Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

Hospital was brilliant and no reference to my weight
Also totm showed up this morning. 21 day cycle. Got to love vlcd's!
Starlit_Cazza said:
Also totm showed up this morning. 21 day cycle. Got to love vlcd's!

Snap - almost. :) 22 days for me. Still, at least we know why we were grumpy. :D
I've been grumpy as hell all day no idea why, can't even blame PMT, I apologised to my colleagues in advance for being cranky. I had a hard time concentrating too which is unusual for me. I'm probably just tired but right now I feel more awake than I have all day weird.

Anyway in more cheery news and for fear of "moaning" too much its the end of week 3 and I'm 17lbs down. I lost 4/5lbs depending on whose scales are to be believed. Either way it adds up to a total loss of 17lbs, which I'm happy with. My jeans are feeling much more comfy now, on the 28th of December I went out wearing a long cardy over the top because it was too uncomfortable to fasten them up. Small victories!! And I've lost track which day I'm on, it must be day 22 if today is the 23rd. Not bad considering my track record! Onward and downward!!!
In response to prev posts about moans. I think this group is different from the others as the majority have a high bmi ( over 35) so have a lot to loose and have to be even stricter on themselves than normal people to reach goal. The eaters on the other threads maybe have less to loose and can have a slip and get back on with it. For people with higher bmis the not slipping is so much more of a focus because u become terrified that u won't get back on. Out of my own personal experience those who do slip or cheat on a set diet need to address their reasons for doing so as people giving them advice wont help them in long run as it might not stop them doing it again. People need to examine why and look at underlying causes for slip ups or cheats.As otherwise you loose weight but then gain again at some point later. - this is what the high bmi posters in here have done.. They've examined the causes and some have realised that the mention of food throws them off wagon so they avoid it.. A bit like an alcoholic avoiding a pub.

Bundles I think you hit the nail on the head here!! :D
GO Sal thats amazing well done- Im really proud of you sticking to it and staying so focussed and hopefully its helped being able to come on just this thread where we are so " judgemental and unsupportive" LOL.

Saw the posts last night and you all put it so eloquently fighting our corner for this thread - as it says at the start its only for people who stick to the plan to the letter, so I quite honestly dont see the need for people to come on here and put their 10pence worth having a go at us! Glad its been put to rest.

In other news I lost 3.5lbs this week so thats 13.5 in 3 weeks which Im really pleased with and that means I'm on track for nearly being at goal for my summer hols but definitely being a shed load lighter for my Barcelona Trip at the end of April.

Ive taken a leaf out of your book and started watching biggest loser USA - its the couples one and thats helping me keep on track too also reading here every night.

hope everyone else is ok - aswell as slim and keep hanging in there everyone we will get there and be celebrating slimdom this time next year
Anyway in more cheery news and for fear of "moaning" too much its the end of week 3 and I'm 17lbs down. I lost 4/5lbs depending on whose scales are to be believed. Either way it adds up to a total loss of 17lbs, which I'm happy with. My jeans are feeling much more comfy now, on the 28th of December I went out wearing a long cardy over the top because it was too uncomfortable to fasten them up. Small victories!! And I've lost track which day I'm on, it must be day 22 if today is the 23rd. Not bad considering my track record! Onward and downward!!!

Woohoo! Fab result! :clap:

No moaning from me either today. I suddenly feel quite a bit thinner. I can't be, of course - I still must be over 15st - but everything feels looser and I feel less lumpy-bumpy. I'll take it. :)
GO Sal thats amazing well done- Im really proud of you sticking to it and staying so focussed and hopefully its helped being able to come on just this thread where we are so " judgemental and unsupportive" LOL.

Saw the posts last night and you all put it so eloquently fighting our corner for this thread - as it says at the start its only for people who stick to the plan to the letter, so I quite honestly dont see the need for people to come on here and put their 10pence worth having a go at us! Glad its been put to rest.

In other news I lost 3.5lbs this week so thats 13.5 in 3 weeks which Im really pleased with and that means I'm on track for nearly being at goal for my summer hols but definitely being a shed load lighter for my Barcelona Trip at the end of April.

