Haha I knew ya weren't posh ya from sunderland lmao I like all sorts if its cider it does have to be bulmers tho unless its a snakebite or diesel mmmm lol xx
They do at gala nothing healthy tho haha really nice and cheap too burger's chips sausage sarnie curry gravy yum yum yum lol i'll be saving my syns lol xx
In my experience I fail if I dont treat myself every now and again so have a treat hun i'm going on thursday and your more than welcome to join me i'm even worse when i'm on I like crisps crisps and more crisps oh and dip mmmm haha xx
It starts at 7 til 9 nd its 6quid not sure about th metro but no th bus stops just outside coz thats where I get off lol I get bus from haymarket I could meet ya there if ya want with my mam lol xx
Haha i'm nervous too ya th 1st new person i'll have met out of choice in th last 2 years lol we'll meet ya at 6 at bus station we all share whatever we win but ya dont have to obviously lol you'll have to wear a red carnation lmao xx
Haha this thursday or nxt is fine nd yeah ya get a free dabberr ya 1st time and I take normal pens i'm better wit them lol go ahead treat yourself i've pm'd u wit my number nd i'm a 22 year old female and my mam is also female 65 haha xx
Oh ya can also get corrie dabber's haha ya get them from gala different colours and different character's hee hee xx
Think there 2.50 each so quite pricey but nice becky is pink I think lol my cuz has them all haha oh nd re pm I dont think ya a nut hun lol xx
Wilkos do a purple one but there crap they leak everywhere lol xx