Wow, am I ever embarrassed to be sharing this
Damn, can't have my peanut butter now lol.
Sorry, this is going to be MAJOR tmi, but the Eagle has landed lol. My God what a relief!
I have been bunged up since taking Orlistat and only 'been' a few times. I've been taking laxatives to no effect etc etc
So, as I said I allowed myself some fat at lunch. More than I plan to use in future as I had the intent of getting things moving. I put a tiny bit of butter on my poached egg on toast instead of flora light. 1 hr later and I'm sorted! I really didn't expect it to work so fast or on so little fat! I saw my first orange too so I know it was down to the little bit of extra fat and the orlistsat. No bad effect just the colour on the paper (sorry). I had the butter cos I wasn't sure if the peanut butter later would be enough. Shouldn't have worried, the little bit of fat was plenty lol.
My system works quickly when I have fat apparently! I didn't think it would have an effect til tomorrow. I'm not complaining lol.
I'll save the peanut butter til next time I need a nudge.
Clearly I do need the slight increase in fat, just not that much unless it's an emergency! lol.
So if I make the changes I planned to, semi instead of skimmed milk, normal cottage cheese instead of fat free - then I should be ok. I hope it will be enough to keep my system moving but not so much I will get side effects. But if constipation is a problem again, well I know what to do lol.
It's really bizarre how just a spoonful of butter can tip the balance so much! If that small amount can take me from totally bunged up to a huge relief then I can't see how some people, like my sister can eat crisps, chips, pizza, garlic bread etc! its definitely a case of eating healthily and allowing 'just' enough fat cos it could so easily turn into disaster!
So sorry this is such a gross post but I sure feel better!
I guess there is such a thing as being 'too' good.
Caz x