New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

I have always wanted to call you Caz, but I never like to assume and shorten somebody's name. Not everyone likes it. :)
I get called Caz a lot so you could have! :) Even my parents call me it.
You can call me Caz if you want! Caz... Caroline... anything as long as it's not mean lol

Weighed myself this morning (I know, I know!) and doesn't look good for a decent loss this week. Still got two days though so could all change. Between Weds and Fri I'd only lost 0.2lb and then Sat morning I suddenly dropped another 1.2lb so could have another drop on Tues or Weds. Have found I seem to lose like that lately. I'll not change much at all and then suddenly drop. Any less than 3lbs on Weds and I will be quite disappointed to be honest, any more than 4lbs and I'll be over the moon! Considering I'm currently at 1.4lbs I'm bracing myself for disappointment, just in case. Whatever the WI result, I'll carry on regardless. The diet is working, I'm getting the weight off and although I might not lose as much as I want each week, I'm still losing and that's the important bit.

I read an article somewhere about a theory that when fat cells first empty themselves of fat, they refill with water and eventually dump that water, which is why you see sudden drops rather than a steady daily drop. Seems plausible. I know that I'm not drinking enough water. This weekend I probably only just hit 1 litre each day. I know that if I don't drink enough, I hang on to water and don't lose very well. So these next 2 days I really am going to try and get the water in, I need to. Might help the fat cells to dump the water too!
Morning Caro (as in Caro Syrup ' cause you're very sweet) --

I think the water is important. I hope you manage... It can't be easy when popping to loo as you will isn't an option.

Joining you today... I did lose 4.5 pounds on my tweaked version --but that's for 4 weeks.
Hello Caz! :) How has your day been? Very interested in the fat cells/water theory, makes a lot of sense to me and allows me to understand all the sts I've had the past 2 years!

Thanks for sharing :)

Keep optimistic, those scales might just surprise you on weigh in..fingers tightly crossed! x
Just realised I haven't posted on your diary today. Hey Caz, how are you? :)
Like the new name Caz :D I struggle with water too, so was interested in the article about water, I'll try and up my water intake I think
Evening Caz -- I've had to wee all day. I don't know how you manage in a classroom all day.
Not sure how I manage it either! Though I barely have time to drink let alone pop to the loo, especially on a Monday when I'm on break duty so I'm in class 8.40-12 and 1-3.15.

I'm doing ok thanks ladies :) Not seeing Aaron this weekend so trying to come up with another plan. I like to make the most of my weekends so I don't want to just stay at home and not do anything. Unfortunately most of my friends aren't local to me anymore. Those that are within visiting distance are all busy. So it probably will be a quiet at home! In other news, we finally found and booked something for our anniversary weekend. No camping in his garden after all, yay!

Speaking of quiet times at home, I got home today at about 6pm. I've done all my marking. I've got no planning to do. Seems that I have a very rare free evening! So I thin I'm going to have a bath and then get in bed to watch some TV before getting an early night.

Got given cakes today by one of the kids in my class, he made them especially for me! It was so hard to not eat any of them, I very discretely put them in the bin after they all went home. I felt bad but have to think about myself and this diet. WI in just two days, can't ruin it!
Have to admit, was ridiuclously hard... lots of oozy icing!
How sweet of him. But good on you for binning them.
What's the anniversary plan?
He had our Gruffalo soft toys for the weekend and wrote about making them in the diary. It was very sweet.

We're heading to Blackpool for the weekend. Might not sound very romantic but I reckon it's fun! His mum and dad talk about it with fond memories of their early days, apparently they used to get the train there a lot. Neither of us have been though. Found a great deal, 2 nights in a hotel with breakfast and dinner both days for just £89 for the two of us. Seemed the best one to go for, I'll drive to his and then he'll drive us up there.

Food for today...
Breakfast: Banana shake (starting to try and get into the habit of having breakfast)
Lunch: Spaghetti pack (Too much water, oops!)
Afternoon: Maple bar (On the drive home)
Dinner: Cod baked in the oven with some parsley and roasted veg (swede, courgette, pepper, leek and mushroom)
Water: 1 litre plus 500ml in packs. Will try and fit another 1L in before sleep.
Total count: 547cals and 46g carbs

Sounds so... drastic! I have a little panic when I see those numbers sometimes and then I remember that it's all planned out and safe. Going to start taking a multivitamin from tonight, you're meant to if you do 3 plus a meal but I never remember to. They make me feel really sick in the mornings and then later on I forget. Going to put them on my bedside table and try to remember to take them at bed time.
Hi Caz!

I take my vitamins with the shake. The make me ill on an empty stomach.

You're doing fab!
I've tried haven them with a smoothie before and still felt a bit sick. I'll give it a try though if I keep forgetting.
I am yeah. It's good, very helpful.
Well done for resisting chick! :)

Your weekend sounds great, I've never been to Blackpool either.