Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

It's pants, isn't it? I am stupidly disappointed - I should know better. It's not going to send me off the rails or anything daft like that, but I could really do with seeing 5lbs off next week.

Think I'm looking at August right now. Still, I'll be able to buy a nice winter coat next Autumn. :)

Yes, in the past it's sent my reaching for the naughty brown stuff but not this time. I have to keep focused. I need a chunky loss too to get me back on track. I'm trying my hardest not to go on the scales every day, it's so hard but at least when I do go on its usually moved in the right direction.
I might ask my Dad what he thinks (he's a black belt - I'm in awe). I wonder if it'll be less confusing if I stick to Japanese? It's been a good five years since I did any but reading my old grading syllabus brought it all back. Food for thought anyway!

Oh and I've just noticed where I've lost some weight....... The back of my neck, there's no longer a pad of fat covering my spine at the back of my neck, I can feel the vertebrae again. Discovered this because I was rubbing my sore swollen glands in my neck. Small victories!

Oh the hump, I hate the hump. Glad yours is shrinking, mine too, it's one of the ugliest things about being overweight xxx
Well done on the exercise Cazza, sounds like something you really enjoy which will make it easier to stick with. I've just been to the gym for the first time in months and really enjoyed it, was very conscious not to overdo it so just did 20 minutes cross trainer and 15 mins rowing machine, gonna try aim for 3 times per week :)

So it's day 29 for me today and official WI with CDC was -6.25lbs yippee, brings my grand total to 18lbs, v happy lady... Only 78 to go eek!

Now gonna have a little self pampering this afternoon I think. Have a great weekend everyone xx
Well the day started well...and kind of went downhill from there really!!! Got to my car this morning (no allocated parking here, Southsea is mainly victorian terrace housing and mansions that have now been converted to flats, and parking is first come first serve, so can end up parking bloody biles away) to find my wing mirror hanging off and a note on the windscreen informing me that 3 'yoofs' apparently decided it would be fun to kick the sh!t out of my wing mirror :mad:. The only saving grace I guess is that it was parked outside a residential home and so had waking staff who went outside and scared them off before they could do any real serious damage, but I am so so annoyed. Another expense I really could have done without :mad:.

Took Chloe to the cinema which was fine, excepted seized up in the seats. Aching quite a lot now, which I expected really. Hot bath again in a minute I think with my radox salts! Anyway Chloe had a birthday party this afternoon at Gunwharf (cinema/shops/bars etc - we were at the cinema there) so dropped her off there then got depressed in the shops :mad:. Tried on some bras, got cross, looked at clothes, got cross, got soaking wet in the rain, got cross. You get the picture. Picked Chloe up from her party (at an art gallery, for a 6 year olds birthday party?! Am I the only one who finds this a little odd?) and she has been a pain in the bum ever since (got to love sugar). Have put a film on for her and am hiding in my bed being grumpy. My knee is throbbing a bit and my back is just feeling rather sore. Is it wrong to wish I had a boyfriend right now JUST so he could massage some deep heat or something in to my back??? lol. Oh also feeling very cross because I took Chloe to a buffet place for lunch and the swines charged me despite the fact I wasn't eating :mad:, so paid £8 for a glass of tap water. ARGGHHHHHHH. Also have only pee'd once today despite drinking loads, so no doubt I will be about a stone heavier in the morning!!!!

Sorry for being so grumpy
God the little Sh!ts!!!! I bet you're fuming! No apologies for being grumpy!!

It's strange but thinking about it I haven't been to the loo much today either and I've had plenty to drink, so that'll be two of us with water weight! I'm not going to get on the scales until Tuesday so hopefully I won't see it.
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Didn't have time to fume too much, we were running late for the cinema!!!!

I want new hair... my hair is boring. Might be best to wait until I have lost lots more weight first though!!!
Didn't have time to fume too much, we were running late for the cinema!!!!

I want new hair... my hair is boring. Might be best to wait until I have lost lots more weight first though!!!

I was looking at old pics earlier and I've got a bob in some of them, thinking about rebobbing but not sure. I'm not bothered about going for the chop, my hair grows like a weed anyway so won't take long to grow out if I don't like, I'm more concerned about the up keep of a bob, I'm lazy.

What're you thinking for your hair? Colour or just different cut?
Dunno really, just different!
Know what you mean Cazza. I've had my hair the same for years now, a sort of shoulder length bob which I have to straighten every day cos my hair is very wavy. That was great when big hair was in but not so good now. If I didn't straighten it it'd look like a bird's nest most days. So I'm thinking maybe I'll go short when my face isn't quite so round and double chinny. Maybe...
I have naturally thin, straight hair and I hate it! It's so fine and poker straight. Yeah, great, I don't have to straighten it, but there is bugger all else I can do with it too!!!! Really hoping perms finally make a comeback soon - I've always wanted curly hair!!!
Am seriously seizing up tonight. Had another hot bath as actually thought it would help, but instead I am stiffer than I was beforehand!!! Argh.
My hair is poker straight too, fine but there is tons of it!!! It's so dark naturally that it's difficult to dye it, I used to have it a chocolatey brown with highlights but the up keep with that was so expensive, I needed it doing every 4 weeks or I got horrific roots. My hair is just natural colour now and I'm bored with it!
Am seriously seizing up tonight. Had another hot bath as actually thought it would help, but instead I am stiffer than I was beforehand!!! Argh.

Put ice packs on your big muscle groups for 10 minutes at a time. It'll help ease them for longer than heat does. Just a little trick I learned in rehab for my leg.
I'd be proper salt and pepper, if not badger, if I let my natural colour through. :sigh:
Mine is a real dull ash brown colour naturally - has been since I was young. Proper dull and boring. Currently it is a dark reddish colour, though needs redoing as the roots are showing through. I am crap with hair and really only do low maintenance. I am lucky that I really do have wash and go hair, don't even need to brush it every day ;) Man I'm lazy!
No this really is the height of laziness, when I'm at work I tie my hair back and only ever wash my fringe on a morning! That's really bad isn't it? Ha ha I don't even care!
True in my life, just saying!


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Sounds about right!

I'm still in bed. Would happily stay here all day... something tells me the child may not agree!
I'm amused some of the people I aimed my tweet at have asked to follow me on Twitter over the weekend. If they're hoping to read it, it's gone! Unless they still have no clue it's them I meant, which is entirely feasible.