new start, we have let things slip

Hi Shini - thanks. I hope it finally works this time too as just fed up. Well done on your loss with cambridge and its great that youre coming to the end of your journey. I am 3lbs away from no longer being classed as overweight. I have done alsorts to lose to be honest but im a regular gym goer. Calorie counting with the odd detox day in between (as well as lots of bad days) has finally got me to this stage but still have a little more to go to get to a happier weight. All the best with the final leg of your journey and well done.
FB - i hope you havent left me now that youre in size 8 bottoms!!! And I dont think youre name is appropriate anymore - should be skinny bunny formerly known as FB :) Hope youre doing okayx
Diva - hows the walking going? you managing it? What days are your weigh in now? Are you a Monday? Hope youre recovering well and the walkings going well.
Look forward to your posts xoxo
Ok so I have finally started the treatment today for 14 days so I'm going to have to try and eat sensibly. Will keep posting. FB, Diva- hope you have had good weekends xoxo
i am doing ok, still sitting at 9st 13lbs, having my works xmas dinner on saturday night so am going to be good all the week so i can relax abit on the night.
sounds like a good plan. Enjoy Saturday night :)
oh i will, but i will keep my eye on what i eat too, really do not want to have a gain for weigh in on monday. i would be happy with a sts
will you continue going to weigh ins and classes?
Good luck with the treatment FSO !!! Keep us updated with your progress !!!
Managed to very small walks at the weekend.... Mr D has back problems and is a slow walker at the mo, and my natural pace is much faster than his.....
Got a STS this week, I am always hungry at the mo, I blame all this walking, hehe......

FB....are you wearing something fabulously slinky to your works do ???? Have a fab time !!!

Diva x
Can't stop eating in the short durations I can eat. Think I've put on 5 lbs so far!! Not officially weighing in until treatment over. Kind of sad but can't control it :-( will be really upset if return to 12stone so will tryyyyy and stop making bad choices xoxo ps I'm msging from my phone so apologies if msgs a lil short x
had a better day so far foodwise - managed to stick to approx 1500cals. I have been exceeding 2500 for the past few days so hoping can have a repeat of today again tomorrow. Couldnt make it to the gym first thing - really wasnt well enough and I have a feeling I might not be able to go now until the treatments over - lets see. Diva well done on the sts its better than a gain and fb hope youre still doing fab things xoxo
FSO I love ur determination n the way ur so trying ur best to achieve ur goals!! Keep it up xx

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viva la diva, sts is a good result as things are at the moment, fso u just concentrate on getting well at the moment, i know it is hard to be good when not feeling the best and gym will have to wait till the time is right. we are just going to a chinese buffet then a bar so floatly pink top, white skinny jeans and pink heels, maybe post a photo sometime of before and after weight lost one of these days.
a before and after shot would be great and your outfit sounds great. My friend came round last night and guess what we ate and ate!! and i have actually eaten a proper breakfast - these drugs are making me hungry but guess what else - guess what my mean friend did!!? she took my scales away!! Can you believe it!!! and im living in pjs so no gauge of clothes getting tighter etc. im expecting a baaaaad weight gain by the end of this. Still cant believe she has my scales - what mean friends i have. Make me eat take out and then confiscate my scales. Plain mean but also cant understand how hungry I am. Ok rant over. Hope youre all well xoxo
Not happy not having my scales in the house :( no idea how much more i have put on. hope youre all doing ok. FB enjoy your meal tonight :)
got my scales back so i am happier and managed 20 mins in gym - not much but something and got me out of the house for a short while. Hope youre both ok xoxo
weigh in yesterday and am down another 1lb. consultant has set my target weight at 9st 12lbs so can go 3lbs either side and not have to pay.i have now got a bit of leaway for xmas.
good evening ladies, i am starting christmas with a weight of 9st 12lbs as of this morning xmas eve, lets see how well i can manage between now and weigh in on wednesday night. i offically am allowed 3lbs over target and still be a free member so am hoping to do that. hope u all have a good couple of days and no lectures from me, girls just enjoy yourselves and do want u feel u need to do. everyone has there own boundarys that they have set themselves and if you do go over the top you can still get it back off again, we know we can do it girlies.
happy Christmas to you both. Hope you have one thats full of joy and blessings. Sorry for not being on - been feeling quite sickly cos of the treatment and only just felt up to turning the laptop on. 3lbs leeway sounds sensible and do-able fb so you should still be able to enjoy. Diva - how are you getting on? I have stopped the gym and any exercise since i last mentioned my last gym visit and doubt I will be able to go for a while now but i am accepting that. FB - 9stone 12!!! thats tiny - well done.
I have been noticing how the excess weight sits on excess ppl. For example some ppl pile it on it one area or just bicome bigger but still have a smooth outline. I have always had the 3 tyre look - small tyre under bust, bigger one under that thats home to my angel wings, and of course one for my tummy. Not a good look unfortunately as if had that smoother finish wouldnt look as bad. and for me I lose from face and legs first and im hoping if i ever get below 11stone the tyres might begin to deflate. And on that note - enjoy the rest of Christmas and enjoy the festivities. Hugs xoxo
noticed u weighed in on 23/12 at 11st 5,so it least it is going in the right direction. have a nice time over the next couple of days
yes my weights going up and down as it pleases at present but not focusing too much on it. I will finish treatment by 3am tonight - cant wait for tomorrow when no more crazy amount of drugs. Can also eat fruit from tomorrow - wasnt allowed fruit for 2 weeks cos of 1 of the drugs!!! fruit shopping!!! thats if can get round the supermarket :)