New to Cambridge Weight Plan

Hey all just had my weigh in and I've lost 3lb this week it's week 3 so I'm quite pleased. Lost another 4 inches so I guess inches are more important that actual weight. I was planning on going to the gym this week but she advised me not to just yet as ill put weight and inches back on. Ah well I can live with that lol x

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Day 2: had 2 shakes so far but am feeling much hungrier than yesterday and am dreading tomorrow as a lot of people including my consultant say day 3 is the worst. What is the average weight loss for a first week? Got my first weigh in on the 12th!

Keep drinking water, the more you drink the less hungry you'll feel. :)
Hey all just had my weigh in and I've lost 3lb this week it's week 3 so I'm quite pleased. Lost another 4 inches so I guess inches are more important that actual weight. I was planning on going to the gym this week but she advised me not to just yet as ill put weight and inches back on. Ah well I can live with that lol x

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Well done cara your doing so well xx

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Hi guys it's my forth day and feeling really good
Just wanted to see how others are finding it?
Thanks both!

Hi missy I'm finding it great now! Hard at first but it soon becomes 2nd nature x

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3 weeks and I'm doing ss+

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Whoopee I am no longer obese !

I'm in over weight zone !!
Hope everyone's ok and cracking on ... These holidays and dates will soon be here so stay motivated ... Think bikinis or well tankinis perhaps x
Me too Karen!

Oh someone in work has noticed! She said I didn't want to say in front of everyone but you have lost so much weight! And wanted to know how I've done it! She was lovely so supportive! Have caught others looking me up and down but not saying anything lol this has given me a boost today!!!

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kjw20 said:
Whoopee I am no longer obese !

I'm in over weight zone !!
Hope everyone's ok and cracking on ... These holidays and dates will soon be here so stay motivated ... Think bikinis or well tankinis perhaps x

I achieved that yesterday too! Such a funny thing to get excited about but I was over the moon. Woohoo I'm finally overweight haha. Well done you!!

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Hi guys this is my first week was hard at first day 6 2mrw so feeling pretty good
How much weight you lost so far? X
I lost 7lb first week 6lb second week and 3lb third week but its the inch loss which is amazing!

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Hi everyone, how are we all?, I'm doing great this week, I thought it would be a bad week but it's been good :) . Can't believe were another week down!!!! Xx

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Hi, it's day 4 for me. Yesterday was awful and I was so hungry I could eat the table! Today is better and I have been less hungry. It has been easier than expected and is becoming routine now. I'm hoping for a good weight loss on Tuesday! When does ketosis set in, I don't really know what to expect x
I lost 10pm first week then 5 then 1 n half, hoping I'll lose more than that this week. You won't feel it wk 1 just wait til u see it on the scales!!! Are u doing ss? X

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Hi guys day 6 for me and I have not been tempted to eat food! I just keep thinking its 4 months of my life to be thin and this keeps me motivated
Weigh in Saturday can't wait!
How everyone getting on? Xx