Now Maintaining :)
Maynie - 10 hrs - 8 hrs 16 mins done
Lucky Cat - 30 hrs - 9 hrs 13 mins done
Roz - 8 hrs - 24mins done
Ditzeeblonde - 12 hrs - 6 hrs 14 mins done
Fuzzy23 - 15hrs - 1½ hrs done
FatFairNForty(ish) : 15 hours
16to10 - 7 hours - 6 hours 19 minutes done
Katie_victoria - 6 hours - 2 hours done.
novaX - 10 hrs - 2hr 47mins done
Dizzydelly - 5hrs - 0hrs/ 30mins done
30 minutes done on the Wii today. Glad I've nearly reached my target for this month.
I will be using my stepper later on today.