Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

Tx Sally. Diet has been going well until today. Felt stressed out with what's happened! Ill be ok. Back to it now. Got diabetes people coming to Boro to take my picture. Going to appear in the annual report for doing the GNR and my mum's story! God I look so fat now! Wish it was a couple of months down the line! ;(
I know this wont help but at least you'll be able to look back on that article and say it was the old you!
Surfhunny said:
I know this wont help but at least you'll be able to look back on that article and say it was the old you!

I will. You are right! I've lost 7 1/2lb since Monday.
This thread has gone quiet, I've been AWOL busy busy at work but I'm off now for a bit not back until Thursday. Yesterday the weather was lovely so I tackled the gardens! It was a mammoth task, flower beds needed weeding and digging over, the grass needed cutting, the patio had moss and weeds growing between the paving, so did the driveway, I got it all done and it kept me busy!

Today I'm going to tackle the black hole that is the under stairs cupboard. There's stuff in there that hasn't seen the light of day since I moved in nearly 9 years ago. God knows what's in there.... I need the space so I have to evict the junk! I'm just plucking up the courage to open the door!

Diet wise I'm still struggling. I hate water and struggle to drink enough as a result the scales are refusing to budge. I'm going to make a really big effort while I'm off to guzzle water, might give the water flavourings another go. Does adding extra water to shakes count? I could get a few extras this way?
All good here. Currently sat on the beach scaring the general public with my pale hairy legs enjoying the gorgeous weather and contemplating going paddling! Not quite warm enough to swim in the sea just yet!


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Surfhunny said:
This thread has gone quiet, I've been AWOL busy busy at work but I'm off now for a bit not back until Thursday. Yesterday the weather was lovely so I tackled the gardens! It was a mammoth task, flower beds needed weeding and digging over, the grass needed cutting, the patio had moss and weeds growing between the paving, so did the driveway, I got it all done and it kept me busy!

Today I'm going to tackle the black hole that is the under stairs cupboard. There's stuff in there that hasn't seen the light of day since I moved in nearly 9 years ago. God knows what's in there.... I need the space so I have to evict the junk! I'm just plucking up the courage to open the door!

Diet wise I'm still struggling. I hate water and struggle to drink enough as a result the scales are refusing to budge. I'm going to make a really big effort while I'm off to guzzle water, might give the water flavourings another go. Does adding extra water to shakes count? I could get a few extras this way?

Just put flavouring in! I've started using a sports electrolyte when at the gym. 0 cals no sugar. I like it so much I'm drinking it all the time. Naughty me! It's got citric acid in it but I'm not giving a rats bout that.

My diet has gone down the drain but I've been away this weekend and its been a stressful time seeing hubby's dad. Back to it tomorrow.
Having to rest the shredder, it's smoking hot lol. I have literally found years worth of shredding to be done. I need to keep on top of it from now on, the poor shredder can only cope with 3 pages at a time. But while I'm shredding I'm not eating (unfortunately this is not the shred that will make me slimmer).
We've been house hunting. Started Thursday pm. Hubby spotted a new build then whilst he took the dog out for a walk I went on the look and found a nice 5 bed house. We went to see it Friday. Then we went away. We found another house when we were surfing the web fri night. So we went to see it this afternoon. Then the one next door too! Crazy! Think we've got the bug to move! Wish we'd decided this last year before spending £20g on a new bathroom and ensuite and £5g on a new combo boiler.
Trip to the tip this morning to get rid of all the cr@p I've managed to accumulate over the last few years. It's actually therapeutic ditching the clutter. I just wish it was so easy to get rid of the fat!!

I still haven't heard from my neighbour about fixing my car. She's been very elusive these last few weeks so I put another note through her door telling her how much it will cost but she hasn't been round. I keep trying to catch her but she works even odder hours than I do it's a nightmare.

People keep saying just go through the insurance, but its going to cost me more in the long run if I do that because I've got another dent from someone else on the same side, the guy said he'll fix both at same time for an extra £80, but insurance won't touch that one. So I'll still end up paying out... I hate this, but since dad put the rope restraint up she can't do more damage which is what was worrying me most.