Ive taken a leaf out of your book and started watching biggest loser USA - its the couples one and thats helping me keep on track too also reading here every night.

hope everyone else is ok - aswell as slim and keep hanging in there everyone we will get there and be celebrating slimdom this time next year

Yay, brilliant result! Well done Jess! :D
Day 24 - a new record for me! Have updated my diary as to why - won't put the details here as don't want to mention naughty words ;)

I've been doing a proper blog this time, and seem to be getting a lot of hits :) Exciting stuff (yes I am probably a bit sad)
And well done on your loss Jess!
Yay Jess fab result for you too. You know I'd forgotten how good it feels to have stuck to it 100% and to start seeing the results! It's exciting, I can see myself getting to my goal weight and I'm excited to get there, that's what's spurring me on. Oh that and the lack of support and judgementalness (new word) of the horrible lot on this thread ;) I'd be lost without it!

Why shouldn't we be able to have a moan now and then? Life isn't always rosy and moaning helps!

Lily I know what you mean about suddenly feeling it, I bet you've dropped inches!!

And Cazza well done for day 24, it's flying past now I feel. Almost a whole month in whoop!!
Hi Ladies, I hope you are all ok? I have nothing to report tonight as my weigh in was cancelled due to my consultant having to go to hospital with her daughter I will now weigh in tomorrow night now instead and will update you all on my loss tomorrow after my weigh in! I have been 100% for 22 days and am really proud of myself! I am really determined to get off the 23lb I put on since the last time I was on CWP last year! I also have set my goal weight slightly lower as I originally got down to 11stone 10lb which was slightly below my orignal goal of 12stone but this time I have set a goal of 11stone as I really would like to reach my goal and maintain it!Good luck everyone x
Thanks, I can't believe it's nearly a month already :) Very exciting stuff. We will be thin(ner)!!!! Have been very good and resisted doing measurements again - going to do them fortnightly, so will get Counsellor to do them on Monday :) Clothes are definitely looser, but until my trousers are actually falling down without a belt I don't think I will believe the weight is really going!!!!

I am going away for a few days in early April... which will be just over 3 months in. Last time I lost 5 stone in 3 months and was comfortably in a size 18 jeans and size 16/18 tops. This time I am starting a stone heavier, but if I can lose the 5 stone again and can comfortably be in size 20 jeans for when I go away I will be very happy (size 18 even happier!!!!!). No reason I shouldn't be able to lose the 5 stone again - last time included 2 weeks holiday where I ate almost normally and still lost 5lb in that fortnight.

Sorry just waffling away to myself a bit... :D
My goal is 11st too Theresa, my original goal first time round was 11st 7lbs but I just want to push it a bit lower for more of a safety margin when maintaining! We'll do it too, I just keep that number in my head every time I think about how hard it is, I imagine being lovely 11st normal :)

Cazza you're doing what I do working out how long and what size etc :) I think if you want it you'll do it!! I want to be at target for my birthday at the end of May.... 4st 7lbs to go! I will do it this time!!
Haha yes I am. I tend to lose about 5lb a week on average (I think), so allowing maybe an average 20lb loss per month, I hope to be nearly 10st down by my holiday in August. Though I'd be happy to be anything over 8st down (based on average 14lb per month Feb-July + 2 stone for January).

Who knows, basically!!!!! I want to be at target for Christmas, I'm just not 100% sure what my target is yet! I have been over 18st since I was about 17, so just no idea what my body will look like below that weight!!!!!!
Oh, you're definitely not alone in doing the sums. I've worked out that I'll be able to start working up the steps on Wednesday 26 June. :D

Only another 22 weeks then... :8855:
Afternoon all. I am full of cold still and feeling sorry for myself. Have so much to do - need to gut the flat as landlord coming round to do an inspection on Monday and I am away for the weekend...arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So I am instead sat her procrastinating instead...

I am starting my MSc in September :) I got a place for September 2012, but was last minute and was unemployed and didn't have the money to do it :( So I deferred, and got email today to confirm I definitely have a place to start this September - eeekkk!!!! Just need to work out how the hell I am going to pay for it now...?
I've been trying to sort out my laptop when I stumbled across some old photos. They're proof that I can do it!! The quality is poor because I took a photo of the screen but its enough to show what I can do when I set my mind to it.


Nov 06 Before I ever heard of CD


Roughly 11and a half stone Dec 08


Roughly 11and a half stone Dec 08
And here is a very very before pic from 2004ish compared to my after one. I will get back to my after one!!! Sorry for bombarding you with photos but its just to remind myself I CAN do it!!


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And here is a very very before pic from 2004ish compared to my after one. I will get back to my after one!!! Sorry for bombarding you with photos but its just to remind myself I CAN do it!!

Yes you can. :) You look fab in those after pics and you will again very soon! :clap: