Thanks again all - I appreciate the kind thoughts. Doesn't help that I'm peri-menopausal and so, at the moment, I cry at the slightest thing (bonkers).
I do however love coming on here and seeing how you're all doing - Abz, you do say the most random things lol
This flaxmeal muffin recipe - which, I will try once I can get hold of some flaxmeal, also mentions using a 'splenda packet'. I've never seen splenda in anything other than the loose powder that you spoon, or tablet form for teas/coffee etc - any clues?
Abz - I used to use psyllium husks for 'keeping things nice and regular' - not flaxmeal. Used to mix a spoonful in with one of my shakes and it certainly did the trick. Don't recall if it had any taste tbh - but was effective. I think you can buy psyllium husks in tablet form as well.