Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

My scales are indicating another 2lb down this morning?! Not convinced for some reason!!! We shall see on Tuesday I guess!!!!
My scales are indicating another 2lb down this morning?! Not convinced for some reason!!! We shall see on Tuesday I guess!!!!

Be great if it sticks. :) You're due a nice big weekly loss.

Scales said I was down another pound so that makes 3 pounds off this week (weigh in tomorrow). I can live with a 3lb loss - better than last week's measly pound.
Sal, sorry it was such a rough night. Hope you've managed to catch up on some sleep today. x x
Hi Netty - glad your new CWPC is a good one! Fingers crossed :cross: for weigh in tomorrow.
4lbs off for me this week, it'll do.
Dear god people are so freakin sensitive!!! I had a moan this morning on twitter because I always relieve the people who're finishing their shift a good 15 minutes early but when it comes down to it the courtesy isn't repaid. Apparently it's caused uproar at work! But it's true. The people who are cross about it are the very people who don't repay the favour and yet expect the be relieved early. It's annoying. I think that coupled with a tweet about something Id witnessed another day about colleagues who would rather sit on chairs than help another colleague who was busy, has gone done like a lead balloon. I've removed both tweets just to prevent management issues but I think it's annoying that I should have to. I know I'm in for it on Monday and somehow will have to 'man up' got it. But I did not mention any names and so it's those with a guilty conscience who'll have lots to say I'm sure. Grrr, why can't people just do the job they get paid for! And then there's me who drags myself in when I should really have phoned in sick and get no better thought of. It's backward!!
Sorry about that rant had to get it off my chest!! Well done to everyone who has lost weight this week. Some fab results x
Rant away. If you can't rant here, where can you rant? :hug99:

Have to say I steer well clear of tweeting and FBing cos I know just how easily things can kick off and I'm one of those people who sometimes finds it hard not to say what I feel - I'd be in trouble all the time, I fear!

It seems to be NHS-wide, and as Cazza said the other day, it seems to be the younger staff members in particular who just don't seem to appreciate it's nice to repay favours and be as considerate of their older colleagues as those colleagues are to them. My OH is a staff nurse in ITU and very often ends up looking after two patients plus one that's supposed to be being looked after by a junior nurse cos that nurse seems to think it's okay to sit playing on the computer rather than keep an eye on her patient...

Not sure how this state of affairs has come about. Years ago everyone was far more supportive of each other and if they weren't, the senior staff would bring people into line. It all just seems to go unnoticed and unaddressed these days.

Gawd, hark at Granny here... :sigh: So glad I'm not nursing anymore.
See thAts the trouble years ago we all used to come in 15 minutes early to relieve and handover, it was an unspoken thing we just did it. One of the ones I was having a go about is old school so she should know better but she comes in on the dot of 8. I was actually going to remove that tweet because I knew it would inflame but it seems I wasn't quick enough.

The night shift was horrific, a patient collapsed on my dragging me to the floor with him, I've cracked my elbow on the floor, theatre was running all night so we were a staff member down for most of the early hours, and it was just busy busy so being relieved a little early would've been nice this morning. I feel bad now but I'm sure that only because I've upset people (who probably weren't the ones who should be upset) and because work will be uncomfortable on Monday but I'll just have to take it on the chin. It was my own fault I was meant to be putting it on my private diet twitter account and in my tiredness it went on my public one. I've removed all work related tweets now so unless anyone has been sad enough to take screen shots of the tweets there's no evidence if them.

God if anyone found this site I'd be in for the serious high jump!
Oh Sal. :hug99:

Poor you, sounds like a completely cr*ppy shift.

As for anyone reading this, that's one of the reasons I hide behind a pretty pink flower. :D
Hmm might have to remove my mug shot and replace it with another nice pic. Off to look now. I've apologised to one of my colleagues about the tweet because it wasn't aimed at her and is why I'm feeling bad, but the rest can do one lol.
My new avatar


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I'm feeling really fed up about work! Yes I have got myself into this mess with twitter but my colleagues have driven me to it with their work ethic. I wish I was less sensitive. My friend, who is very much brazen and doesn't give a hoot what people think of her, told me not to give it another thought but I'm stressing now. Not because I'll get into trouble, but just because I don't like conflict and the Cerazette is out of my system now so I'm not as gobby and blunt anymore grr. Oh well I made my bed, now I'll lie in it. Hopefully things will die down after the weekend.

Thank god for this thread where I can come and worry etc without prejudice.

Oh, oh in more positive news; Aunt Flow has done one, hopefully won't be back for 20 something days!!
Ha ha people make me laugh, just been talking to my friend who was at work today, about Twittergate. She said people were talking about the fact I'd had a rant and the fact that I, oh my god, I swore! Which I didn't even do, the outrage was because I swore! Heaven forbid I said a naughty word!
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Just back from a 2 hour martial arts class. If you need me I'll be dying in a very hot radox bath!
Just back from a 2 hour martial arts class. If you need me I'll be dying in a very hot radox bath!

Ah but it'll all be worth it!!! I might actually look into classes near me, see if there's any Wado Ryu ones. My old class still runs but it's 20 miles away and inconvenient. I ended up doing MMA there but preferred proper Wado.
It will be worth it, and I feel awesome for it, but I am seizing up fast. I am sat on the sofa waiting for the bath to run, and wondering if I am going to be able to get back off the sofa in a minute to turn the bath back off and get in it! But... and this is the best bit... I kept up!!!! It was a 1 hour family class followed by a 1 hour adult class, so 2 warm ups and stretches, 2 lots of drills etc. I just can't believe I managed to keep up and I didn't get out of breath once!!!!