Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

Losses comparison:
...........2008....... 2013
Week 1 23lb........16lb (2008 loss first week was 9 days)
Week 2 5lb (28lb) 6lb (22lb)
Week 3 7lb (35lb) 5lb (27lb)
Week 4 1lb (36lb) 3lb (30lb)
Week 5 6lb (42lb) 4lb (34lb)
Week 6 5lb (47lb)
Week 8/9 HOLS
Week 10 3lb (50lb)
Week 11 7lb (57lb)
Week 12 2lb (59lb)
Week 13 8lb (67lb)
....then it all went wrong!

Cazza I have tried to find my old card but can't which in a way I am pleased at as I may get narked if I am not losing at a similar rate! Keep at it Hun you are doing really well! X
Hi ladies I am sorry some of you are having such a difficult time I really hope you sort out your monthly problems Sal! Cazza keep at it Hun you are doing so well and you have had the issues with your poor arm!

I have had a good day today and my youngest son passed his driving test 1st time so been out tonight to get him a car which is why I have not been on here till late! Really proud of him!

Weigh in tomorrow my first with my new consultant and a little nervous as my first week on SS+ really want to loss at least 3lb? Will update you tomorrow!

Take care ladies x x
MUST NOT WEIGH DAILY!!!! Put on 1lb this morning. When will I ever learn???
MUST NOT WEIGH DAILY!!!! Put on 1lb this morning. When will I ever learn???

It's the triumph of hope over experience. :D

After promising not to, I weighed in too. But luckily I dropped the pound I put back on yesterday plus another one. :clap:

Your turn tomorrow!
I've dropped 2lbs this morning too, the 1lb I gained plus another. It's not great but it at least means I've lost 1lb this week!
Well done guys! You can't hold on to that weight forever!
And just to prove that this cr@ppy loss is not the result of any naughtiness on my part I weed on a stick. (Do this every week to prove to my mother that I haven't cheated)


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Lol! I appear to have drunk 2 litres already this morning... Litre of water and two 500ml coffees! Might need to ease up a tiny bit I think otherwise will be seeing all day!
Meh 3 and a half more hours to go at work, just had a chocolate tetra and I think I'll have a 4th when I get home. Feeling hungry :( Still no sign of Aunt Flow buggering off :(
Well done guys! You can't hold on to that weight forever!

And neither can you. It'll just be a gravitational fluctuation affecting the south coast. ;)

And just to prove that this cr@ppy loss is not the result of any naughtiness on my part I weed on a stick. (Do this every week to prove to my mother that I haven't cheated)

I see pink!

Lol! I appear to have drunk 2 litres already this morning... Litre of water and two 500ml coffees! Might need to ease up a tiny bit I think otherwise will be seeing all day!

i'm starting to struggle with water intake. Must do better.

Meh 3 and a half more hours to go at work, just had a chocolate tetra and I think I'll have a 4th when I get home. Feeling hungry :( Still no sign of Aunt Flow buggering off :(

Hope those last few hours flew by, even if Aunt Flow didn't. x
I ordered a dress in a size 16. It's a bit clingy round my belly but it's wearable! :clap: Getting there, painfully slowly...
Put your hands up and step away from the scales lady. We can do this the hard way or the easy weigh (see what i did there?) :)

I'm on day 3 now and had a rather significant bleed last night. I always bleed day 2/3 of a restart, why is that? Rergardless of when I last had my period, I always end up bleeding???

Apparently the breakthrough bleeding early on is due to increased cortisol levels (your cortisol goes up when you start dieting - settles down over time).

Later on they reckon it has something to do with oestrogen being released into the bloodstream as fat cells shrink. Isn't it wonderful being a woman? No wonder men lose weight faster than we girlies... :sigh:
Evening all. Yay to the size 16 dress Lily! Sal hope you survived the rest of your shift. Safe to say I do not miss working long days and night shifts, you have my sympathy!

So tonight Chloe and I went along to Choi Kwang Do to the family class. It's sort of like Tae Kwon Do apparently?! Anyway, after a bit of a false start (stood in the corner for 10 minutes being ignored as the instructor hadn't been told we were coming!), we both had a really good time! So good in fact that Chloe wants to go every single night! Going back again on Friday to do a proper class - today we skipped the warm up (stood in corner etc) then when the instructor had realised we were there to train, she took us off to the back and went through the basics with just the 2 of us, which was really good of her. I used to kickbox before I fell pregnant with Chloe, though only did it for about 6 months! Still, it all came back to me pretty quickly. I love kicking things - helps get rid of a lot of stress!

Feeling good now - probably see a massive gain on the scales this week - just my luck!
Evening all. Yay to the size 16 dress Lily! Sal hope you survived the rest of your shift. Safe to say I do not miss working long days and night shifts, you have my sympathy!

