Well the day started well...and kind of went downhill from there really!!! Got to my car this morning (no allocated parking here, Southsea is mainly victorian terrace housing and mansions that have now been converted to flats, and parking is first come first serve, so can end up parking bloody biles away) to find my wing mirror hanging off and a note on the windscreen informing me that 3 'yoofs' apparently decided it would be fun to kick the sh!t out of my wing mirror

. The only saving grace I guess is that it was parked outside a residential home and so had waking staff who went outside and scared them off before they could do any real serious damage, but I am so so annoyed. Another expense I really could have done without

Took Chloe to the cinema which was fine, excepted seized up in the seats. Aching quite a lot now, which I expected really. Hot bath again in a minute I think with my radox salts! Anyway Chloe had a birthday party this afternoon at Gunwharf (cinema/shops/bars etc - we were at the cinema there) so dropped her off there then got depressed in the shops

. Tried on some bras, got cross, looked at clothes, got cross, got soaking wet in the rain, got cross. You get the picture. Picked Chloe up from her party (at an art gallery, for a 6 year olds birthday party?! Am I the only one who finds this a little odd?) and she has been a pain in the bum ever since (got to love sugar). Have put a film on for her and am hiding in my bed being grumpy. My knee is throbbing a bit and my back is just feeling rather sore. Is it wrong to wish I had a boyfriend right now JUST so he could massage some deep heat or something in to my back??? lol. Oh also feeling very cross because I took Chloe to a buffet place for lunch and the swines charged me despite the fact I wasn't eating

, so paid £8 for a glass of tap water. ARGGHHHHHHH. Also have only pee'd once today despite drinking loads, so no doubt I will be about a stone heavier in the morning!!!!
Sorry for being so grumpy