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Good luck Karen and Rebecca on weigh ins today x
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thank you its needed! il let you all know how weigh in number 6 goes! x
Good luck Karen and Rebecca on weigh ins today x
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lost 3lbs this week. quite pleased as i had a few extra portions with my dinners for valentines and a cheeky chocolate lol
need to loose 4lbs this week to get into the ten stone area
let week 7 commence
good luck to all weigh ins
Thanks ruey ! Snap rebeccaev 3 lb off for me too.. Chuffed with that as had the meal and now back in ketosis .... I too would like a brilliant week to get me into the 12 stones... Exactly 2 stone off with 2 to go x bring it on.....hope all have another good week..... Summer is on its way and we are not going to be hiding away in oversized t shirts and tops !!!
Well done everyone you are all doing so well! I'm very impressed with the ones who have eaten and managed to get back on track, I'm not sure I be able to do it!
I'm still sticking to it just had my week 6 weigh in and lost 2 and a half stone altogether so I'm happy, but I am getting bored so my will power is being tested again! Want some different flavours and textures, but I just keep telling myself that time will come!
You lot inspire me and keep me going and for that I'm very grateful! Hope you all have a great day and if it's weigh in day best of luck
thanks alotGood job scottyIt really helps when you can see the inches come off! Im on day 5, just cant wait for my first WI. xxx
hey folks, how use all doing and how did you's get on with your weigh in? i got weighed today another 4lbs off can defiantly feel it in my cloths went down 5 inches in my waist also just 3lbs and thats 2 stone off. cant believe how quick its come off and this in my 4th week would never have got that amount off when i was on weight watchers and slimming world. hope you's are all well.