Nefertari's journey to lose 130lbs

Why I'm awake at 4.45am I don't know! Have just stuck the TV on as I won't sleep now.

I'm weighing when I get up. Pretty sure I've lost nothing this week but not surprised considering I was ill and didn't have any packs for two days. Oh well, I'll expect a huuuuuuge loss next week! :D
Re: Nefertari's Slim and Save diary

I noticed you were talking about what diet to do to maintain. The one I found I needed was one i could eat what I want when im hungry no counting calories or anything and for me that was paleo. I ate no processed foods at all just all good food. So I enjoyed my roast dinners and stuff without gaining weight. This is what ill be using to stay slim. Juat thouggt id mention it always helps to have a few options
Nefertari's Slim and Save diary

I hate the fact that I'm having to do a VLCD. I detest them and I hate what they are. If I didn't have so much to lose and a deadline to lose weight for (Egypt), I wouldn't be on it.

I totally know how you feel! I battled with myself before embarking on a VLCD again. When my last attempt failed (did Exante for a few weeks last year) I promised myself I will never do it again.
The more weight crept on the more desperate I became though.
I don't know why I can't lose weight without having to go to such drastic lengths.
This makes me scared of going back to normal eating. I'm scared I won't have enough self control to be able to maintain my weight loss. I really need to start thinking of an action for the 'after'

We just have to keep telling ourselves it'll be only a few months longer before we can go back to living a normal life. It'll fly by and it will be worth it! :)
Oh my God! After the scales have refused to budge all week, I stepped on this morning for my WI and I've lost 4lbs!!! I can't believe it! I'm now Class 2 Obese instead of Class 3, I'm over the 50lbs lost mark, and I'm only 2.5lbs from hitting my 4st off mark! So happy!!! :bliss:

wow 4 off , yes scales can make us or break us . good your thinking ahead for when you get close to goal . with sw now the plan has changed abit where its more of portion control , rather than eat free foods which is a good idea . i did ww but didn't like it .
Whats your best foods on plan ?
Still here! Arrived back home yesterday afternoon and now I'm off to work again. Feels like I've never been away!

Just under 6 weeks until Cairo - I want 20lbs off in that time. That's only just over 3lbs a week so it's totally doable! :D
Re: Nefertari's Slim and Save diary

Definitely doable and knowing you it'll be a target you not only meet but smash!
Thanks Caz! I'm so excited to be 16st for Cairo. It seems ages away at the moment but it really isn't. I'd better be down to a size 20 trousers by then or I'm going to cry! I was hoping to be an 18 but I doubt my body will change that much in 6 weeks. We'll see. Going to get out on the bike twice a week at least! X
Thanks Caz! I'm so excited to be 16st for Cairo. It seems ages away at the moment but it really isn't. I'd better be down to a size 20 trousers by then or I'm going to cry! I was hoping to be an 18 but I doubt my body will change that much in 6 weeks. We'll see. Going to get out on the bike twice a week at least! X

Well done nefetari wahoo. How exciting for you. A holiday to Cairo. Wow your losses are amazing :)
Batty x
Well done nefetari wahoo. How exciting for you. A holiday to Cairo. Wow your losses are amazing :)
Batty x

Aww, thanks so much hun! xx

Day 87 today! And today I got my size 20 jeans on!!! Three different pairs so definitely not a fluke. They are tight and I have a bit of a muffin top in them but they were on and done up. Could not get them anywhere near my thighs a couple of weeks ago! :D
Re: Nefertari's Slim and Save diary

Aww, thanks so much hun! xx

Day 87 today! And today I got my size 20 jeans on!!! Three different pairs so definitely not a fluke. They are tight and I have a bit of a muffin top in them but they were on and done up. Could not get them anywhere near my thighs a couple of weeks ago! :D

Woohoo its official then if u tried 3 pairs on wow thats great news. :) well done
Yep, that definitely makes it official. I tried on 2 pairs of size 16 in New Look on Sat -- one pair fitted and one pair didn't!:rolleyes: