new start, we have let things slip

Hi you like Organic Peppermint Tea ??? I find that really helps when I feel bloated, and I love the taste !!! Also makes me pee for England, but I don't know if it's supposed to do that or whether it's just me !!!! You WILL break that 12st mark, I had terrible trouble getting past 15st mark not just the actual physical weight loss but the mental side too was awful, really mucks you about !!!

Diva x
Hi Diva
- not sure if i like peppermint tea but i am managing to drink the green tea and have achieved the 1 litre mark easily which is more than I ever drink. Went to the gp today (family doctor) and he said I have 3 months to lower my cholesterol otherwise he thinks I will need drugs. Well I do not want to take the drugs so once girly time is over (it started today) I am really going to focus. May even consider detoxing for a few days just to get disciplined again. That gives me a few days while its totm to eat any naughty food left in the house of which there really isnt much to be honest. I have ordered take out cos i was craving it and girly time isnt helping and just annoyed that cholesterol has gotten even worse - grrrrrrrr. I think once I do restart - this has to be it. I have to start losing properly again.
Diva I chuckled when u said i makes you wee for England - do they say that in the US too? :D
I don't think they say that !!! I say I'm just popping to the loo, and they call it the powder room !!! Funny !!! Public toilets are called restrooms !!! I don't go in there to ' rest ' !!!! Hehehe !!!! Sorry to hear about the cholesterol..... A detox is a good idea to get you raring to go again, a sort of Spring Clean treat for your body !!!! Hehehe !!!!
How's your week going ??? I've had a bit of choccy, though nowhere as bad as the CAKE fiasco over Valentine's !!! Found some British choccy, so have had TWO chocolate Flakes!!!! Hahaha !!! Did actually buy 4 boxes of After Eight Mints, but they went to work with Mr D for a work collegue who wanted to try them. I did have to sniff the boxes though, to get that gorgeous minty choccy smell !!! Eeeeek !!! Time to pop my inner chocoholic back in it's cage !!!!!

Diva x
Me again !!! Happy Friday, hooray for the weekend !! Walked off 22 miles this week !!! I do believe my bottom is beginning to look smaller !!! Hehehe !!! Can you believe it is March next week ??? Time is flying by, just wish the pounds would fly away !!!

Have a good weekend!!!

Diva x
sorry i have been a bit quiet. I only managed the gym tiwce this week I think and my tummy has really been annoying me. I am considering going to the docs today if i can get an appointment but not sure I want to go see him. I am 12stone 3 when i weighed myself this weekend and this morning. I think my body wants to not get below 12st. the smell of after eights is nice and well done on you for sending them to Mr D's work. Also well done on all the walking. You must be seeing changes in your shape and it is great you are keeping it up. I think there is officially no bad food in my house so heres hoping I can actually see a loss this week. Who knows. FB - wondering how you are. Take care all x
Hello FSO, I got a big fat STS, so that means I have lost 3lbs this month with two STS !!! Grrr!!! So just over a stone in total since the 1st Jan. Going to keep going, because, well I'm stubborn and I am about to add yet more exercise with my M.U.B.B !!! Mr D says I look slimmer, but I wish the scales would keep moving !!! He is away in a few weeks so I am thinking of doing a mini detox for 4 days, to shock my body again !!! Hehe !!! Though it may be tricky and not a good idea with the extra exercise!!! Did you get to the Doc's ?? How are you feeling ? With no food in the house, you'll drop six pounds in a week!! Hehe!!!
Looking forward to March tomorrow, as I need to concentrate on the new mini challenge or I can see myself slipping away to that bad part of town....Bingeville !!!! Who thought that the number 12 would cause you soo much flipping hassle !!!
Don't give ain't over til the fat Lady sings....and I'm not about to burst into song !!!! Haha !!!

Diva x
Hi Diva. Remember a sts is better than a gain!! Whats a MUBB? I think my diet is going to become less of a priority as I am having some surgery next week so will be preoccupied with pain i imagine. I was 12stone 1lbs this morning which is in the right direction. I am not sure if i will be up to logging on to the computer after the op so I may go quiet for a bit. Will try and log on though as should be off work for a bit. 3lbs off is still good so dont be so hard on yourself :)
I always struggle at this point when trying to get lower than 12st. I think this op will mean i have no option but to eat properly so who knows it might actually help me get below 12st.
Oh FSO, sorry to hear your news about having surgery, I hope it all goes well for you.... I will keep an eye out for you on here. Perhaps you can just catch up an then when you are feeling better rejoin us fighting the flab!!! It's a struggle enough to diet when you feel well, so don't guilt yourself too much about pausing for awhile.... I know you will BASH through that 12 st barrier when you are good and ready!!!!
I'm still walking, MUBB is my March Upper Body Blitz, trying to do 4 sessions or so a poor old muscles are screaming at me!!!!

