Thanks Cookie, your support is very welcome.
Life is just so weird at the moment

Took my little patterdale terrier to a rehoming kennel yesterday and it nearly broke my heart. I now have my last image of her in her cage crying and scrabbling at the wire trying desoerately to reach me. I feel awful but I work away at least 2 weeks every month (prob more now as I am broke and need to earn).
My brother helped me move some furniture last night and I pulled my already sore back and today it has been threatening to spasm in 3 dif places.
Bad timing as I have to move out by thursday and still haven't quite finished decorating !! There is nothing I can do but take lots of painkillers and plod on.
I am sort of ok with CD but had some corned beef last night. Don't know why as I was not hungry. I just needed something. It didn't even taste that nice.
Haven't been on the scales but am all bunged up and a bit dehydrated so prob not going that well.
Weigh in is wed 9am so I will try and do better with drinking etc as a loss will make me feel better.
Sorry my posts are all a bit miserable at the moment but I am having such a hard time and no one to talk to about it all so you lot get it

All I have to do is get to Thursday and my life will become more my own again, and I can settle into my new cottage nice and slowly, and relax a bit before I have to go back to work in a couple of weeks.
It will be good to get away from my Ex as he stresses me out. He is working abroad and I am here sorting through our things and I am being honourable and fair, making sure I don't take anything of his etc only to find the cheeky bugger has hidden my bow. We took up archery and I had a lovely shiny red compound bow that is perfectly set up for my strength and arm length and I love it.
It is nowhere to be found so I texted him and he said he put it somewhere safe as the house was empty so much. Damn Liar !!! I have been home (looking after his UK business) since February.
He said he will bring it over when he gets back but I don't believe him (and don't want to see him if possible).
Anyway, he was so busy hiding my bow that he left out his spare bow (worth more than mine)

so, if he won't tell me where he has hidden it I will tell him I'm taking his bow to sell so I can replace mine !!!
He has always been difficult but, for 11 yrs I have put up with him, tried to help him, made excuses for him, forgiven him, put up with the critisism/put downs/bad temper etc and made do with the scraps of affection that seem to be all he could manage.
Now it is like I am seeing him properly and can see he is self obsessed, ruthless, cold, manipulative, devious, dishonest with no compassion and no conscience.
I am sick that I have wasted so much of my life, love, energy and money on him, but I suppose at least I will be free soon :sigh:
I promise I will manage some happy posts soon