Total Solution New York or Bust

Awww, thats great Nikki :)
On plan R Us :D
Well jael....

Ive just made my first sucessfull carbonarra .....:)

It actually looked a bit like it too.
So ive eaten my carbonarra...for my late lunch. Ive still got a soup or bar later too.

Now everyone has their hobby. Making bracelets or going to the hobby is ...... ( and im a little ashamed to say it)

Im a gamer girl geek...i build gameworlds for servers for people to play in... So when you walk about in a game looking at buildings and things inside them. They where all put there by someone..and thats what i do...

Im in the middle of making over a city. Ive done an arena for gladiator games. Built houses, gardens, chaples, temples..and this afternoon im building a wizards tower....

So now the kids are out im sit down at my pc open the buildset and make a tower interior for the game..

I play neverwinter nights ...its a dungeons and dragons game. Set on servers that beam my work all over the world.. most of the players i play with and build for are americans . Brits. Aussies or irish...

Which is how i got into this weight mess >.<.... Sitting at my keyboard at night drinking pop and wine. Cider etc and eating family packets of sweeties or huge bars of chocolate instead of eating properly...

Now i have at my keyboard a bottle of fizzy water an no sweeties :(

And im trying to be good...

Nice quiet afternoon

Nix that sounds amazing you must be so clever. I haven't even mastered putting all my weight loss badges on here at the same time. I can put one at a time on but that is all!
I so admire you but I can see how your lifestyle was not conducive to staying slim but you have the right idea now.
Mere x
Well jael....

Ive just made my first sucessfull carbonarra .....:)

It actually looked a bit like it too.
So ive eaten my carbonarra...for my late lunch. Ive still got a soup or bar later too.

Now everyone has their hobby. Making bracelets or going to the hobby is ...... ( and im a little ashamed to say it)

Im a gamer girl geek...i build gameworlds for servers for people to play in... So when you walk about in a game looking at buildings and things inside them. They where all put there by someone..and thats what i do...

Im in the middle of making over a city. Ive done an arena for gladiator games. Built houses, gardens, chaples, temples..and this afternoon im building a wizards tower....

So now the kids are out im sit down at my pc open the buildset and make a tower interior for the game..

I play neverwinter nights ...its a dungeons and dragons game. Set on servers that beam my work all over the world.. most of the players i play with and build for are americans . Brits. Aussies or irish...

Which is how i got into this weight mess >.<.... Sitting at my keyboard at night drinking pop and wine. Cider etc and eating family packets of sweeties or huge bars of chocolate instead of eating properly...

Now i have at my keyboard a bottle of fizzy water an no sweeties :(

And im trying to be good...

Nice quiet afternoon


Yay I had a carbonara for lunch too, yum :)

And wow, that's really cool! I dont really play computer games, other than Castleville on facebook and I dont think that counts lol, but my daughter wants to be a computer game designer when she grows up :)
Wow Nikki, thats an amazing thing to do :D
I used to get very addicted to computer games years ago, so I dont play any of them now, as I wouldn't do anything else in life.
I also found it disrupted my sleep, as when I shut my eyes, the game was all I could see :eek:

I think you doing this with your water is a good way to break your old habits :)
I sat and built the mages tower...had a 2 hour conference skype with the other builders, we work on a team to keep the server maintained...

Whilst building i drank some coke zero but didnt eat anything...its a habit you build snack and drink... Now i find i drink a lot so the waters good for me... Im off the pc for tonight...

For example..a single floor in a single room ibterior i build can have 500 placable things. From chairs to table to things on benches forks. Couches lighting. Fires. Floors..i design and build each room in each interior and put scripts to make them work... Then they need to be tested to make sure things work as they should, and nothing is in strange floating candles etc etc

It can sometimes take me a week just to do a few rooms in an interior..gardens are a task as each flower or tree has to be individually placed...turned and positionned at the right height.

This is purely a hobby i dont get paid.
Unless ypu count the thank yous when i hand over one of my creations to its new owner..i get a great feeling of satisfaction making something amazing for a player. That i know they cant do themselves.

I found playing i couldnt walk away . But building i come and go as i like..i have learned to walk away. Which also makes it better for me too..

Maybe i can post a few screenshots of my work so you can get an idea how intricate it is...

Ooh i was 100% good today

I sat and built the mages tower...had a 2 hour conference skype with the other builders, we work on a team to keep the server maintained...

Whilst building i drank some coke zero but didnt eat anything...its a habit you build snack and drink... Now i find i drink a lot so the waters good for me... Im off the pc for tonight...

For example..a single floor in a single room ibterior i build can have 500 placable things. From chairs to table to things on benches forks. Couches lighting. Fires. Floors..i design and build each room in each interior and put scripts to make them work... Then they need to be tested to make sure things work as they should, and nothing is in strange floating candles etc etc

It can sometimes take me a week just to do a few rooms in an interior..gardens are a task as each flower or tree has to be individually placed...turned and positionned at the right height.

This is purely a hobby i dont get paid.
Unless ypu count the thank yous when i hand over one of my creations to its new owner..i get a great feeling of satisfaction making something amazing for a player. That i know they cant do themselves.

