New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Love the pestle and mortar and all your spices. Looks like you're having a great time. :)
Had to google how to cook with a tagine LOL. Looks like great stuff!
You are looking tanned. Looks like you are having a fab time -- you won't want to come home!
I love lamb cooked in a tagine, so tender and tasty! Went to the medina this morning as you know, chilled by the pool bar with a book for q bit, nice little mid day siesta before going for dinner and then evening entertainment at the outside bar. Just waiting for Aaron to get back from getting his wallet from the room and we're going to have a wander down to the marina for a little bit, see what else I can spend my dinars on!
I don't want to come home on Wednesday :( it means starting work, need more time!! I am looking forward to starting SW again though I have to say. Have told Aaron it's up yo him whether he comes to meetings or not but he will be doing it with me whether he wants to or not lol
I don't want to come home on Wednesday :( it means starting work, need more time!! I am looking forward to starting SW again though I have to say. Have told Aaron it's up yo him whether he comes to meetings or not but he will be doing it with me whether he wants to or not lol

Go you... Start as you mean to continue: you tell that boy!!!!
I don't want to come home on Wednesday :( it means starting work, need more time!! I am looking forward to starting SW again though I have to say. Have told Aaron it's up yo him whether he comes to meetings or not but he will be doing it with me whether he wants to or not lol

I know the feeling, I don't want to go back to work, especially as we will hopefully just be moving into new house, I need more time to get it sorted. I'm looking forward to getting back on track diet wise as well, with all hassle with house move just can't focus at the moment, I'm hoping once everything sorted I can get back on track.
It's understandable Trisha, I was a bit like that with moving and then found it really hard to focus as I knew that holiday was not far away and would be off plan again then. Once we get back we haven't got any plans to distract me. It's my birthday in September so I think I'm going to suggest we either go out for the day somewhere (thinking maybe Chester Zoo as we were meant to do that the first weekend I came to visit but it didn't happen and still hasn't!) or go for a nice meal somewhere but I can make it SW friendly.

I have told him Mel and he's fine with it. I'll be making up his lunch anyway as I make mine (planning on lots of leftovers) and we'll probably have breakfast together so will make it easy for him. He's going to the gym a lot so hr can just have slightly bigger portions if he's extra hungry, most meals I make are syn free anyway.

Second to last day today. It's still a very warm day (30 atm, up to 36 later) but we're due lots of cloud from 12pm onwards and a storm around 1ish so we haven't bothered to get down to the beach today as there wouldn't be much sun bathing going on. Having a slow lazy morning then we'll head out to the pool and pool bar and do some reading, play cards etc. They do some different activities in and by the pool we'll probably join in with. So when (maybe if) the storm comes we can be under the shelter of the pool bar. I may get a massage as well, got some dinars left over and have a slightly achy back.

We head home tomorrow but aren't picked up until 9pm so basically have a full day. We have to check out by 12 and can either leave bags in a luggage room and they'll put them all on the coach but they've made it very clear that we have to make sure our bags are on the right coach but if they whisk them all off I'm not sure how we do that. So we're thinking we might just hang around the hotel and keep them with us, less possible hassle that way. There's a nice inside bar and plenty of space for us to take them to the poolside bar too. We didn't want to get back from the beach at 5 and have to be all sweaty and salty going home! Land at 4am and after sleep may need to go into school but hoping I can get away with just Friday and have the day at home with Aaron to chill, this holiday mal army is exhausting you know ;)
Afternoon Caz! HOT!

Usually there s a courtesy room for showering and changing - if you've checked out. Ask them. Also, I get the concern about the bags, but I'm sure they're used to doing this and you can always tape a large name label of bus number or something on them. Talk to the Thomas Cook rep. You should be getting some advice and support from them.
Enjoy your day Caz, sounds so lovely and relaxing :) don't worry about holiday coming to an end..just get home and start planning your next one! :)

Good luck with SW when you return x
Put bags in luggage room, is just easier and we were told we can collect them before we leave.

Found a nice little spot for some reading, napping and catching last chance rays this afternoon.



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Looks like paradise!
Hi Caroline. Now to get a cuppa and catch up on the world of you... this could take some time!!! Xxx
Home! Well Manchester Airport, not far from home now. Had a two and a half hour delay, tried to sleep at airport, couldn't. Tried to sleep on plane, couldn't - except half hour and I was awoken by air hostess stepping quite hard on my foot! Was too hot and couldn't get comfortable. So tired, waiting for the taxi now and just hoping I can get straight into bed and actually get to sleep when we get back.
Welcome back! Enjoy your sleep!