New Starters. Roll on up!!

that flaxmeal muffin looks interesting but incredibly carby!! does it taste nice? or is it one of these things that promises to and doesn't?

abz xx
Can't say abz, I never tried one myself
I really like the taste of the muffin Abz, its just over 3 carbs so not too bad?? Its quite light & fluffy & not dense at all but does help with staying regular!
ah. i misread the carb count there linzi. sorry :)

what's this jim's angels business? aren't i angelic enough jim??
LOL Linz, abz, back when I first found this board there were a bunch of girls who were all just starting with Atkins, I suppose I was quite supportive and helpful, so they formed the Jim's angels club. LOL. Sadly, I think Linz is the only one still posting as far as I can see.

and Oink Oink was a joke going round at the time. :D
careful linz, his ego will grow :p

you know what? i cut all my fingernails off for the first time in ages. i have them as short as they will go and my fingers look really really stubby!! it's going to take some getting used to...

random comment over, ha.

abz xx
could it grow any more ;)
Thanks again all - I appreciate the kind thoughts. Doesn't help that I'm peri-menopausal and so, at the moment, I cry at the slightest thing (bonkers).

I do however love coming on here and seeing how you're all doing - Abz, you do say the most random things lol

This flaxmeal muffin recipe - which, I will try once I can get hold of some flaxmeal, also mentions using a 'splenda packet'. I've never seen splenda in anything other than the loose powder that you spoon, or tablet form for teas/coffee etc - any clues?

Abz - I used to use psyllium husks for 'keeping things nice and regular' - not flaxmeal. Used to mix a spoonful in with one of my shakes and it certainly did the trick. Don't recall if it had any taste tbh - but was effective. I think you can buy psyllium husks in tablet form as well.
Hi Domino :wavey:
ooh tablets. now that would be handy. where can you get them and what are they called? and do they work?

abz xx
Hi Domino :wavey:

Watcha Jim - thanks for the cheery wave.

Abz - you can buy psyllium husks in tablet form in health food shops or online. But as Laura says, there are alternatives such as fibresure.

Laura - thanks for clarifying the splenda 'packets' thing. I'd like to have a go at making the muffins, or pancakes - when I get my head back into Atkins. I was struggling to come up with ideas for brekkies and a muffin with cream cheese seems a good option.
last time i was low-carbing i used to make all kinds of things, including 'bread' made from ground almonds and cakes and things. thing is, they all tasted 'great' after you'd been dying to eat some for a while, but weren't really that good. i don't want to start making substitute things for myself that is more likely to make me want the real thing. i'm not sure how long i'll be atkinsing for in any case, so i just want to keep it as simple as possible for as long as possible. i've already promised myself that when i am getting desperate for chocolate i will have a piece of lindt 70% which if i remember rightly has 2g carbs... but i will have to check that out.

abz xx
Hello everyone.

I've been lurking here for a bit but have read a lot of Jim's posts before. I've been doing CD, have lost 4 stones and am about 1 stone away from where I want to be. I bought the Atkins book today and have started reading it because I'm thinking about swapping to Atkins for the last bit. I've not been concentrating on CD properly and am a bit fed up with it after so long, (February), also there's the expense and the fact that it doesn't fit in very well with family eating. From what I can see I could easily add extra carbs and fruit for pudding for the family, without it being very different. I'm not really following CD at the moment, am certainly not in ketosis and have put on a few lbs.
Any thoughts? I'd be pleased to hear from anyone, particularly those who have moved over.
Hey Bess.. i too started CD back in feb.. did 3 months on it n lost 3 stone. I then made the move over to atkins for various reasons but since then have lost another stone n half ish in about 2 n half months. It took a little adjusting to when i made the move over and i found i got full easily n some foods gave me tummy ache n i don't normally suffer with dodgy tums. I do not regret moving over though and i'm pleased i chose atkins over other diets like sw or ww. It's pretty easy to do in comparison to those i think and has the added benefit of more than likely being in ketosis which as you know from cd, really helps with the hunger factor n cravings..

Read Jim's stickies at the top of the page, there's loads of info in them to help you get your head round it. The one bit of advice i can give is to get rid of all other diet preconceptions out of your head as atkins is completely different woe. :) Good luck whatever you decide hun x