Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

I'm amused some of the people I aimed my tweet at have asked to follow me on Twitter over the weekend. If they're hoping to read it, it's gone! Unless they still have no clue it's them I meant, which is entirely feasible.

:D :D :D
Interesting. I've been reading about ketosis at it's the satiety | first solve the hunger, then consider weight. I particularly recommend the series of articles that start here: Ketosis in a Nutshell – Part 1, What’s Up? | it's the satiety

Something I've never read anywhere before is the notion that after a few weeks in ketosis body composition adapts and you actually regain some of the water you lose during the early days of going into ketosis - when you lose glycogen and water very quickly. That would explain a lot. That could well be the reason scales get sticky a few weeks in. You're still losing fat but the regained water masks the fat loss. It would also explain why the scales shoot up far more than you might expect them to when you fall off the wagon.

I'm reassured. :):clap:

Random question... Did your parents ever exercise when you were growing up? Been thinking about this the last few days quite a lot. My parents never ever exercised when I was younger. I remember thinking that exercise was just something you had to do as a kid?! My mum was permanently on a diet, yet we were bought up in a "you don't leave the table until your plate is empty" environment.

Random question... Did your parents ever exercise when you were growing up? Been thinking about this the last few days quite a lot. My parents never ever exercised when I was younger. I remember thinking that exercise was just something you had to do as a kid?! My mum was permanently on a diet, yet we were bought up in a "you don't leave the table until your plate is empty" environment.

Nope, they didn't exercise when I was growing up and snap to the clean your plate thing.

But then I'm far from convinced that strenuous exercise is necessarily a good thing. I guess everyone did a lot more walking when I was a kid anyway - my Mum used to walk into town to do the shopping and didn't simply buy everything from a supermarket.
Very interesting Lily, I'll give that a read when my phone is charged up. It would explain the little slump we seem to find ourselves in at the moment too.

My mum never exercised apart from swimming as she has had several operations on her back as I was growing up, but my dad did! He's a black belt in karate and he did a lot of swimming and running when we lived in SA. I also did a lot of exercise until I went to Uni, which is where I ballooned because I stopped it all after the first semester.
Very jealous of my SILs new car, cute little Fiat 500. I no longer have the newest car in the family :( Mind you she's worked hard for it, she deserves it. Lucky girl!


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Ended up going out for a bit. I suffer dreadfully with cabin fever these days, and can't bear to be trapped in the house all day with a 5 year old!!!! So we went in to town. Needed to get a few bits and pieces - mainly socks! Oh the excitement. Also managed to get hold of a top in sports direct that is sufficiently tight around my jubblies that hopefully it will reduce the bounce factor just a bit!!!! Also treated myself to a few little bits like some new nail varnish and some nice bath stuff from Lush! Chloe had subway, I had a shake and a coffee. Oh the excitement!!!!
Aargh when am I going to feel human again? I've got a blazing headache that won't shift. I've had 1 and 1/2 litres of water and 3 x 400ml cups of rose tea, so I'm not dehydrated. I'm still coughing like a 40 a day smoker too. I could do with a week off to recuperate properly, but no such luck.

Early night is on the cards and hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow.
Really hope you do start to feel better really soon! Currently sat watching Moonwalker with Chloe - child is completely obsessed with Michael Jackson! Amuses me greatly as I was exactly the same at her age!!!! Have just bought This Is It on blu-ray for a whole £2.23 on Amazon! Have to say that watching through the eyes of a 32 year old, this film really is dreadful! I should add this is the third time I have seen it this weekend! Her other ongoing obsession (since last summer in fact) is Oliver! Which I had never seen before, but have now seen approximately 100 times. Funny the things kids get obsessed with. Still, I'd rather it this way than weird Justin Bieber and One Direction obsessions like some of my friends kids who are the same age!!!!
Well the cold shoulder I was expecting at work hasn't materialised. I few people have said they were thinking the same thing but not ballsy enough to say it. And the people it was about are practically falling over themselves to crawl up my a*se, unbelievable!! So I'm not public enemy number 1 after all. And maybe people will pull their socks up from now on..... And maybe piggies will grow wings and fly but hey.

In other news my throat feels like I've poured bleach down it, to the point where it's burning. Can't take anything for it, not that strepsils work anyway, they just numb your tongue.

Dietwise, just plodding on. I read those articles Lily found and they make perfect sense to what's going on with my weight right now! I'm keto-adapted and so I'm regaining some water weight. It's not fat, I will keep losing the dreaded fat so long as I don't give up.
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Well the cold shoulder I was expecting at work hasn't materialised. I few people have said they were thinking the same thing but not ballsy enough to say it. And the people it was about are practically falling over themselves to crawl up my a*se, unbelievable!! So I'm not public enemy number 1 after all. And maybe people will pull their socks up from now on..... And maybe piggies will grow wings and fly but hey.