So tonight Chloe and I went along to Choi Kwang Do to the family class. It's sort of like Tae Kwon Do apparently?! Anyway, after a bit of a false start (stood in the corner for 10 minutes being ignored as the instructor hadn't been told we were coming!), we both had a really good time! So good in fact that Chloe wants to go every single night! Going back again on Friday to do a proper class - today we skipped the warm up (stood in corner etc) then when the instructor had realised we were there to train, she took us off to the back and went through the basics with just the 2 of us, which was really good of her. I used to kickbox before I fell pregnant with Chloe, though only did it for about 6 months! Still, it all came back to me pretty quickly. I love kicking things - helps get rid of a lot of stress!

Feeling good now - probably see a massive gain on the scales this week - just my luck!

Oi! We're doing POSITIVE THINKING, okay? :D :D Think slim!

Dead impressed you're doing some exercise. :clap: Really must get round to doing some!
Aw I miss karate!! I stopped going because my shifts just don't allow me to go regularly enough to do it justice.

I managed to get off an hour early, but bloody hell some of my colleagues are right lazy b@st@rds!! Some of them are much more interested in sitting around than helping their colleagues. One of them is a couple of months pregnant and you'd think that she'd had her arms and legs amputated she never moves from the chair, not even to answer the phone. Management don't do anything about it. She's not the only one, there's an ever increasing group who seem to forget what they get paid to do. I've been qualified 13 years but my work ethic is so very different from the more recently qualified. The world owes them a favour it would seem.

Anyway I'm sitting in bed drinking fizzy water and listening to the hail pound my bedroom window, I'm wondering if I'll actually get any sleep tonight because of it. Nights tomorrow night again so I need sleep tonight!!! Plus I've got a sore throat, which might have contributed to me feeling drained, can't take anything for it apart from painkillers which don't seem to have the desired effect.
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The worst thing about nursing is the lazy ar$eholes you have to put up with in the form of your colleagues!!! I've worked shifts with some right lazy sods - some didn't even leave the office in a whole 13 hours shift other than to pee or to take their (full, 1 hour) lunch break, while the rest of us were running around like maniacs and lucky to see a lunch break once a month let alone every day!!!!

*sigh* how I miss nursing...:rolleyes:
Tweeted this earlier, but want to share this on here as I love it :)

Apparently the breakthrough bleeding early on is due to increased cortisol levels (your cortisol goes up when you start dieting - settles down over time).

Later on they reckon it has something to do with oestrogen being released into the bloodstream as fat cells shrink. Isn't it wonderful being a woman? No wonder men lose weight faster than we girlies... :sigh:

Makes sense. I have horrendously heavy periods when I'm on CD and a shorter cycle, usually 28 days. When not on CD they're every 35 days and much lighter. Bizarre. CD also causes pregnancy, I'm testament to that. I'm incredibly fertile and 40 so hubby is onto plums tonight lol

Aw I miss karate!! I stopped going because my shifts just don't allow me to go regularly enough to do it justice.

I managed to get off an hour early, but bloody hell some of my colleagues are right lazy b@st@rds!! Some of them are much more interested in sitting around than helping their colleagues. One of them is a couple of months pregnant and you'd think that she'd had her arms and legs amputated she never moves from the chair, not even to answer the phone. Management don't do anything about it. She's not the only one, there's an ever increasing group who seem to forget what they get paid to do. I've been qualified 13 years but my work ethic is so very different from the more recently qualified. The world owes them a favour it would seem.

Anyway I'm sitting in bed drinking fizzy water and listening to the hail pound my bedroom window, I'm wondering if I'll actually get any sleep tonight because of it. Nights tomorrow night again so I need sleep tonight!!! Plus I've got a sore throat, which might have contributed to me feeling drained, can't take anything for it apart from painkillers which don't seem to have the desired effect.

Lots of hot water with summer berry plavouring and paracetomol, so soothing on the throat, hope you feel better soon xxx
Hi ladies! What is it with you and those scales! Lol

After my initial disappointment of losing a pound I have gotten over it and am even more determined to get the final 12lb off!

Cazza well done on your exercise and how nice doing it with your daughter!

Lily really pleased for you buying the size 16 dress! And for losing the 2lb!

Sal well done on losing 2lb and oing your long shift!

Scooter,I love the hot water with both the Summer Berry flavouring and the Orange one!

Well had good day pulled off a good contract at work which was great! Picked up my sons new car tonight and he is a really good little driver!

Looking or ward to next weigh in to see if I have had a better week!

Take care ladies we are doing this and losing the fat every day, little by little x
Scales 3lb down this morning! Happy Caz! Definitely going back to martial arts class if that's the kind of result i get!!!