Restart 3/9/2013
Morning all. I have an unhappy tummy this morning that is making all sorts of random noises... slightly concerning! But still, better than being constipated on weigh day for a change...
OMG I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry posted too soon then lost my signal!!!
This week I have lost.... 7lb!!!!!!
Might be in a bit of a state of shock!
Sorry posted too soon then lost my signal!!!
This week I have lost.... 7lb!!!!!!
Might be in a bit of a state of shock!
My CDC didn't seem overly bothered by my meagre loss, she said it has to go at some point. Also that because I'm not very well my body will be retaining water and fighting the fat loss as a self-preservation measure. So I'll carry on as normal but maybe knock the tea on the head again.
Sorry posted too soon then lost my signal!!!
This week I have lost.... 7lb!!!!!!
Might be in a bit of a state of shock!
TBH I still can't believe it!!! Thought I was looking at 4-5lb again, which I would have been happy with as wanted at least 4lb off to get under 22st. But really didn't expect 7lb! Not complaining though. You wait, I'll gain 3lb this weekWouldn't surprise me actually - next week will be totm
Actually scrap that, doesn't matter! CWPC is away next week so not officially weighing in for 2 more weeks!
Last week I did SS+ on weigh day, 4 products wed and fri (martial arts), and 3 products the rest of the week. Seem to have got on top of the constipation problem which definitely helps!!! So doing exactly the same this week - just had a green leaf salad (is it normal that I now crave salad?), then will have 3 products on non-martial arts days and 4 products on martial arts days... watch this space!
Also, funny thing I was thinking about today... I can't remember the last time I trumped. I no longer seem to suffer with bottom burps since starting this diet!!!!
Sorry posted too soon then lost my signal!!!
This week I have lost.... 7lb!!!!!!
Might be in a bit of a state of shock!
I've learned today that taking Movicol when you have a cough is really not a sensible thing to do. Luckily I didn't ever have an accident but it was not a pleasant experience. And fat lot of good it did me, according to CDCs scales I've lost a grand total of 2lbs in 2 weeks, not goodill see what my scales say tomorrow because its not official until tomorrow. It's annoying because I can't even pull my finger out and try harder. I can't do anything different.
My CDC didn't seem overly bothered by my meagre loss, she said it has to go at some point. Also that because I'm not very well my body will be retaining water and fighting the fat loss as a self-preservation measure. So I'll carry on as normal but maybe knock the tea on the head again.