Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

Hey, sorry been broadbandless for the past 48 hours as I may have omitted to pay the bill.. whoops. All paid now and back online. Glad the car is booked in to get sorted, hope your neighbour isn't going to be an idiot about it!

So busy at work at the moment it is daft! Means I am just shattered all the time and still not quite 100% from being poorly last week. Speaking of which, I got weighed today and only lost 1lb, but didn't really expect a whole lot more after last weeks epic 1lb off! Plus it is technically only 6 days since I was last weighed - excuses excuses. Going to try and stick to SS this week now I am feeling better - was SS+ pretty much the whole of the last week when I was eating, though barely ate at all for 4 days!

Hope everyone is well xxx
Well tomorrows wi will be interesting, following a week of SS/SS+. The reason I say that is because I feel so bloated :( I'm retaining water like nobodies business. Despite drinking 3 litres I'm not peeing as much as I should be :eek: so I'm not hopeful for a decent loss. So much for trying to lose a stone before I go to Leeds, I've actually gained 9lbs instead. Boo!!

Oh we'll onwards and downwards. The friend I'm going to visit has seen me way fatter than I am now so she won't judge.
Just catching up. Started dieting again. Yes, again! So anyway..... House is on the market! We are moving, we want to go to a posh estate called wynyard! House prices there are crazy daft. I've been massively busy trying to get some order over the rooms and catch up on some painting and do the garden as well as all the other things I normally do. I've sacrificed the gym. I'm getting enough if a workout shifting, cleaning, painting, tidying and digging.

B12 tested again has risen slightly from 157 to 163. Low normal range is 200+. Doc wanted to keep me on tablets but I think it would take a good 6 month for it to be anywhere near normal. I'm sick of feeling like this so decided I'll go down the injection route.

My Zumba classes have picked up. Got 3 newbies last week and they enjoyed it so much that they brought 4 more with them tonight. Feeling good about it as I did think of stopping them as numbers were low.

Sally you silly sausage! You are a wonderful person and your body isn't bad at all. It might have been you low self esteem that made ash go. Trust me you have no fear of losing the right person. They will love you for you and your size will never matter to them.
How strange, it seems my post from Friday hasn't posted! Anyway, I lost 3lbs which is good. Had a good chat to CDC about why I'm all or nothing and how to avoid temptations. Anyway I'm not going to set foot in the shops because this is where I seem to be weak and give myself permission to slip.

So I'm behaving until Leeds on Friday, I really wish I wasn't going now because I'm back on a roll. But my CDC said to have fun but get right back on the scales on Sunday morning and get back on plan!
In a minute I'm going to B&Q I need a spacer thingy for my lawn mower because as soon as the grass is cut it needs doing again, these thingies lower the blade so it cuts the grass shorter apparently. Trouble is I can't be bothered to trail into town.

At least it'll keep me busy today, take my mind off food etc!
Don't talk to me about grass, mug, digging and weeds. I've had enough and I've only done the front garden! Still got the borders of the back to do yet. I've filled 6 green recycling bags and only have 2 left! They were only emptied on Friday and I put out 7 then! So far I recon I've spent 12 hours on the front alone! I'm so glad I e got a petrol lawn mower as the cable on an electrical one always got in my way.
The front from ems bedroom window


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Your grass looks lovely, mine is a right mess, it looks like there's been a drought, it's got awful yellow patches.


I don't know what the grass is on the yellow patches, it's different to normal grass, softer and bouncier but it's yellow.


Lots of moss under the grass to the right of the path....
I've had a crazy 24 hours! I got called out at 5pm yesterday, didn't get home until well after 2am. Only to have to get up again at 6:30 for my day shift. This morning was a complete blur, I feel like I've hallucinated it all. I managed to get the afternoon off thank god. I came home and went back to bed!!!

The trouble with work and on call is that there's no provision for compensatory rest. In theory for every hour you're out after midnight you get to come in an hour later in the morning, but that just doesn't work in practice. I was entitled to go in at 11am this morning but my list started at 9am with no one else able to do it. So I had no choice but to go in.
SOunds like complete madness, and very much reminds me of my on-call experiences!

All good here - 3lb off for me this week, which takes me to 90lb/6st 6lb off - hurrah. Tired tonight and so much to do, once again it just isn't going to get done :( Stuck some new pics on my blog as finally got my CDC to take some for me!
Hi all, hope things are going well for you all. Hope someone remembers me. I've gained 2 stone since I last posted and my doc has recommended weight loss surgery as I can't afford any of the vlcd's at the moment.I don't really know what to do.Tried ww but it wasn't for me.J​ust feel like I've come to the end of the road :( My BMI is now 53.2 and I can't carry on like this.
Hey slim, of course we remember you! Sorry things aren't going great. I have lost over 6st but have now moved up to step 4. I am having surgery on my elbow on the 23rd May hence the move up. Gained 4lb but went a bit its yesterday, hoping that will come off fast! Worried about diet post surgery as won't be able to do Cambridge obviously. Aiming for Atkins and to maintain weight lost so far... Fingers crossed.

Lily and Surfhunny are still around somewhere. Lily is mostly found on her diary and is currently doing her own diet I believe. Surfhunny is Cambridging at the moment as far as I know.

