Target? Bring it on!
Aww bless you! It seems like everyone fell off the wagon a bit yesterday - there must have been something in the air! How are you feeling today, lovely? xx
Aww bless you! It seems like everyone fell off the wagon a bit yesterday - there must have been something in the air! How are you feeling today, lovely? xx
Yay for 12 weeks
Will you tell more people now?
I know feels exciting, apparently baby now the size of a lime! :-D my scan is next Thursday so as long as all ok will let people know then. I'm not one for announcing on Facebook so it will just be people in real life really, and obv on herex
I don't blame you x
FB announcements can be cheesy. Especially when people just replace their profile pic with a scan pic.
So exciting. Is there a bump brewing?
Lovely thoughI just don't like the scan pic or any type of announcement on fb but that's just me, each to their own and all that thoand I know I could look a hypocrite when I say things on here, but it does feel a bit different...
I do have a bump, it's pretty substantial actually and getting hard to hide! :-D x
That's hormones for you xI haven't been good this weekend but I am having a healthy roast for tea to try and make up for it.
Feeling odd today, something on telly really made me laugh so hard that I cried then all of a sudden I was actually crying cos i felt sad and i couldn't stop! So strange :/
(B) cold pizza :/
(L) 2 bacon sarnies with ketchup
(D) TLC sausages, roast pots, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, Yorkshire pud and a bit of gravy
Good to see all is still going well with the little lime lol
Hope you're getting on okay - I'm back now after a strong word with myself so should be back to normal on here now!