New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Thanks ladies :) Got home about 7am by the time we got luggage, waited for the taxi and got back here. Took a bit to settle as I was almost too tired to sleep but once we managed to settle down we got off to sleep fairly quickly. Woke up about 12.30 as Aaron got up and though we're both pretty tired figured we had better get up or we won't sleep tonight. So much washing to do now :( plus cleaning (landlady is coming by tomorrow) and shopping as the fridge is pretty much empty!
Welcome home! I won't have too much washing as the place were staying has a washer and dryer. I made DH Hoover this morning (I had on Tuesday due to sand). There was glitter through out the house -- DD's friend bought leggings with sparkles and they shed! ;)
Kids aren't back til Weds but have two training days first so I'm there monday but have to go in tomorrow to set my room up too. Put first load of washing in, got darks and whites seperated ready to go. I never normally use the dryer but I think I might today just so I can plough through this washing! Got one case unpacked and the other is unpacked apart from some clean clothes that didn't get worn that need to get put away. Hand luggage mostly put away, now just planning meals for the week so know what food to buy.
Afternoon Caz,

It's your super organized skills that serve you do we'll in your chosen profession.
When does Aaron start his new job?
Oh the joy of post holiday washing and shopping! :) Hope you get into a routine quite quickly Caz..can't believe the schools are back next week?, that summer break has flown past for you too!
Oh I know, only bit about going on holiday I don't like! Got two loads drying atm and probably only got one more to go this weekend so could be worse.

Planned out meals for the week and just been shopping to Asda to stock up. All SW friendly, lots of fruit and veg. A weeks shopping (including stocking up on a couple of weeks of coke zero and probably two months of toilet roll) came to 48 pounds. It's amazing what I save when I plan and don't over buy! Planning on using the tagine this weekend, looking forward to it!

Going to go to the SW meeting on a Tuesday. I don't know whether to transfer over or just start again. No idea what I weigh atm but probably put on a fair bit over the past 6 weeks particularly with holiday!
Welcome back, you must both be very tanned now.
Why would you start over? Surely you have some classes you have paid for, if you just transfer?
Annoyingly I've lost classes I've paid for, apart from one I think. I just don't want to go in and record a big gain! Feel embarrassed by it.
Re: the glitter Mel, I have a very glittery top (bought it online for holiday), didn't realise how glittery it was and it covered everything near it!

Did I say that Aaron and I have decided to start saving for a deposit for a house? Hence the thrifty shopping. I treated myself to a new perfume on the plane last night (more expensive than I would usually pay but I loved it) which I'm seeing as an early birthday present to myself but that'll be the only treat for a while. Not going major strict but going to try and save what we can, hopefully we can be home owners in a few years! :)
Good luck with the deposit, buying is so hard these days! Xxx
It'll take us a LONG time! I'm happy where we are at the moment but would love to be in our own little place where we can get a dog and do anything we want to the place!
I still want a puppy too!!! We're in the process of buying a bigger house... then I possibly feel a golden retriever coming on!!! Xxx
They're so gorgeous! I'm torn between a big dog like a Labrador, or cocker/springer/king Charles spaniel or a smaller and maybe more manageable dog like a westie. We considered asking our landlady about having one as there are others who have them but we don't think it's fair on a dog to be in a second floor flat. I'd love one though!
I want this one!!

Did I say that Aaron and I have decided to start saving for a deposit for a house? Hence the thrifty shopping. I treated myself to a new perfume on the plane last night (more expensive than I would usually pay but I loved it) which I'm seeing as an early birthday present to myself but that'll be the only treat for a while. Not going major strict but going to try and save what we can, hopefully we can be home owners in a few years! :)

That's good news, :)
I'd love a king Charles, I had one when I was little, but they are riddled with health problems... I couldn't bear the heart ache of my dog dying young again... my dream is a sausage dog, by OH won't let me. Labrador retriever is a doggy we can both agree on. X
Sweet puppy!
Good planning on the house.
We went to Uni, got jobs, married, bought a house, had DS... It seems to have worked out okay.
I think things have worked out really well for you Mel, I obviously don't know DH but from what I can tell you're a great couple and despite his inability to do some things around the house or planning activities for holidays, he seems a good'un!

So ridiculously tired, not sure how I'm going to cope with early mornings next week! Heading to school in a bit to get my classroom sorted, apparently they have finished decorating my room but I should be prepared for all my furniture etc just to be in the middle of the room! How helpful of them not to bother putting things back where they were. I don't think it'll take me too long to sort it all, I've got a TA coming in at lunchtime to help so I'll ask her to cover my display boards - the one job I hate!

I still need to get some things for my room that I've kind of tried to get online and if just hasn't happened. I need to get a small table cover for the role play kitchen dining table, some material to make into curtain type things to hide under tables and some plastic kitchen bits like food and stuff. Can't seem to find anyone here with a sewing machine that I can borrow to make my very simple curtain type things though! Bah.