So.. My PT session yesterday was pretty informative that is for sure!
He took a load of measurements which was a bit of a slap in the face.

42.6% body fat.. and a metabolic age of 46! I'm 31 and my metabolic age is blasted 46!! (Apparently this isn't as bad as it sounds.. he has had someone younger then me with a metabolic age of 75.) He basically told me that yes.. whilst I am overweight and my fat percentage is too high, I am actually reasonably fit for my stats but need to get fitter and leaner! He also told me that my goal of dropping 2 dress sizes by mid april is not un-achievable.. but it will mean 100% commitment from me.
at some point he wants me to try and do a detox week with no sugar and no caffiene. I am only allowed 2 portions of fruit a day and no more than that! I think it is because he is trying to make me eat as low processed as possible.. which I explained I was pretty much already doing as I'm doing Slimming World. (except the Yoghurt.) Sadly though, I think his training and SW's message are going to clash at some points... So whilst I might be getting smaller in inches.. I won't necessarily be losing weight. But I told him that actually.. as long as I get smaller.. I don't care how much I weigh.
For now I am going to keep going with Slimming world as I feel like I need that weekly weigh in to keep me on track.
Exercise wise I am going to do the following:
Mon- 1hr PT session (and a T25 Workout if I can fit it in.)
Tues- T25 Workout (and lunch time walk if able.)
Wed- T25 Workout (and a missed T25 if I have to.)
Thurs- Gym (and lunch time walk if able.)
Fri- T25 Workout (and lunch time walk if able.)
Sat- T25 workout
Sun- walk and stretching
The idea is to try and exercise for at least 30mins a day, except for sunday which is sort of my rest day. But if i miss a workout then I am not going to overly stress about it as I know the body needs rest every now and then! But.. I know what I am like.. I need that schedule to keep me on track.
Food today so far is the following... I'm working from home today as have the dentist later. boo!
Breakfast- 40g oats (HEB) with mixed fruit salad. (porridge made with water.)