In other news my throat feels like I've poured bleach down it, to the point where it's burning. Can't take anything for it, not that strepsils work anyway, they just numb your tongue.

Dietwise, just plodding on. I read those articles Lily found and they make perfect sense to what's going on with my weight right now! I'm keto-adapted and so I'm regaining some water weight. It's not fat, I will keep losing the dreaded fat so long as I don't give up.

That's good news! So you've gone from baddie to hero, LOL. :D

I am clinging for grim death to the theory about regaining water. Scales are still stuck! :mad:
Me too, except I realise that my bloated tummy and lack of toilet activity are more to blame this week for me. Night shifts really screw with my habits, I've realised today that I can't actually remember the last time I 'went' so Ive gulped back 3 sachets of Movicol and I'm just waiting for the action. My tummy has been hurting all day so I'm well and truly constipated :( hopefully this Movicol will kick in tonight, it's usually pretty good for me.
Hysterical 5 year old in bed screaming like a naughty toddler. She is doing the "I miss my Daddy" routine - haven't seen that one in a few weeks..must be fast approaching the end of half term. Don't really know what to do with her tbh - feel like a completely rubbish mum :'(
After 20 minutes of screaming just told said hysterical 5 year old that if she continues screaming like a baby I will start treating her like a baby... too harsh? It's stopped the crying at least... Being a mummy really is the toughest job in the world sometimes...

In other news - day 43 for me today! That means it is week 7 :) Weigh in tomorrow
After 20 minutes of screaming just told said hysterical 5 year old that if she continues screaming like a baby I will start treating her like a baby... too harsh? It's stopped the crying at least... Being a mummy really is the toughest job in the world sometimes...

In other news - day 43 for me today! That means it is week 7 :) Weigh in tomorrow

Aw. Hope little'un's settled now and you've got some peace and quiet. And she's just training you ahead of her becoming a teenager. :rolleyes: You'll look back on these days fondly. ;)

Still, can't grumble. My 16 year old has been almost human the last few days. Speaking in full sentences and everything. It surely can't last. :D

Day 43!! Wow. Well done! :clap:
Ha good point! Feeling very grumpy tonight. Had physio earlier for my dodgy elbow... and it wasn't good news :( Physio doesn't think it is something that she can do much about, so is referring me to neurology and orthopaedic surgeons. Got to have nerve conduction studies (ouch!) then need to see surgeons as I have a calcification on tip of elbow from the break 18 months ago which may be causing all the problems. So feeling pretty grumpy about all that - though of course all helps my compensation claim against former employers!!!
Boo. Sorry about the elbow. :(

I'm not feeling quite so grumpy tonight but then I did have a very grumpy weekend. I'd have blamed it on PMT if it wasn't entirely the wrong time of the month. Think I was just feeling a bit fed up of same old same old. My own fault really for not planning anything fun to do. But I don't feel like doing much at the moment. It's too soon to go clothes shopping and I didn't feel like going to the cinema (OH and I watch a lot of DVDs as it is).

I need a hobby really but I've been so shattered after work just recently that it's been hard to summon up the enthusiasm. Another reason to lose weight, huh? Here's hoping being slimmer equates with having more energy. I seem to remember it did last time...
Oh no Caz, sounds like you've had a rough day. Like lily said hope you've got some peace now. 7 weeks in though, well done!!

I'm desperate to take something for this cough and I'm wondering if I'm prolonging it by not taking an expectorate cough medicine. Trouble is they're full of sugar and I don't want to take anything like that. I've read that a warm pack on my chest and warm drinks will loosen things up so I'm giving it a go. It's so irritating coughing all the time.

Not holding out for much of a loss at wi, partly because of being bunged up and partly because I'm sick. We shall see.
Oh yeah - I signed up to Race for Life today! It's not until 21st July so hope to have lost loads of weight by then! My friend talked me in to it, she signed up and is hoping to run it. Can't see me running it, will be happy enough to finish it without dying!!!
Hi ladies, Cazza good luck with you weigh in! Sooty to hear about your elbow! Hope you little me has settled bless!

sal hope you start to feel better and the moviolas works!

Lily hope you are feeling better I used to hate PMT and get really grouchy now I just get grouchy if I have not changed my hormone patch! Lol

I had a busy weekend ended up decorating the lounge and am nearly finished but I am shattered and aching from up and down the ladder painting ceiling etc!

Looking forward to my weigh in on Wednesday day 41 for mw today!

Really busy at work this week and am at a course on Wed with a catered buffet! So going to take my bar to have at lunch time!

Hope you are all have a good day tomorrow x