Hi all good luck today x I'm in the same boat as rebeccaey. May have to try the senacot too x !! Reckon ill loose half a stone !!
How's your hunger / energy levels RUEY ? I feel so much better so I hope you have turned that corner too x
Glad you are not feeling hungry anymore cara.. That was terrible and kept me awake ... Oh RUEY I don't know how but please try and be lazy where you can and rest x I cannot imagine how difficult you got it in comparison ..At the weekend my energy was good but this morning and yesterday I am drained drained drained!!! I'm not hungry at all I do crave things but I'm not hungry. I'm going to go buy some iron because I do suffer from enemia (?) sometimes I reckon that's what it is and the baby keeps getting up AND my daughter was up every hour last night with an ear ache!! Yep think I have my answers there!!!!!xx hope everyone has a good day today xxx
Hi Scotty! The first few days are hard but it does get easier I'm on day 8 now and feeling great! X
It is normal to feel slightly light headed make sure you drink all your water!!!. Good luck with it, I'm on day 8 lost 10lb first week. It gets easier!!!!
Glad you are not feeling hungry anymore cara.. That was terrible and kept me awake ... Oh RUEY I don't know how but please try and be lazy where you can and rest x I cannot imagine how difficult you got it in comparison ..
You funny faces and sweat peas have made me giggle ... Would like to add a face but mine don't seem to have faces ! Just as well as I wouldn't know which one to pick cos my mood seems to change every minute !
Yeah yesterday lost 7lbs and 8 inches. I was doing step 2 last week but have now switched to ss+ so hoping to loose sameish this week! I've you need any moral support just give us a shout on here! This site has kept us all going I think!
The first few days are tough espesh on sole source but after the first 4 days u will feel alot better.
This thread is great to moan about how tough it can be or just general Qs etc
Yeah im lucky hes doing it too he has 6 stone to loose and is already over 1 stone down after 2 weeks. So hopefully well be finished around the same time as men do loose it quicker.