So the diary today
Bfast- 2 x weetabix, with hex A skimmed milk and lots of strawberries.
Snack-apple, and more strawberries. A coffee with hex a and sweetners.
Lunch- Left overs-mashed swede with pots, quorn chicken fillet, and a quorn sausage, with some carrots covered with a little passata.
Snack- oh wait actually i didnt have one
Dinner- Smash free pizza- smash pot base with passata sauce quorn chicken pieces, sweetcorn peppers onions with a little quark on top, with a side of BNS wedges, followed by smask garlic bread :jelous: would not recommend it.
Now as for the first time in about a year my TOTM is here i wanted a drink so I am having a vodka with diet coke (4 syns)
which is going slowly-gorgot i dont like vodka very much-but it is much less syns than beer.
Now though I want some choccy biscuits or something
have 11 syns but wondering what why I should organise it Jaffa cakes (2.5) twister (2.5) CHOC HOB NOB (4.5) decisions decisions
however i have to say i am not really hungry it really would just be comfort food, as I feel so heavy with this stupid totm grrrr, knew there were reasons I was glad I dont get it anymore