As for dieting, I need to brave the scales I think, face the numbers! I'm on day 2 properly, need to get through this first week and I'll be flying again. Must drink water though! Going to get some sparkling water on the way back from the tip, I find it easier to drink.
You can pay extra at the garage your car is sent to to get the dent fixed. I'd go through the insurance if she doesn't contact you after this last note!
Yeah I looked into it, and its a lot extra because it'll get sent to Ford for the work with it being a lease car. It's not worth the chew on, either way I'm looking at paying out £300.
So the scales weren't as bad as expected, I'm only 2lbs up from my last wi so hopefully with lots of water that will be gone by Fridays wi.
Randomly today something has just clicked again, I've found my mojo. I wish I knew what happened I cant say at all but I think maybe its a combination of factors.

1) I could keep up this cycle of self destruction and sabotage forever and not get anywhere
2) I'm watching the Biggest Loser right now and their determination is infectious.
3) Summer is coming (supposedly)
4) This photo


5) This photo


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Morning Sal. so glad to hear things have finally clicked - funny how that just happens sometimes! Hopefully it is the start of being back on track for you. How are you feeling this morning?

I have woken up with what appears to be laryngitis. Very very sore throat but further down if that makes sense? And incredibly swollen glands in my neck. Ouchy. Also seem to have an itchy rash round my neck and face - unsure if this is related or not! Gargling on some aspirin and trying to dig out some paracetamol - Have plenty of strong co-codamol, but I can't function very well with that! Then going to throw some clothes on and drag my sorry ass off to work. Can't speak very well, so might need to rearrange my visits for the day, but plenty to get on with in office. Sounds daft, but apart from my throat and neck (and maybe ears) I actually feel ok, hence I am off to work
Morning Sal. so glad to hear things have finally clicked - funny how that just happens sometimes! Hopefully it is the start of being back on track for you. How are you feeling this morning?

I have woken up with what appears to be laryngitis. Very very sore throat but further down if that makes sense? And incredibly swollen glands in my neck. Ouchy. Also seem to have an itchy rash round my neck and face - unsure if this is related or not! Gargling on some aspirin and trying to dig out some paracetamol - Have plenty of strong co-codamol, but I can't function very well with that! Then going to throw some clothes on and drag my sorry ass off to work. Can't speak very well, so might need to rearrange my visits for the day, but plenty to get on with in office. Sounds daft, but apart from my throat and neck (and maybe ears) I actually feel ok, hence I am off to work

Measles? ;)

Actually, I probably shouldn't joke about that!

My mojo is still sadly missing. To be honest, I'm not looking for it very hard right now. Must find the mojo to get my mojo...
Tonsilitis extremis. Made it to Dr, no idea how. Currently swigging lucozade in order to feel more human. Bleurgh
Grrr I hate illnesses for throwing you off course, that's what started my slide into self destruct!! I hope your throat feels better soon!!

I'm still having a bit of a carry on with my eye so I've bit the bullet and made an appointment at the optician. It's still a year before my next check up but I just want reassurance that I'm not likely to go blind by ignoring the problem lol. So I'm back to wearing my glasses again until I see someone. I suspect I know what's wrong, i think its blepharitis,I've had it before but it's never been so bad it's stopped me from wearing my lenses. My brother suffers from it too from time to time. I also suspect that my bout of conjunctivitis was actually this.

I'm in the middle of reading back through my old diary on here. It's quite enlightening. I've been struggling along since 2010 like this. Randomly I'm the same weight more or less as I was this time 2 years ago. That's not good progress is it? Well this time next year I will be lighter, much lighter!
Can't believe I am writing this...

Slept most of the last 24 hours, sipping lucozade when I woke and taking more painkillers. Dragged myself out of bed at lunch time to go and get weighed (cancelled last night, no way could I have made it!), and I've only gone and lost 10lb since last Tuesday! I was expecting a good loss - CDC scales were a few pound out from mine last week so I was expecting 9-10lb off last week but only got 7, this week I was expecting 6-7 and got 10! This takes me to 18st 7lb, which is my lightest weight since I was 18. It also takes me to a total loss so far of 6st 2lb. Can't believe it!

Haven't managed a shake since 9am yesterday - quite literally been stuck in bed and sipping lucozade and water. Will make sure I get a couple in today. Not convinced I will get 3 in as my appetite is non-existant and swallowing is proving very hard work!
I can't count. I actually lost 11lb this week!!!
Woo hoo Cazza well done!!! You're a shining example to us all! I wish I could lose even half that in a week, but I can't complain if I'm not putting effort in can I? Well from now on I'm knuckling down, totally inspired by your fabulous losses of late. I need the scales moving in the right direction again!!
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