Bfast was delicious, Had it with some quark and strawberry jam on top (2 level tsps-1 syn) with strawberries and raspberries, it was delious!!
So here goes today-
Bfast french cinnamon french toast(Hex B) with some quark and jam (1syn) piled with strawberries and raspberries. with a coffee with sweetner and milk (hex A)
Snack-French Fries-4 syns
Lunch was rushed so quorn sausages (2) with batchelors noodles 98% FF, with a tin of peas
Snack-2 Pears
Dinner- Smash pizza, with quorn chicken pieces, red peppers onions, and plenty of garlic and chilli in passata sauce, with a side of BNS wedges oh yum cant wait
OH is getting a take away but def think mine will be much better