Lovely to hear from you even if it isn't with the best of news. Please keep coming back and let us know how you are doing?
Moving house stress. Got another week of b12 injections then its back to ss for my holidays. Just have a naughty love of the naughty wine stuffs at the mine.
Hi all, hope things are going well for you all. Hope someone remembers me. I've gained 2 stone since I last posted and my doc has recommended weight loss surgery as I can't afford any of the vlcd's at the moment.I don't really know what to do.Tried ww but it wasn't for me.J​ust feel like I've come to the end of the road :( My BMI is now 53.2 and I can't carry on like this.

Lovely to see you x

As Cazza says, I'm off Cambridge at the moment myself, avoiding wheat (and sugar as much as possible, though the odd bite finds its way to my mouth!).

Sounds like you're a bit between and betwixt at the mo. Sounds daft this, but bear with me - are you sure you can't afford a VLCD? Slim and Save in particular is pretty cheap and I've seen posts around the forum about other VLCDs that are even cheaper although the range of products isn't vast. And it drives me nuts that doctors would rather pay for £5000 for weight loss surgery than cough up for a few months on Cambridge. Even at 4 products a day (around £60 a week) a year's worth of Cambridge would cost £3120 - nearly £2000 less. And it seems that post weight loss surgery you can be left with loads of problems that result in you needing medication for life and a diet that ends up looking very similar to a VLCD - all puréed food and protein shakes... It was the thought of that that got me on to Cambridge in the first place.

Might be worth putting it to the doctor that you'd be willing to try that, and to point out the cost.

I can't hack WW either. You end up being sucked in to eating all the unhealthy stuff they produce under their own label. What about good old fashioned calorie counting? How about, as a first step, doing something like me and cutting out all wheat and sugar (so that's bread, biscuits, pastry, cake etc) - you can still have rice and potatoes. Makes life tolerable. Once you've managed that for a week or two, start reducing your calories. You don't have to reduce them drastically, just down to 1800 a day - I reckon you'd see some results. Or... Just thinking out loud here - what about the 5:2 diet, where you eat normally most days of the week but on Tuesday and Thursdays (or whatever days suit you) you eat 500 calories (you can choose how to use the 500 calories). That seems to be working well for loads of people.

Hope you figure something out hun x x x
Lily you're a star. I sat down and worked it all out and decided I could just about afford slim and save if I cut back on something. For me that's magazines. I love reading them and can easily spend a tanner a week on them. So I've ordered the trial pack and its due to arrive tomorrow. I've started today though with a few old cd packs I had lurking. I hope I like the slim and save packs. I was so embarrassed yesterday. I had parked my car near my parents house and when I came to leave someone had parked so close that I couldn't get in the car and had to ask my dad to move the car for me. He's over 6ft and not exactly skinny. I felt so bad that I couldn't get in my car. Went straight back on the diet this morning. Also planning to walk to school a few times a week to save diesel to help pay for this. I feel very positive today. I'll update my ticker etc when I'm home as I'm on my phone at work. Lol. Am I still allowed to post on here if I'm not doing cd? I know I started the thread but I don't want to annoy anyone being on a different vlcd.
Lily you're a star. I sat down and worked it all out and decided I could just about afford slim and save if I cut back on something. For me that's magazines. I love reading them and can easily spend a tanner a week on them. So I've ordered the trial pack and its due to arrive tomorrow. I've started today though with a few old cd packs I had lurking. I hope I like the slim and save packs. I was so embarrassed yesterday. I had parked my car near my parents house and when I came to leave someone had parked so close that I couldn't get in the car and had to ask my dad to move the car for me. He's over 6ft and not exactly skinny. I felt so bad that I couldn't get in my car. Went straight back on the diet this morning. Also planning to walk to school a few times a week to save diesel to help pay for this. I feel very positive today. I'll update my ticker etc when I'm home as I'm on my phone at work. Lol. Am I still allowed to post on here if I'm not doing cd? I know I started the thread but I don't want to annoy anyone being on a different vlcd.

Don't see that it would annoy anyone - to be honest, not many folks post here any more, just Sally (Surfhunny), Nikki (Great things) and Caryl (Starlit_Cazza). Oh, and I pop in here and there. I'm kind of expecting to be back on SS at some point, just not quite sure whether that'll be next week, next month or next year yet!

Starlit you're also a star. I saw Lily's reply first somehow. Lol. Well done on losing 6 stone. Do we get pics? I'm really pleased for you. I'll post more when I get back from choir after work.

Caryl's blog's got some great piccies - take a look! Caryl's Weight Loss Journey...
Yes. We can do it. I have 52 kg to go. Today is Day 2. I am learning to drink. I feel better already.
I'm in ketosis already!!That was quick! I managed 4 litres of water yesterday.Currently on my 2nd bottle as I've had a very busy morning but I'll manage :)Waiting for my diet delivery :)I'm ridiculously excited about it :) I'm a daily weigher but am only going to post weight losses once a week-looks better that way LOL.Can't wait to have clothes falling off me like last time.And no chance of getting pregnant this time and ruining it :D