New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Haha I like it :p I'm FINALLY getting to see Aaron this weekend, he's on his way down now. I seem to have spent the entire time since I've been home doing things but I've not done any work... oops! We're going to have a protein meal, I've got chicken or fish (haddock or cod I can't remember) and he fancies the fish so we'll have that. Not sure what to do to go with it though!

Whoo Hoo! Happy Weekend for sure!
Thanks ladies. Think we're planning on a walk and ether snowman building or sledging!
Definitely both. I love sledging, haven't done it for a very long time though.
We want pictures of your snowman! X
We didn't end up sledging. Tried to make a snowman but his upper body was so heavy he fell off and broke lol After only about half an hour we both felt quite weak, sick and dizzy so came back in. Seems I can't handle too much physical exertion doing this. Feel hungry today, like my body just needs more rather than being tempted. Hopefully Aaron being here will keep me on track.
We didn't end up sledging. Tried to make a snowman but his upper body was so heavy he fell off and broke lol After only about half an hour we both felt quite weak, sick and dizzy so came back in. Seems I can't handle too much physical exertion doing this. Feel hungry today, like my body just needs more rather than being tempted. Hopefully Aaron being here will keep me on track.

I'm sure he will.
We're both struggling today to be honest. Just feel a bit physically weak! Might have a little extra protein with dinner.
Had some extra protein and felt that it really helped. I just felt physically exhausted. It was a struggle to move or do anything! My head felt funny, a bit dizzy. Head still feels a little funny today but won't have any major physical exertion to do today, no running up hills pushing 3ft round balls of snow lol

Keep peeking at the scales each morning. Not sure whether I should or not! In a way it's nice to see how I'm doing but at the same time, it takes the surprise out of Wednesday morning a little... which could be good if it's not a big loss! It's become habit now though.

Last day before Aaron goes home. We're planning to have our protein meal at lunch time as he won't have one when he goes home. Then I need to do some work this afternoon as I've not got much planned for next week! I've got some marking to do too.

On the diet front, I've decided that I'm not going to have the protein meal every day. I might just have it at weekends or if there's a day where I really fancy it. I just don't want to get too used to it that I don't weigh/measure things properly and so the calories and carbs sneak up little by little. Also, it'll make having food at the weekends with Aaron more special I think.
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Keep peeking at the scales each morning. Not sure whether I should or not! In a way it's nice to see how I'm doing but at the same time, it takes the surprise out of Wednesday morning a little... which could be good if it's not a big loss! It's become habit now though.

I keep doing this and I know I shouldn't because if it doesn't show a loss, or even a slight gain due to water retention it might set me off cheating

On the diet front, I've decided that I'm not going to have the protein meal every day. I might just have it at weekends or if there's a day where I really fancy it. I just don't want to get too used to it that I don't weigh/measure things properly and so the calories and carbs sneak up little by little. Also, it'll make having food at the weekends with Aaron more special I think.

I think that this is a good idea, for me 4 packs are working at the moment, I may have the odd 3 packs and protein meal, if we have anything special on etc, but otherwise I think I'll stick to 4 packs
Morning Caroline,

Sounds like a good plan. I'm glad you got to see "the boy".
I've been talking to S&S this morning and I'm considering becoming a consultant for them when they launch their consultant programme soon. I'm not 100% sure about it though. Though I have lost weight and though I know the theory of health, fitness and dieting very well, I'm not sure that I'm really in a position at this current weight to advise people on losing weight. It is something that really interests me though and it's something that I would enjoy doing. I'm not sure, based on where I live, that I would have much of a customer base where I am though either. I could probably quite easily find 'online' based clients as I've already got a number of friends who are interested in starting S&S and who I've been talking about it with, helping and advising them. It would work by me buying in bulk and then selling on though, rather than them purchasing through the website using me as a consultant or something. So that makes it a little more difficult. I'll have a think about it though once they get back to me with more information.
Caroline is would be a great way to supplement your teaching income. There is no one better than someone whose "been there and done that" to help you.
I don't think it's particularly public knowledge at the moment. I approached them. I've got quite a few friends who I've got to consider it from things I've said including one who has started and I'm basically like a consultant to her, I just don't get paid for it! I think it's something I would do.
Made a lovely chicken casserole for dinner today before Aaron went home. S&S friendly!

Chicken - 100g each (but we had a little extra)
Swede - chopped into cubes - 75g per person
Mushrooms - 50g cut into quarters
Cabbage - 25g sliced
Leek - 50g sliced
Bullion - Around 400ml would be ok per person
Herbs - pepper, thyme, oregano, basil and garlic

Part boiled the swede, dry fried the chicken, stuck it all in a casserole dish and stuck it in the oven for about 30 minutes. It was delicious!! Stick to that and it's 180 calories and only 4.3g of carbs! We did have a bit of extra chicken (200g raw weight instead of 100g cooked weight) but S&S give 148 cals per 100g but the chicken I buy is 110 cals per 100g and once it lost a bit of weight in cooking it won't be much more. I think we've both started to come down with a little something, start of a cold maybe, so both felt like we needed the extra protein to help with dizziness, weakness etc. which I never normally have. I'd rather have that extra chicken over caving to the multitudes of sin that are downstairs in my kitchen!!
It's just the one that I found in the supermarket, I didn't know there was more than one type! Err... it's a green tub with an orange lid I think.