I found playing i couldnt walk away . But building i come and go as i like..i have learned to walk away. Which also makes it better for me too..

Maybe i can post a few screenshots of my work so you can get an idea how intricate it is...

Ooh i was 100% good today


Sounds fab, and well done on being 100%, bet your so pleased you didn't cave in and go to the monster in laws :)
I sat and built the mages tower...had a 2 hour conference skype with the other builders we work on a team to keep the server maintained...

Whilst building i drank some coke zero but didnt eat anything...its a habit you build snack and drink... Now i find i drink a lot so the waters good for me... Im off the pc for tonight...

For example..a single floor in a single room ibterior i build can have 500 placable things. From chairs to table to things on benches forks. Couches lighting. Fires. Floors..i design and build each room in each interior and put scripts to make them work...

It can sometimes take me a week just to do a few rooms in an interior..gardens are a rask as each flower or tree has to be individually placed...

This is purely a hobby i dont get paid.
Unless ypu cpunt the thNk ypus when i hand over one of my creations to its new owner..i get a great feeling of satisfaction making something amazing for a player. That i know they cant do themselves.

I gound playing i couldnt walk away . But building i come and go as i like..i have learned to walk away. Which also makes it better for me too..

Maybe i can post a few screenshots of my work so you can get an idea how intricate it is...

Ooh i was 100% good today


It sounds really fascinating.
Mere x
It does sound fascinating but why the heck aren't you being paid for it? Surely the person you're making it for is being paid for it? So why shouldn't you earn for all that hard work too? I dont know what you do for "work" but game designers or whatever the specific technical term is for what you do, are paid a lot of money, I certainly wouldnt be giving those skills away for nothing.
The games a free game. Its a server related game..i get paid with in game stuff currency etc..but its just for fun.

I do know that if i had my time over again.. its what id want to be... Im an auditor by trade. Though i long gave that up for a more easy life when i had kids.

But if your daughter wants to be a designer..back her fully. Find out what you need to get into that profession and help and guide her, support her .. if she manages to get into it its a great job and well paid

And fun too....

I love my hobby

My brother talked about getting her a Raspberry Pi for her birthday so she can start learning about programming. I know nothing about this stuff, I'm good at using software but when it comes to any kind of programming I have no idea.
If you google the rasberry pi. Its a credit card sized pc chip to turn a monitor into a basic type of pc.

Does she had a pc or a tablet already ? If she does youd get no gain from one of these i think....

If she has a pc already maybe look at some basic programming courses to see if she likes it... Tgat said im not sure of the age of your daughter.. i may be stepping way ahead if shes only very young

: )

My oldest is 7 and a half hes very interrested in games. Im going to teach him what i do to see if he keeps his intrest. If he does we will incouridge him to to take the best subjects to aid him.

But my boy is dislexic and its really hard for him right now. Though hes brilliant at maths and his command of pcs and games is good.

We will help support his weakness and encouridge his strengths

If you google the rasberry pi. Its a credit card sized pc chip to turn a monitor into a basic type of pc.

Does she had a pc or a tablet already ? If she does youd get no gain from one of these i think....

If she has a pc already maybe look at some basic programming courses to see if she likes it... Tgat said im not sure of the age of your daughter.. i may be stepping way ahead if shes only very young

: )

My oldest is 7 and a half hes very interrested in games. Im going to teach him what i do to see if he keeps his intrest. If he does we will incouridge him to to take the best subjects to aid him.

But my boy is dislexic and its really hard for him right now. Though hes brilliant at maths and his command of pcs and games is good.

We will help support his weakness and encouridge his strengths


She'll be turning 12 at the end of the month. She has a cheap laptop that I got her at Argos last year for her to do her homework on and her dad got her a Samsung tablet for xmas. Well if my brother does decide to get her one he'll have to be the one to teach her how to use it cos I can't lol.
They look fairly easy kinda plug n play. Not sure about set not the most technical myself.

Best thing to do first is look for reviews on them and see what other people think or what they have used them for. Is the best advice i can give.

Im sure your brother has reasearched them. Id not heard of them till you said here. And google is a godsend :)

Woop woop nuther 1.25 lbs over night..looks like it might be a good WI friday :)

Woop woop nuther 1.25 lbs over night..looks like it might be a good WI friday :)


Well done Nix looking good.
Mere x
Day one of 30 day shred.....
I survived...well i did 90% of it...cant do proper push ups my arms arnt strong enough...

And instead of doing twn days each work out how many days till my holiday an divide it by three..then do thatany each completely be able to do it :)

Im gonna hurt in the morning

I feel my sholders already.. and inner thighs..but its gotta be worth it right ?

Day one of 30 day shred.....
I survived...well i did 90% of it...cant do proper push ups my arms arnt strong enough...

And instead of doing twn days each work out how many days till my holiday an divide it by three..then do thatany each completely be able to do it :)

Im gonna hurt in the morning

I feel my sholders already.. and inner thighs..but its gotta be worth it right ?


Is it hardcore ?
I bought it but haven't plucked up the courage to do it lol x