Hi Laura im back on slim n save but emma's doing sliming world if you want to ask her any q bout it. When you starting chick? im on restart today xxhi everyone.
im from the north east too. Live in consett but grew up over prudhoe
iv only just started attempting to lose weight again but thinking of trying slimming world this time
hiya chick, ive switched to WW, OH's coming with me in morn to join, first meetings free so he's gonna come along to support me even though hes a skinny minnie lol. gonna be brave and join gym in newcastle, it looks amazing n got loads of classes to choose from, just gotta suck up anxiety n get there first lol. What you doing in the meantime,calorie counting? xxhello, i started my diet yesterday although i only won the slimming world books on ebay on sunday so im waiting for them to arrive before starting to do that diet.
calorie counting drives me in sane. im just eating healthy and working out.
Mick (the other half) bought me a cross trainer and he's turned my bike into an excerise bike so ive got a mini gym going on in the house.
I used to do weight watchers, went to the meetings and was at the gym 3/4 times a week and in the 15 months i was with weight watchers i lost 15lbs. the leader wasnt nice, made me feel pathetic, kept rubbing it in that others who'd joined when i did had lost 3/4 stone..so i left. did better on my own and lost 7lbs in 2 months. but then started widdling myself off it. the junk food crept in etc..
Since my daughter was born last march, ive been trying to lose weight. I lost a stone, but then it slowly started coming back on again, so need to really pull my finger out and get losing again.
Hi ladies
How is everyone?
Catbot your messages are full so I couldn't reply!
I'm back to ww today after three weeks away (two of them on an all inclusive holiday) and the results aren't pretty! Really need to get my butt into gear now and follow the damn points!
Catdog even! God I'm so sorry I can't even get a name right!!
Holiday was amazing so glad I went but the hard work starts again now
I went to the Dominican republic id go back tomorrow!
Oh how exciting and congratulations!! Vegas looks great was liking at the weekend virgin said flights should be out early to mid july if that's any help? Where you looking at staying?
I just wondered if you'd joined the one I go to but you haven't I go to springs lite on the quayside well I go to the pool one day I'll hit the gym..
Great about the job hun! What are you looking to go to college for?
Oh that's excellent! I keep toying with the idea of doing something in criminology but I'm not sure I could face another uni course good luck with it!
Girl only gym sounds good I should probably go to one of them
yeah you should, mine
well this will be first time at uni for me,always planned on going but lifes problems got in the way, better late than never eh lol im gonna be a pensioner compared to the other starters xx
Of course you wont be!! What is it you eventually want to do? xx