ProPoints Nessa's pro points diary

Serha said:
The git!!! Don't mind him - he's obviously into playing games so leave him to it and don't rise to the challenge. I save and document all contact, just in case - the judge would see the severe lack of regularity and consistency and see that you are the mature and consistant parent.

On another note - you dinner looks amazing!!!!!

Thanks Hun.
How have you found your first day? Xx
Thanks Hun.
How have you found your first day? Xx

Found it quite good, it was great to finally get started and get weighed...even if i didn't like it ;)
Don't know if my head is messing with me but i'm feeling kind of hungry but i've eaten loads!!! Probably just because i'm thinking about food all day long!
How was your day? Bet you feel great about your 5K achievement :D
Woo hoo - go you on the C25K! Well done on day 2! :D

Dinner looks fantastic. We're having Pizza tonight. Looking forward to it.

The ex - what a prat (being polite here!) As you say it sounds like he thinks you'll cave in by him threatening the courts. But cave into what? What is he demanding you do that he will take you to court for if you don't comply? (I'm not really asking for answers here hun, cos it's a personal thing, just saying he sounds like he's living in cloud cuckoo land.) He's only bothered about contact with his son when he feels like it, then threatens you with court when you don't fall over backwards to suit him. Ar%eh0!e!

Stay assertive and strong - love the answer that you'll look forward to hearing from his solicitor. Best we don't hold our breath though hey?! ;)
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Isn't he a complete kn0b!! Hope your ok hun xxx

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I know nightmare right?! :) xx in gonna update my diary :) x
Hey everyone thanks for all your kind words and support.
Feeling a bit sicky and hoping its not a bug on its way :-( so I'm gonna try and sleep it off.
Night everyone will catch up on diarys in the morning xxx
Hey everyone thanks for all your kind words and support.
Feeling a bit sicky and hoping its not a bug on its way :-( so I'm gonna try and sleep it off.
Night everyone will catch up on diarys in the morning xxx

Feel better!!! Sweet dreams x
Thanks ladies feeling much better this morning and the fact it's Friday just tops it off. Hubby is home for 10 nights now as he is back on days next week yay!
Thanks a mill Dubchick - from another Dubchick ;)

You've lost a heap since you started - well done to you!!!
Thank you.. Weights been at a stand still the last 9 months but have stuck with it (most of the time) and have at least maintained n not gained anything back.. Its a long road, and i'm still walking it but the support and encouragement on here is great.. :)
Oh, where in Dub are you from? You're living in Kerry now aren't you? Big move...
Haha the ex has text he has threaded me with the court?!
He doesn't bother with his son, lies makes excuses then has the check to threaten me with the court when I tell him to get lost!!
I just told him I shall look forward to hearing from his solicitor! As soon as he realises he has to pay for their time (presuming he actually bothers to go) he will out the door like a shot!!
OMG what an ass!!! He actually infuriates me! Like, you've bent over backwards to accomadate him and have lied to your son to cover up him being such a useless excuse for a father.. And he threatens you with court!! Bring it on I say.. The courts will see him for the waster he clearly is and hopefully demand he pays up more to you and Ryan!! Tosser!!
So glad yer not letting his (most probably empty) threat get to you.. Coz at the end of the day, you are a wonderful mother providing your son with everything he needs and more.. So you have NOTHING to worry about!
Thanks ladies feeling much better this morning and the fact it's Friday just tops it off. Hubby is home for 10 nights now as he is back on days next week yay!
Glad you're feeling better today Nessa.. And happy Friday to you (I hve a mini crunchie in the fridge for my 3 o'clock cuppa to celebrate ha ha ha) x
nessa123 said:
Thanks ladies feeling much better this morning and the fact it's Friday just tops it off. Hubby is home for 10 nights now as he is back on days next week yay!

Hi hun,glad you are feeling better today,yay to it being Friday! That's good bout the hubby's shift change :0)
Dubchick81 said:
Thank you.. Weights been at a stand still the last 9 months but have stuck with it (most of the time) and have at least maintained n not gained anything back.. Its a long road, and i'm still walking it but the support and encouragement on here is great.. :)
Oh, where in Dub are you from? You're living in Kerry now aren't you? Big move...

OMG what an ass!!! He actually infuriates me! Like, you've bent over backwards to accomadate him and have lied to your son to cover up him being such a useless excuse for a father.. And he threatens you with court!! Bring it on I say.. The courts will see him for the waster he clearly is and hopefully demand he pays up more to you and Ryan!! Tosser!!
So glad yer not letting his (most probably empty) threat get to you.. Coz at the end of the day, you are a wonderful mother providing your son with everything he needs and more.. So you have NOTHING to worry about!

Glad you're feeling better today Nessa.. And happy Friday to you (I hve a mini crunchie in the fridge for my 3 o'clock cuppa to celebrate ha ha ha) x

Thanks hun, I doubt I will hear anymore from the ex now for a week or so then the threats will probably start!! But he can't get to me like he used to as he lives in Nottingham now and I'm so thankful for that!!

Only an hour to go until crunchie time!!! I've got a curly wurly for later, I've only just gone out for my lunch break, time is flying by today not that I'm complaining!! Xx
bulldogdaisy said:
Hi hun,glad you are feeling better today,yay to it being Friday! That's good bout the hubby's shift change :0)

Thanks Hun xx
Hi Dubchick81 - I'm from Dundrum but have been living in baldoyle the last few years. Yep, made the big move this summer to shift sticks to Kerry. My OH is from here so had to get back to a normal family life with peace and little stress :)
Where abouts are you from? Well done for sticking with it. I'm hoping to see some good results this 1st week, it'll boost me onto the following weeks :D
Thanks ladies feeling much better this morning and the fact it's Friday just tops it off. Hubby is home for 10 nights now as he is back on days next week yay!

Yay to your husband being home and also you feeling better :D Hope you have a great day with your lovely family x
Serha said:
Yay to your husband being home and also you feeling better :D Hope you have a great day with your lovely family x

Thanks Hun, stuck at work until 4:30 but bring on the weekend! Xx
Hi Dubchick81 - I'm from Dundrum but have been living in baldoyle the last few years. Yep, made the big move this summer to shift sticks to Kerry. My OH is from here so had to get back to a normal family life with peace and little stress :)
Where abouts are you from? Well done for sticking with it. I'm hoping to see some good results this 1st week, it'll boost me onto the following weeks :D

I'm from Crumlin.. So bit away.. Only part of Dundrum I know is the Shopping Centre.. lol
Stress free life sounds ideal to me.. And as much as I'd never leave, anywhere out of Dublin has to be more stressfree than here!!
Yea first week is usually a good loss.. As ya tend to follow it to a T.. And yea, it gives a real boost of encouragement..
Do you have a diary on here?
Well I'm mega chuffed, just had to do a few jobs for my boss which involved using the forklift I haven been on the forklift for a long time as 95% of my job now is cricket balls well the last time I was on the forklift the steering wheel was rubbing on my belly and now there's a gap between yay!!
I had to do a few jobs outside and there was a van driver sat in his van who nearly fell out as he was breaking his neck to watch me, he obviously had never seen a woman on a forklift before!! Talk about making me feel uneasy! Xx
Really fancied a chicken kebab for tea but instead of wasting money on a take away I made my own!!
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