Lucky Cat
A work in progress
Maynie - 10 hrs - 4 hrs 29 mins done
Lucky Cat - 30 hrs - 6 hrs 22 mins done
Roz - 8 hrs - 24mins done
Ditzeeblonde - 12 hrs - 5 hrs 52 mins done
Fuzzy23 - 15hrs - 1½ hrs done
FatFairNForty(ish) : 15 hours
16to10 - 7 hours - 2 hour 20 minutes done
Katie_victoria - 6 hours - 1 hour 35 minutes done.
Is it just me, or does this dreadful weather make it hard to get motivated? Just 47 mins for me today.
Welcome to the group Katie!
Lucky Cat - 30 hrs - 6 hrs 22 mins done
Roz - 8 hrs - 24mins done
Ditzeeblonde - 12 hrs - 5 hrs 52 mins done
Fuzzy23 - 15hrs - 1½ hrs done
FatFairNForty(ish) : 15 hours
16to10 - 7 hours - 2 hour 20 minutes done
Katie_victoria - 6 hours - 1 hour 35 minutes done.
Is it just me, or does this dreadful weather make it hard to get motivated? Just 47 mins for me today.
Welcome to the group Katie!