Diva x
an upper body blitz sounds just like what i need. I went to the gym and nearly passed out twice and was only walking a steady pace on the treadmill. My tummy is not right and hasnt been for a few weeks and now im scaring the body next week with surgery just to add to it. The 2 issues arent related. The doc has given me something for the tummy - I think he is seeing it as gastritis. I will try and log on as and when I can just to post as doubt will be doing much else - just depends on the pain. I hope FB returns and JuBean keeps posting too. Weighed in at the gym today and 12st 1 which is the same as home scale weigh in yesterday which I am okay with. It would be lovely if I could get lower but that really isnt my priority now and I will need to eat regularly from next week so that the healing occurs. Keep at it!!! x
Im still at 12st 1lbs. It seems my body does not want to wave bye bye to 12stone!!!!
hia Ladies

Typically i say i am back and then im not on for two weeks - lst just say my current employer wants me to be super stressed and is having an overhaul over the next 12weeks lol. Oh yay!!!

I have just weight myself...jeans and all and come out as 12stone 2lb. So not bad really thats 1lb off. So still moving in the right direction. I have exactly 1 year and 3 days to get my act together as the wedding is set for 10th...i say set. no booking ctually made but the date is reserved for us already. and it will happen the...i am determined!

how are we all doing then?
hey jubean, you are doing really well and its good you have a date planned as you can work towards it.
It seems a bit strange that FB has been gone for so long as normally she would reappear. FB - wherever you are, I hope you are ok.
Ok my op is this afternoon so unsure when i will be on next.
Diva - how is this week going? hows the walking and the body blitz? Hope you are well and catch up with you all soon x
ive been signed off for a bit longer so wont be posting regular yet. I have put on a couple of pounds but i am not dieting or at the gym so i dont think ive done too bad. hope youre all well x
well the fatbunny fell off the wagon and the horses ran away. i have gone back to class again as i really can not do it on my own. it is a bit freaky that fso, jubean and i are all sitting around the 12st mark.

weighed in 7th march 12st 3lbs
14th march 11st 12lbs
so going in right direction.
hey ladies!!

i am doing pretty bad atm...feeling so hungry at work all the time. Being good and havin regular snacks but am finding it really hard to not over eat for the sake of it. Also pretty stressed outside of work - things not so good with random members of my overly large family.

Hoping to get more exersize in at the weekend....if nothing else then a big walk in the woods at the weekend...and if i feel up to it...i may try goin for a jogg in the woods. Very lucky where i live becaue there i alot of beaches and woodlands with soft ground and clear routes for me to go along.

Not looking forward to the weigh in on sunday morning as i am extremly bloated and dumpy feeling....hopping it not too bad!

Update on how everyone is doing!!!
hi, i see everyone only seems to want to lose like 2lb a week - would it not be better to push yourself harder and lose more - i can lose 4 or 5lb a week, the only problem is i can put on 7lb in 1 week : (
welcome back fb!!!!! You have been missed and I was a lil worried as you normally return a little sooner.
The cactus - hi. We find steady small losses are more likely to stay off and that way you will not put half a stone on in a week. In terms of pushing ourselves harder, we make the right choices and when i am fit I am in the gym 5 times a week with an aim of losing 1-2pounds a week. I am even happy with a pound a week. small change - regularly. Its not a question of pushing ourselves, its a matter of making the changes that will lead to healthier choices and a healthier lifestyle. If you are able to keep the bigger weight losses off then keep at it but its not healthy if you just put it back on the following week. Remember its not just as simple as losing the weight. Unfortunately we have damaged our bodies and may have several health issues where the culprit is being fat so it takes a lot of emotional, mental and physical strength to turn our lives around. Good luck with your journey. Please feel free to post as would be good to see you reaching your goal weight :)

I havent stepped on the scales for a couple of days but have a feeling I am around the 12st 5lb mark with no gym and no diet whatsoever in approx 3 weeks. I return to work from next week so will restart the healthier eating. Hoping to return to the gym either this weekend or next week but its gonna be light exercises. The house has been full of naughty food that are normally not allowed in and it didnt help that when people came to visit they turned up with chocolates and lots of it!!!
So once I return to the gym in the next few days will post my new start weight and let the weight loss commence!! Well done for returning to the classes FB and pleased to see you back. Diva seems to have disappeared now that you are back x
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FB is back !!!! We have missed you !!!
Finally feeling much better, didn't regain any weight but a couple of weeks of the snacky foods creeping back in plus some booze, and gawd I feel crappy..... It seems to have sucked the energy from me...I struggled to do my walking yet alone anything else..... Such sad tragic times bring my emotional eating monster right back.....I think it will always be with me.....but I'm not going to let it control me!!
FSO, how are you?? Are you healing well?? Take it easy with the exercise, I hope you can rebuild up your gym sessions soon.....
Welcome thecactus , I'm an ex yoyo dieter, and it messed me up for years, so now I am trying to chip away at it, any drop is welcome, and I know I'll get there eventually, lots of luck on your journey!

Diva x
Hi Diva & FB
Now that we have all confessed our slips :) how about a new fresh start for all of us. Like I said previously I will weigh in on Monday and see how much damage has really been done. Diva, I am healing thank you so lets see what I actually manage in the gym. I think the hard part as always is taking that first step again. I am sure it will happen. My tummy discomfort has also eased a lot so I am hoping I can get back in to the gym routine again soon.
Heres to weeks of losses to follow for all of us xoxo
i agree, so this is my new start.