new start, we have let things slip

hi guys. hope youre all okay. diva what detox are you hoping to do? sounds like torture!! sts is all good. I dont feel as toned as I was last year but i am still approx half a stone heavier so I might get there. Ramadan and fasting starts for me from August. The fasts are going to be very long where I will be able to eat around 9:30pm and will have to wake up before 3am to have breakfast. I am hoping to not devour food during the hours at night. I may not be on as much in August but will try and pop by as and when I can. Keep at it and all the best for weigh in next week x
hope all is well with everyone, have really been watching what i have been eating this week and have been rewarded with a 4lb loss this week, i am over the moon.
FOUR POUNDS!!!!! wahey :party0011: well done you!!! well the food has not been great but dont think i have done much damage. I have adjusted my scales to match the gym as i wont be going to the gym this coming month cos of the fasting so i am unsure what my weight actually is. i am very confused. But what i am hoping to do is weigh in at the start of the month - hide the scales for the rest of the month and then re weigh to see what the loss is in itself rather than what my weight actually is. I am aiming for a 7 pound loss in August but i think i may have put a couple of pounds anyway so have to lose that first. I doubt I will be on much now until September so good luck to you all and see you all in september. Hugs xoxo
1 more pound off my lardy tummy.
stayed the same this week. i spend 4 days in london with my 2 daughters and it was really hard to make good food choices at every meal when they wanted to eat in mcDonalds, KFC etc. so sts is ok by me.
well done on sts - i would have happily put weight on in london! i have not been too good - AGAIN!!! they now tell me I have also been dealing with glandular fever but as ive been ill anyway I thought it was the other infection I was contending with. I now have yet another not so nice infection which is soooo uncomfortable that I actually felt so low on sunday night n miserable and fed up. Taken 2 days off work sick and going back tomorrow. I adjusted my scales before Ramadan to match the scales I always weigh heavier on such as in the gym and the personal trainers so I have no idea if Ive lost or not and think I have confused myself. My scales said 12st 2 today which I think is probably a sts. Will post this as my weight and use the higher weight scales for any losses now as at least then will know if losing or gaining. Sorry for not being on much. Not been fasting but hoping to start tomorrow daily for the rest of the month if health allows. Will start posting regularly after this month is over x
you really are having a hard time of it,at least you have not but on, would have been really easy with things not going right with life in general.
i just want my health to be better as its been one infection after the next. Hope youre well fb. Has Diva not been on lately? I hope shes ok. Im off food in general at the moment so possibly losing but doesnt really count if that makes sense as will just pile it back on well feeling a lil better. Good luck with weigh in fb - youre doing well x
did not post last week as i put on 2lbs but got them back off this week plus another 1/2lb.hope everyone is sticking with it and winning the battle.
hope everyone is well, and all are still following good food choices. i did not post last week as i put on 1/2 lb but got 2.5lbs off this week.
Hi guys..... I'm not dead......haha !!! Sorry I have been gone weeks, and boy does it show on my BELLY !
Had my holiday, then had to scoot back to the UK for a few weeks due to an emergency, returned home and then got sick !!! Phew, I have been busy.....busy drowning my stress with food.....

Well, not dwelling on it, I regained 27 lbs !!!!! SHOCKING !!! The plan now is to get rid of this EXTRA belly and then start chipping away at the REST......

The walking is restarting, but very gently as it looks like I have some day surgery happening soon .....

Going to catch up on the posts.... And will report back soon, with hopefully LESS junk in my trunk !!!!

BIG FAT hugs from this VERY chunky monkey ( at the moment !!)

Diva x
hi all. Hope youre all doing ok. Diva - hope you can get back on track - we have all been there but hopefully we can do better for Christmas. Hope your day surgery goes ok - hope its nothing too serious. I had some more tests 3 weeks ago and im still positive for the tummy infection i had treatment for so im back on treatment as of today and off from work too. Will weigh in on Monday but think Im still the same around 12st 2ish. Well done on your loss this week fb. I would like to be 11stone 10lbs for Christmas. I cant really concentrate on my weight loss too much as health is controlling everything but it would still be a nice goal to aim for. Lets see.
Look forward to posting regularly xoxo
Hi I really enjoyed reading all ur lots diary!! It's took me all day but has been fun hope u all get der xx

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Hi Shini and LinzLinz
Hope you enjoyed our ups and downs and feel free to join in our posts. All the best with your journeys.
FB, Diva - I am struggling!! I think I should not be worrying about my weight while im on the treatment (5 days to go) as i am really eating and eating in the evenings!! I have a bar of cadburys flake thats been in the bedside table for 5 weeks now but I think it may get eaten this week!! I have been eating other unhealthy stuff but this flake bar has been saved from my expanding waistline. I know I am super bloated cos of tummy infection but should be able to resist stuffing my face. I have eaten everything this week and think may have put on 3lbs since last weigh in last week so i didnt weigh in today. I managed a walk today as I am off work at least until the end of the week. I really need to get back under 12st as clothes arent fitting properly again and this is not good. Anyway, hope you are both okay and managing okay. Look forward to your posts. xoxo
Awww, FSO, it's hard to be super good when you are ill, isn't it??? Not just the physical strains, but I noticed I was "self medicating " my stress too....with choccy, cakes, etc !!!

Managed more good days this first week, then bad.....just !!! Still grazing a little, but getting there....mindset wise that is!!! I lost 2lbs.....still 25 lbs of my regain to go.....sigh !!! The woes of being a yoyo dieter, grrrrrr !!! You are right to concentrate on getting better, and just trying to maintain through it. Dieting is hard enough when you are well, let alone when you are ill and feel lousy!!!


Diva x
Hey FSO I really admire u! N it's been wonderful reading ur diary how u are so determined to get somewer wiv ur weight loss!! I'm sure u will... If ur not wel u should first aim to get better n not worry about what ur eating!! Me wel lol I'm mummy of 3 lol n I've forever been obsessed wiv loosing weigt one week it's a diet next week its a binge lol.. I had really had enuff n took up cambridge diet, wel after failing twice! So far it's day 12 n I've been so good not cheated n don't tend to giving my self 12 weeks to get to 9.8lb inshalla!! I've always been depressed wiv my weight I gained alot wiv my kids youngest almost 2 so it's time I did sumthing to build my confident bak up!! So wil let u knw Friday wot I have lost in solid two weeks. As dats wen I get weighed! Hope u wil keep us posted wiv ur journey n ur adventures which I have really enjoyed reading about xxxx tc

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Hey thank u all for letting me join ur diary!! Reading about u all helps me stay motivated xx look forward to more xxx

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hello new girlies and old girlies, wee slip up this week 1/2 lb on, and am going over the scotland for a birthday party this weekend so will try my hardest to be good. bought new jeans on saturday size 8 and they fit, i really can not believe i used to wear 18/20.still bigger on top half 14/16 but not a lot i can do about that,