Thanks for your comments everyone. I really need the time to explore this section of the website better, but just so busy with work at the moment. I read into the small hours and have finished the book and have just had my breakfast. I've had to use what's in the fridge and pantry of course.
Scrambled eggs (our own free range) with cheese, bacon and mushrooms cooked in the bacon fat with a little extra olive oil and butter. The bacon does have nitrates in it, but I thought all bacon does? Isn't it cured using salt petre? Does anyone know? I'll ask the butcher. I usually get all my meat from our butcher, but the bacon we had in was bought by my husband from the supermarket. I always drink redbush tea, which is caffine free.
I found the book depressing, and am wondering why. I think it's the long view of the diet never ending. I need to really read, think and learn about maintaining weight I know. I think I got fat because I ate too much, rather than I ate all the wrong things, I probably overdid the wine too- a glass or two every night.
What I've been hoping is that when I've got to my goal weight, by sensible eating I hope to maintain. Dr Atkins made me think that I can never eat another piece of cake again, or the fruit which we have in our orchard and which features heavily in our usual diet. You see we have never eaten highly refined carbs in large quantities, I've cooked for us all for years and long before it became fashionable (in fact when it was deeply unfashionable) always used butter, whole milk, cream and unprocessed food. We grow a lot of our own food, including veg, lamb, chicken and so on. I make jams, jellies and chutney in the autumn to see us through the year and the apples and pears are stored in the cellar and last until the blossom comes on the trees the following spring.
When I'm at a weight I'm happy with, I would sometimes like to eat my usual (pre diet) breakfast of porridge, stewed fruit (with little or no sugar), nuts and a little cream again, occasionally have some cake, a glass of red wine or some dark chocolate. These never formed a major part of my diet, they were treats, but it looks as though they can never be again. Or have I misinterpreted things?