day but must get bum into gear with both Maths & diet.

Tonight is aqua aerobics, so is Thursday. Thursday morning Mum & I are booked in with my boss for an Inheritance Tax etc. discussion. She has a mammogram & oncologist appointment as her boob's sore again which we're both fairly worried about on Wednesday. But hopefully will only be scar tissue again. So it's all go this week. My Dad's off today & next Monday as lieu days, and we're going to France on a free day trip next Tuesday so that should be nice. My 1 year from diet start portrait session is on the 17th so I need to get my hair done just before that and then hols start on 23rd so it's all go over the next few weeks.

Anyway will go & do Maths now.

Hope everything's good with you now.

Anja xxx
Oi Missus - where are you?

I'm in a great mood today as the sun is shining and it's lovely outside.

I got most of my latest Maths assignment done at the weekend so I can go off on holiday in a fortnight with a light heart. 92% done so only 8 marks worth that I'm stuck on. Should easily get that done before the 23rd.

I bought one of those photo portrait sessions reduced at a beauty fayre last year and it's booked for Saturday morning so I will be grooming and trying to get another half stone off before then!

Aqua aerobics tonight. I will probably try and ring you later if you're about. About 9.30 ish?

Love xxx
Sorry, sorry, sorry

Been a hopeless board buddy - completely MIA :eek: - been so hectic and now the boy has discovered the joys of online gaming it's a scrum to the pc (neither of us like the laptop - it's needs stripping down and I just can't be bothered).
As you know can't go near here at work and am busy with clients lots of the time!
Anyway, looking forward to chatting tonight and seeing you on Saturday week Irene:D
Hi Both of You,

Thanks for the chat last night.

Irene - glad you had a great time at Keane. Have you got any good piccies? What time did you get in? How far back were you? What did you think? Did you hear any of the warm up act?

Will miss you both at Birmingham but I wouldn't pass up Spain if I could so I will be there in spirit only.

Love xxx
We were sitting just to the side of the stage so could see well. Missed the support - I wonder why but Keane were absolutely great. So pleased we went.

Irene xx
Hi Anch - it waslovely to talk to you too honey - good luck with the studying and weightloss - not long to Spain now!!

Hi Irene -
I'm not staying over as have to go to Essex for a kid's party on Sunday:mad: When I agreed to go I'd got the Wemitt date wrong so agreed in error! Anyway, I shall take great delight in attempting to look d-d-g in front of her horrid mates - they were nasty to me 2 years ago when I last saw them so I'm going to do a lot of b!tchy dismissive looks and cut them all dead - what a load of c0ws!!!!
Have got an exeat until about 8pm I guess and will def be there by 3pm - traffic permitting!
My neice is 1 month old today, her name is Amelie and she's a beaut! My sister is finding it all very new/scary and quite exhausting (don't we all) but she'll do fine - she's stronger than she looks!
They are coming here on Sunday so I expect I'll see Amelie has grwon already!
If it works there should be a piccie of me and her below!
Take care, see you soon,


  • amelie and ailsa.jpg
    amelie and ailsa.jpg
    49.4 KB · Views: 38
Cool pic Auntie Ailsa!

Sorry I haven't been about, not well. Didn't do aqua aerobics on Thursday, didn't have my pics taken on Saturday (have changed the date to Easter Saturday instead). Have had a constant migraine headache since the Sunday before yesterday non-stop and Nurofen/Paracetamol/Cocodamol are not touching it. Off work Wed afternoon, Thurs & Fri as it worsened beyond just the headache to making me feel sick when I ate or moved and feeling dizzy. My doc was on hol and I saw a useless one on Thursday & Friday instead. Thursday he prescribed anti-sickness tablets & told us to get nurofen, paracetamol etc. so £13 later all stocked up. Friday I had to see him again & he said "sometimes taking tablets prolongs your headache" and told me to stop taking them. I'd only had 3! Needless to say I carried on with the anti-sickness as they did help but I've still had a dull ache all weekend which sometimes kicks in to full-blown stinker headache as and when it feels like it. Have got an appointment with my own lovely GP tomorrow so maybe I'll find out what's going on. A week is too long and we go on hol on Friday morning. I want it to be easily fixable and not disrupt my holiday.

Anyway enough whinging from me - how's everyone else?

Love Anja xxx
Sorry to hear you're not too well Anja. What did the dr say?

The pic of you and Amelie is beautiful. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday and you show them b****es on Sunday.

Irene xx
Hi Ailsa & Irene

Am briefly back in between other stuff. Decorating at home at the mo, just got done with Maths assign for 13th April & will need to get cracking with the May one asap.

Hope you both had a great Easter!

Anja xxx

PS back to 12,3 briefly. Will eat my eggs up & get on with going down again!
Hi Irene

Sorry I'm a terrible board buddy. I seem to be on the WeMITT thread much more often than here these days, maybe I should ask them to move this thread into that forum area! Ailsa can't read on here during the day so we usually have to rely on phone calls to keep up to date these days!

I hope your restart's going well.

Anja xxx